By Lindsay Dickson
Approximately $10,000 was raised Sunday, Oct. 28, at the Recipe for Relief, a benefit for Saint Mary’s University employees impacted by the August 2007 floods. More than 160 students, staff, faculty and friends of the SMU community attended this event filled with food, music and a silent auction.
The event included items and services donated to the silent auction, hors d’oeuvres made by 22 SMU “celebrity chefs,” and music provided by SMU faculty, staff and students. “It was nice to see how much people put forth to make this happen,” said Katie LaPlant, director of student activities and volunteer services.
The staff and faculty volunteer committee started planning Recipe for Relief early this fall. “We wanted one solid community response and we thought [Recipe for Relief] was the best way to do that,” said LaPlant. LaPlant has been a member of the committee since she began working at SMU in 2004.
Although about $10,000 was raised at the event, over $20,000 was raised in all, including monetary donations.
The majority of the money will be donated to SMU families affected by flooding, whose stories can be read at The rest of the donations will be given to renters, parents of flood victims, and other victims who lost items in the flood, explained LaPlant.
Many members of the committee felt it was important to assist those in need. Vice President and General Counsel Ann Merchlewitz said “one of the hallmarks of SMU is that we have a close-knit community.”
Both Merchlewitz and LaPlant said they have received positive feedback on the event. The evening “had this great feel and great blend of SMU faculty and staff, music, and food,” said Merchlewitz. “It all lent itself to a very relaxing, fun evening.”
The volunteer committee also works with events including Gifts for Winona, Jeans for a Cause, and Let’s Do Lunch.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Blood Drive sponsored by sisters of SAI
By Maria Sullivan
Cardinal Staff
The sisters of the Saint Mary’s University music fraternity Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) sponsored the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Oct. 22 and 23 on the SMU campus.
The blood drive, organized by SAI Activities Chair Samantha Kirsch, was extremely successful and went smoothly, according to Kirsch. Around 120 people, including students, faculty and staff, donated blood. “Out of the five years that the Red Cross has held a blood drive on Saint Mary’s campus, this year has had the most donors,” said Kirsch. “Both days broke their goals of 55 donors a day.”
This is the first year that SAI sponsored the well-known blood drive on campus, and they were more than happy to take on the responsibility, said Kirsch. “Even though we are a music fraternity, we enjoy volunteering to help within the community,” said Kirsch.
SAI President Erin Hendricks said, “It’s a lot of work and, yes, it takes enormous man power, but in the end it’s worth it when you look at the lives that are going to be potentially saved.”
Junior Jessica Paulsen, who donated blood at the drive, said, “I thought that the blood drive was well organized. The only thing that I think could have made the experience better was if there were more volunteers. Then there wouldn’t be so much waiting around to give blood.”
A blood drive will be held on campus again in March. “The sisters of SAI will be hosting it again,” said Kirsch. “We look forward to seeing everyone back again to help us with the cause.”
Chartwells donated food for the blood drive.
Cardinal Staff
The sisters of the Saint Mary’s University music fraternity Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) sponsored the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Oct. 22 and 23 on the SMU campus.
The blood drive, organized by SAI Activities Chair Samantha Kirsch, was extremely successful and went smoothly, according to Kirsch. Around 120 people, including students, faculty and staff, donated blood. “Out of the five years that the Red Cross has held a blood drive on Saint Mary’s campus, this year has had the most donors,” said Kirsch. “Both days broke their goals of 55 donors a day.”
This is the first year that SAI sponsored the well-known blood drive on campus, and they were more than happy to take on the responsibility, said Kirsch. “Even though we are a music fraternity, we enjoy volunteering to help within the community,” said Kirsch.
SAI President Erin Hendricks said, “It’s a lot of work and, yes, it takes enormous man power, but in the end it’s worth it when you look at the lives that are going to be potentially saved.”
Junior Jessica Paulsen, who donated blood at the drive, said, “I thought that the blood drive was well organized. The only thing that I think could have made the experience better was if there were more volunteers. Then there wouldn’t be so much waiting around to give blood.”
A blood drive will be held on campus again in March. “The sisters of SAI will be hosting it again,” said Kirsch. “We look forward to seeing everyone back again to help us with the cause.”
