Friday, December 11, 2009

Ask Angel: How to manage stress from finals

Dear Angel,
I get very stressed before and during a final. I know it’s last minute, but do you have any tips to help
keep me on track?
Stressed About Finals

Dear Stressed,
It’s not unusual to feel overwhelmed this time of the year. Here my suggestions for easing this stress. Of course, you are always welcome to stop in the Wellness Center for support as well.

The night before a final:
Don’t stay up all night! Nothing good happens after midnight — your ability to concentrate, retain facts and clearly convey what you know is reduced if you are sleep deprived.
Avoid, or significantly reduce, your use of stimulants (i.e. pop, coffee, tea, No Doz etc.). In large amounts, they can act as a depressant and will also reduce your ability to rest well.
Take frequent stretch breaks (one every 15 to 30 minutes).

Here are a few ideas:
Break #1: Raise your arms above your head, linking your fingers together, and gently pull up. As you do so, take in a slow, deep breath. Release your arms and slowly breathe out. Repeat three or four times.
Break #2: Push your chair away from your desk, inhale and lean forward, touching your toes. Exhale. Repeat three or four times.
Break #3: Stand up. Place hands on hips. Inhale. Rotate at the waist to your left — exhaling as you do. Return to center. Inhale. Turn to right, exhaling and back to center. Repeat three or four times.
Break #4: Close your eyes. Place your palms over your eyes. Inhale to the count of five and then exhale to the count of five. Repeat three to four times. At least every two hours, take a longer break of 15 minutes. Walk around, get a snack, talk to friends.

Have high-energy snacks on hand. Cheese and crackers, peanuts, fruit, vegetable sticks and water are some good choices. High fat options will tend to make you more lethargic and less able to concentrate. Stay away from overly anxious or competitive people.


Don’t waste energy “whipping” yourself about what you “could or should” have done this past semester. FOCUS on what you can do NOW.
The day of a final:
• Eat a good breakfast and lunch.
• Don’t swap questions at the door.
• Leave your books at home.
• Give yourself some positive self-talk (“I can do this”).
• Review the entire test carefully before beginning. Determine which sections will count more, which will require more time. PLAN YOUR STRATEGY for completing the test.
• If you are feeling anxious, employ a slow deep breathing technique. Try the palming technique described above.
• Answer the essay questions first.
• Work on only one question at a time. If you are “stumped” by a question, leave it until the end; FOCUS on what you do know.
• Make an outline of an essay question BEFORE writing your answer. This will help you organize your response and allow you to include more information.
• FOCUS on what you are doing. Avoid wasting time and energy paying attention to how others are doing (i.e. getting done first). When the test is over, leave your thoughts of it behind and focus on the next one; you can’t change what you have already done.

Good Luck with your finals, and may you all have a relaxing and joy-filled break.

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