Chartwells donated food for the blood drive.
HalloWinona brings Ultimate Frisbee players from afar
By Jessica Paulsen
Cardinal Staff
The 13th annual HalloWinona tournament was held in Winona on Oct. 27 and 28.
HalloWinona is an Ultimate Frisbee tournament and party. Around 40 teams and clubs from Minnesota and neighboring states participated, including one high school team. Many of the teams dressed up because it was the Halloween tournament.
There were three brackets this year; the men’s open A, open B and the women’s bracket. In previous years there have been more teams, but due to the recent flooding, there was a shortage of fields available.
According to Saint Mary’s University captain Eric Duffy, the Winona State University captain said the event lived up to his expectations.
SMU contributed by allowing the women’s games to be played on Joe’s Field, providing four extra fields. There were also eight in the park by Lake Winona, four at Winona High School and two at the technical college.
The Saint Mary’s Ultimate Frisbee Club (MUF) played four games and enjoyed their first tournament. “Overall, it was a learning experience for us,” said Duffy, “but it was insanely fun.”
Cardinal Staff
The 13th annual HalloWinona tournament was held in Winona on Oct. 27 and 28.
HalloWinona is an Ultimate Frisbee tournament and party. Around 40 teams and clubs from Minnesota and neighboring states participated, including one high school team. Many of the teams dressed up because it was the Halloween tournament.
There were three brackets this year; the men’s open A, open B and the women’s bracket. In previous years there have been more teams, but due to the recent flooding, there was a shortage of fields available.
According to Saint Mary’s University captain Eric Duffy, the Winona State University captain said the event lived up to his expectations.
SMU contributed by allowing the women’s games to be played on Joe’s Field, providing four extra fields. There were also eight in the park by Lake Winona, four at Winona High School and two at the technical college.
The Saint Mary’s Ultimate Frisbee Club (MUF) played four games and enjoyed their first tournament. “Overall, it was a learning experience for us,” said Duffy, “but it was insanely fun.”
Second Page leaves audiences laughing
By Theresa Breault
Cardinal Staff
If you didn’t get a chance to go to Second Page on Oct. 26 or 27, you missed out on one incredible performance. From the hilarious beginning to the end, the night was filled with laughter.
Eight Saint Mary’s University students put on an improv-comedy show in the style of “Whose Line is it Anyways?” Members of the audience picked the games out of a hat and shouted out scene suggestions for the improvers to act out on stage. Added in sporadically were skits and the musical talents of sophomore Peter Snell, who accompanied on the piano.
The theme for the show, “Back to the Fig,” referred to Second Page’s return to Figliulo Recital Hall after having performed in the Common Room last year.
In all, Second Page was an incredibly entertaining event. For those interested in joining in on the fun, Second Page meets on Wednesday nights from 10 p.m. to midnight in the Common Room in Saint Mary’s Hall.
Cardinal Staff
If you didn’t get a chance to go to Second Page on Oct. 26 or 27, you missed out on one incredible performance. From the hilarious beginning to the end, the night was filled with laughter.
Eight Saint Mary’s University students put on an improv-comedy show in the style of “Whose Line is it Anyways?” Members of the audience picked the games out of a hat and shouted out scene suggestions for the improvers to act out on stage. Added in sporadically were skits and the musical talents of sophomore Peter Snell, who accompanied on the piano.
The theme for the show, “Back to the Fig,” referred to Second Page’s return to Figliulo Recital Hall after having performed in the Common Room last year.
In all, Second Page was an incredibly entertaining event. For those interested in joining in on the fun, Second Page meets on Wednesday nights from 10 p.m. to midnight in the Common Room in Saint Mary’s Hall.
Friday, October 12, 2007
SMU 'drills' new procedures

As the clocks struck 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 2, fire alarms rang through Saint Mary’s, Skemp, Heffron, Griffin, Hendrickson, and Hoffman halls. This was the first time in recent history that there was a planned fire drill in academic buildings. The drill was a test of the university’s response to a potential emergency, planned by the Emergency Preparedness Committee.
Like many other colleges across the country, SMU reacted to the Virginia Tech shootings last April by immediately assessing safety and security on campus. The goal of the committee is to “assess where we are right now in terms of responding to a wide range of situations,” said committee member Chris Kendall, vice president of student development.
SMU already has emergency response and crisis communication plans in place. The events at Virginia Tech made SMU administration take a step back and study how current plans could be improved and more upgrades could be made.
SMU realizes that school shootings can be a threat, but other disasters could also happen on campus, such as flooding, fires, bomb threats, or other weather-related events.
“The flood showed us it doesn’t happen just down the river; it can happen anywhere,” said Kendall.
The committee has discussed strategies for mass communication. One is a fire alarm control head, with one processor in the Toner Student Center. This would be able to send and receive information from other buildings. Alarms in buildings around campus can be triggered by this control. Another strategy is voice communication from campus safety to other buildings. Recent upgrades include PA systems on the campus safety vans, radios for professional hall staff, and megaphones at the campus safety booth. “We’re trying not to rely on just one system,” said Kendall. “It all revolves around communication.” Email, voicemail and the SMU website would be used to convey details of an emergency.
The fire drill was staged to get people familiar with emergency response. “Generally we were pleased that everybody got out as fast as they did,” said Kendall.
“I think the fire drills are a good idea,” said senior Matt Clementz. “It should have been there before and should be done more often. Everybody thinks it’s a drill, but if something really happens, it’s going to be big.”
More drills will be planned in the future, with an addition of a lockdown drill. First, the committee will define a lockdown and then educate the SMU community. Kendall explained that SMU could have a lockdown drill when a better communication system is in place.
SMU has budgeted up to $100,000 for the processor and has committed to making these improvements in communication happen. SMU would like to “make an upgrade [to communication] that will last a long time and will be adaptable to future changes,” said Kendall.
Some other schools have upgraded to a system that would text-message all students during an emergency. The committee decided against this because SMU asks that students leave cell phones turned off during class, so not everyone would read the message at the appropriate time.
Kendall explained that more prospective students and parents are indicating that the safety of a school is an important deciding factor. The number one concern of the committee is the safety of the students, and Kendall is confident these new systems address this concern.
SMU also plans to have better awareness and training on what to do when disaster strikes. “We can’t let ourselves fall asleep,” said Kendall. “Safety is everyone’s responsibility.”
International students diversify SMU

Cardinal Staff
Eager students traveled near and far for what would be their first, and for some their last, academic year at Saint Mary’s University. They were greeted with many changes and additions to the SMU campus this year, including an increase in international admissions.
This year, SMU opened its campus to 42 new international students, representing 20 different cultures and countries including Haiti, China, Rwanda, and Colombia. Presently, there are 73 international students on campus.
For some, this is their first time away from home, and the transition has been challenging but rewarding.
Yue Yang, a new student from Beijing, China, described her feelings before arriving in America as “exciting at first.”
“I imagined America being like the Hollywood movies I watched,” Yang said, “but after my arrival I was a little upset because the American people were different.” For others, the feelings were different. “I am happy to be here,” said Andres Mantilla, an international student from Bogota, Colombia.
The Center for International Students has made numerous efforts to increase the diversity on campus. “We had a student diversity task meeting about the services we provide for the international students versus American students, and we also travel to recruit domestic students,” said Maria (Lupita) Garza-Cienfuegos, director of international admission. “Once the international students arrive in Winona, we plan activities and trips so that they will become familiar with their new surroundings,” said Jay Skranka, dean of international student initiatives. Part of the mission for The Center for International Students is to encourage diversity not only in ethnicity, but also in gender, religion, and culture.
The staff at the Center for International Students feels that SMU has a lot to offer international students. They also feel that SMU is a fantastic, supportive community, which leads to a welcoming environment, said Tessy Dias, international student activities coordinator. “We provide an exceptional level of service,” said Dias.
The increase in the international student body provides an opportunity for American and international students to experience new cultural ideas and traditions, and even make new friends. The staff at the Center for International Students asks students to embrace this opportunity to enrich their understanding of the world around them.
Facebook grants access through Google
By Ellen Jordan
Cardinal Staff
When Facebook opened its doors to Saint Mary’s University students two years ago, students did not imagine that using the networking site could result in their profiles going public.
In early September 2007, non-registered Facebook users were granted access to the site through Google, the popular search engine.
Read more... The public can access limited profiles, which include user names and current profile pictures. The public may also “poke” someone, send a message or request to be “friends” via Facebook.
Google is not the only site offering public contact with Facebook users. In the future, Facebook plans to extend rights to MSN and Yahoo.
The expansion of Facebook to other networks is expected with the growth of the site. Founded in 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg, the site started as a hobby that would allow him to network with classmates at Harvard University. Within several months, the site had moved to other universities, including Yale and Stanford. As the site’s popularity grew, more colleges and universities allowed use of it. At the time, the only requirement for students to register was to have an official college email address.
Today, any person with a valid email address can have a Facebook profile. With such a large number of people on Facebook, questions arise as to what should be seen and what should not.
“The fact that the site is going public does put a strain on what I want seen in my profile, and I changed my privacy settings because of it,” said junior Anna Keller. “I know that only people who I am friends with on the site can see my information, but it still worries me.”
Another result of Facebook’s growth is the opportunity for the public to create their own applications and add them to the site for other users to utilize. Many students feel that Facebook has lost the organizational feel that made it so popular from the beginning.
“I originally signed up for a Facebook account because I thought that it would be a good way for me to meet new classmates and keep in touch with my friends from high school,” said junior Michele Mquillan, “but now with all of the applications, I sometimes don’t even bother looking at others’ profiles because it’s such a strain on my eyes.”
The public access to Facebook is not impacting every student. “I knew that Facebook was going to be opening to the public because it was advertised on the site,” said senior Kevin Collins. “I did change my settings, but it’s really not affecting me. I still use the site as much as I did before the change.”
Cardinal Staff
When Facebook opened its doors to Saint Mary’s University students two years ago, students did not imagine that using the networking site could result in their profiles going public.
In early September 2007, non-registered Facebook users were granted access to the site through Google, the popular search engine.
Read more... The public can access limited profiles, which include user names and current profile pictures. The public may also “poke” someone, send a message or request to be “friends” via Facebook.
Google is not the only site offering public contact with Facebook users. In the future, Facebook plans to extend rights to MSN and Yahoo.
The expansion of Facebook to other networks is expected with the growth of the site. Founded in 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg, the site started as a hobby that would allow him to network with classmates at Harvard University. Within several months, the site had moved to other universities, including Yale and Stanford. As the site’s popularity grew, more colleges and universities allowed use of it. At the time, the only requirement for students to register was to have an official college email address.
Today, any person with a valid email address can have a Facebook profile. With such a large number of people on Facebook, questions arise as to what should be seen and what should not.
“The fact that the site is going public does put a strain on what I want seen in my profile, and I changed my privacy settings because of it,” said junior Anna Keller. “I know that only people who I am friends with on the site can see my information, but it still worries me.”
Another result of Facebook’s growth is the opportunity for the public to create their own applications and add them to the site for other users to utilize. Many students feel that Facebook has lost the organizational feel that made it so popular from the beginning.
“I originally signed up for a Facebook account because I thought that it would be a good way for me to meet new classmates and keep in touch with my friends from high school,” said junior Michele Mquillan, “but now with all of the applications, I sometimes don’t even bother looking at others’ profiles because it’s such a strain on my eyes.”
The public access to Facebook is not impacting every student. “I knew that Facebook was going to be opening to the public because it was advertised on the site,” said senior Kevin Collins. “I did change my settings, but it’s really not affecting me. I still use the site as much as I did before the change.”
Yearbook gets makeover; Now free for all students
By Abby Zimmer
Copy Editor
The Saint Mary’s University yearbook, the “Cardinal Legacy,” is undergoing an organizational transformation to allow every student to receive this year’s yearbook for free.
For the past 15 years, $10 has been taken out of each student’s activity fee to help cover printing costs. This will continue to be the case, but now students will receive a copy of the yearbook, at no additional charge, when they move in at the beginning of the school year. Copies of the yearbook will be mailed to seniors.
In recent years, the yearbook was sold for $5 to $10, but due to communication, distribution, and publicity issues, students have not been purchasing many copies, said Jason Richter, assistant dean of students for leadership, service, and activities.
“My hope is that we’re going to bring it out, put it out in the open, let people know what it is about, and then get as many people involved and excited about it as possible,” said Richter.
Another change in the creation of the yearbook is that the pages will all be created online. This allows students to work on the yearbook at any computer on campus as long as they have access to the Internet.
To cut down costs, the 2007-2008 yearbook will be in black-and-white, but it will still be hardcover and approximately 88 pages. Last year’s yearbook will still cost an additional $5-10, but students will be able to receive copies of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 yearbooks for free.
Senior Sarah Ruether, editor of the yearbook, is looking for students who are interested in joining the staff.
Any interested students should attend the informational meeting on Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. in Salvi Lecture Hall, where they will also learn how to use the new online program. All students are welcome no matter their level of experience.
Copy Editor
The Saint Mary’s University yearbook, the “Cardinal Legacy,” is undergoing an organizational transformation to allow every student to receive this year’s yearbook for free.
For the past 15 years, $10 has been taken out of each student’s activity fee to help cover printing costs. This will continue to be the case, but now students will receive a copy of the yearbook, at no additional charge, when they move in at the beginning of the school year. Copies of the yearbook will be mailed to seniors.
In recent years, the yearbook was sold for $5 to $10, but due to communication, distribution, and publicity issues, students have not been purchasing many copies, said Jason Richter, assistant dean of students for leadership, service, and activities.
“My hope is that we’re going to bring it out, put it out in the open, let people know what it is about, and then get as many people involved and excited about it as possible,” said Richter.
Another change in the creation of the yearbook is that the pages will all be created online. This allows students to work on the yearbook at any computer on campus as long as they have access to the Internet.
To cut down costs, the 2007-2008 yearbook will be in black-and-white, but it will still be hardcover and approximately 88 pages. Last year’s yearbook will still cost an additional $5-10, but students will be able to receive copies of the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 yearbooks for free.
Senior Sarah Ruether, editor of the yearbook, is looking for students who are interested in joining the staff.
Any interested students should attend the informational meeting on Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. in Salvi Lecture Hall, where they will also learn how to use the new online program. All students are welcome no matter their level of experience.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
By Candice Norell and Kim Riley
Sports Editor and Guest Writer
On Oct. 17-19, Colleges Against Cancer will be selling t-shirts in the Toner Student Center. Last year’s t-shirts will be sold for $5, and this year’s t-shirts will be sold for $8-10.
Cupcakes will also be sold at $1 each. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society to help find a cure.
In support of breast cancer awareness, Oct. 18 is “Wear Your Pink Day” CAC urges SMU to wear pink.
Also, save the date for this years’ Relay For Life, which for the first time, will be held at Saint Mary’s University instead of Winona State University on April 19-20, 2008.
The theme for Relay For Life is “Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back!” Participants will be celebrating lives that have been touched by cancer, remembering those who lost their battle against cancer, and fighting back so the words “You have cancer” will never be heard again.
SMU’s chapter of CAC has a goal of raising $26,000 and is aiming for two-thirds of campus involvement.
Students would want to become involved in this great cause can contact Kim Riley at or Christie Brunette at
Sports Editor and Guest Writer
On Oct. 17-19, Colleges Against Cancer will be selling t-shirts in the Toner Student Center. Last year’s t-shirts will be sold for $5, and this year’s t-shirts will be sold for $8-10.
Cupcakes will also be sold at $1 each. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society to help find a cure.
In support of breast cancer awareness, Oct. 18 is “Wear Your Pink Day” CAC urges SMU to wear pink.
Also, save the date for this years’ Relay For Life, which for the first time, will be held at Saint Mary’s University instead of Winona State University on April 19-20, 2008.
The theme for Relay For Life is “Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back!” Participants will be celebrating lives that have been touched by cancer, remembering those who lost their battle against cancer, and fighting back so the words “You have cancer” will never be heard again.
SMU’s chapter of CAC has a goal of raising $26,000 and is aiming for two-thirds of campus involvement.
Students would want to become involved in this great cause can contact Kim Riley at or Christie Brunette at
Gossen and Sahr promoted in Residence Life
By Alli Hill
Cardinal Staff
As students returned to school, they returned to the new titles of some familiar faces, Tim Gossen and Angie Sahr.
Gossen, previously known as the Director of Residence Life, has taken on an additional position at Saint Mary’s University. In February of last year, he officially took over the title of Dean of Students. Gossen sees this as just an overlap of responsibilities between the two jobs.
Gossen currently works very closely with Campus Safety, Chartwells food service, and Campus Ministry. He meets with the director of each of these sections so they can update him on how things are going and let him know of any issues, concerns, or needed improvements.
Gossen also works closely with Student Senate. The most recent project that has come out of working with senate is the renovations happening around campus, particularly renovations in the dorms. “We want to make living on campus more desirable,” said Gossen.
With this new title comes different responsibilities within the university as well. “It’s not the most popular job, since I have to make the tough decisions,” Gossen said. “I really try to do what’s best for the university and the students.”
Angie Sahr also received a new job title in the Office of Residence Life. In May, Sahr signed a contract naming her the Assistant Director of Residence Life along with fellow Hall Director Andy McLees.
The biggest change that Sahr sees with her new job title is that she now has to supervise many more people than before. Along with her position as Hall Director of Hillside and Gilmore halls, she is now also the area coordinator for the upper classes. This means that she supervises those students in the villages as well.
As for more responsibilities, Sahr has taken over some of Gossen’s duties. “It really helped to balance everything out down here,” she said.
Not only has Residence Life experience changes in positions, but they have also moved locations in the Toner Student Center. Now located in the area formerly known as Room E, the move made space available for other offices to join them in the Toner basement. “It’s now a lot easier to work collaboratively with other departments like Campus Ministry and Student Development now that they are down here,” Sahr said.
The only downfall to her new job is the time commitment. “I’m in my office all the time,” she said.
Cardinal Staff
As students returned to school, they returned to the new titles of some familiar faces, Tim Gossen and Angie Sahr.
Gossen, previously known as the Director of Residence Life, has taken on an additional position at Saint Mary’s University. In February of last year, he officially took over the title of Dean of Students. Gossen sees this as just an overlap of responsibilities between the two jobs.
Gossen currently works very closely with Campus Safety, Chartwells food service, and Campus Ministry. He meets with the director of each of these sections so they can update him on how things are going and let him know of any issues, concerns, or needed improvements.
Gossen also works closely with Student Senate. The most recent project that has come out of working with senate is the renovations happening around campus, particularly renovations in the dorms. “We want to make living on campus more desirable,” said Gossen.
With this new title comes different responsibilities within the university as well. “It’s not the most popular job, since I have to make the tough decisions,” Gossen said. “I really try to do what’s best for the university and the students.”
Angie Sahr also received a new job title in the Office of Residence Life. In May, Sahr signed a contract naming her the Assistant Director of Residence Life along with fellow Hall Director Andy McLees.
The biggest change that Sahr sees with her new job title is that she now has to supervise many more people than before. Along with her position as Hall Director of Hillside and Gilmore halls, she is now also the area coordinator for the upper classes. This means that she supervises those students in the villages as well.
As for more responsibilities, Sahr has taken over some of Gossen’s duties. “It really helped to balance everything out down here,” she said.
Not only has Residence Life experience changes in positions, but they have also moved locations in the Toner Student Center. Now located in the area formerly known as Room E, the move made space available for other offices to join them in the Toner basement. “It’s now a lot easier to work collaboratively with other departments like Campus Ministry and Student Development now that they are down here,” Sahr said.
The only downfall to her new job is the time commitment. “I’m in my office all the time,” she said.
SMU junior stands out
By Sean O’Brien
News Editor
Every year, the Winona Women in Business Committee recognizes an outstanding young woman of the year along with other women from various areas of business, education, and government. This year’s Outstanding Young Woman award recipient is Saint Mary’s University junior Anjy Buck.
The award will be presented to Buck on Oct. 18 at the Visions Event Center. In order to be nominated, one must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership qualities, community involvement, and be nominated by coworkers or peers.
Buck, who transferred to Saint Mary’s last year, was nominated by her supervisors in the Business Office at SMU, where she worked this summer. Laurie Hale-Erdmann, assistant to the vice president for financial affairs, spearheaded the effort. When informing Buck of their intention to nominate her, Hale-Erdmann said, “Even if you don’t win, you’re still outstanding to us.”
Buck said that even though she was nominated she didn’t expect to win, and it was a surprise when she found out. “I was studying in my room one night and got a phone call congratulating me on winning the award,” said Buck. “I was shocked.”
Buck has since experienced a whirlwind of attention, including a photoshoot, an interview with the Winona Daily News, and having her parents try to collect every news clipping they can get their hands on.
“They are really proud of me,” said Buck. “I am the youngest in the family, and for me to do well means a lot.”
As to what the award means to Buck, she said, “It said the work I’ve done is appreciated. It means that I’m not viewed as the typical ‘college student stereotype,’ and it makes all those four-hours-of-sleep nights worth it.”
Buck said that she is still unsure of what she wants to do after graduation, but that this award will definitely be something to help her in her career down the road.
The Outstanding Young Woman also passed along words of wisdom to her peers. “See your bosses as someone to learn from, and not just your superior,” said Buck.
“They know what the real world is like.”
News Editor
Every year, the Winona Women in Business Committee recognizes an outstanding young woman of the year along with other women from various areas of business, education, and government. This year’s Outstanding Young Woman award recipient is Saint Mary’s University junior Anjy Buck.
The award will be presented to Buck on Oct. 18 at the Visions Event Center. In order to be nominated, one must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership qualities, community involvement, and be nominated by coworkers or peers.
Buck, who transferred to Saint Mary’s last year, was nominated by her supervisors in the Business Office at SMU, where she worked this summer. Laurie Hale-Erdmann, assistant to the vice president for financial affairs, spearheaded the effort. When informing Buck of their intention to nominate her, Hale-Erdmann said, “Even if you don’t win, you’re still outstanding to us.”
Buck said that even though she was nominated she didn’t expect to win, and it was a surprise when she found out. “I was studying in my room one night and got a phone call congratulating me on winning the award,” said Buck. “I was shocked.”
Buck has since experienced a whirlwind of attention, including a photoshoot, an interview with the Winona Daily News, and having her parents try to collect every news clipping they can get their hands on.
“They are really proud of me,” said Buck. “I am the youngest in the family, and for me to do well means a lot.”
As to what the award means to Buck, she said, “It said the work I’ve done is appreciated. It means that I’m not viewed as the typical ‘college student stereotype,’ and it makes all those four-hours-of-sleep nights worth it.”
Buck said that she is still unsure of what she wants to do after graduation, but that this award will definitely be something to help her in her career down the road.
The Outstanding Young Woman also passed along words of wisdom to her peers. “See your bosses as someone to learn from, and not just your superior,” said Buck.
“They know what the real world is like.”
What's in a name?
Seminarian questions 'Catholic' nature of Saint Mary's
By Austin Quick
Guest Columnist
Saint Mary’s University is a university that is “Enriched by the Catholic, Lasallian heritage,” or so the Mission Statement states. When I looked into starting an entire page devoted to matters of the faith in this publication, I was told that there were two concerns:
1. As a publication, we want to be careful about not showing more preference to a certain group on campus.
2. Although SMU is a Catholic university, the Cardinal should remain a neutral publication.
(Source: Email from Cardinal Editor regarding a meeting she had with Bob Conover)
What group are we showing preference to? Do they mean Catholics? This is odd to me since we are a CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY.
Read more... The preference is obviously to anyone who is not of the Catholic faith here on campus. Just another example of how everyone is so concerned about offending someone and thus we deny our obligations as Catholics so that we may be politically correct. One would not dream of attending Brigham Young University and state that they are offended by the Mormon faith. You choose to attend this university, and true to the Catholic Church’s teaching, we embrace all people from all walks of life to share in our common goals and common good as men and women of God.
Currently our university is searching for a new president. When I looked into the search committee’s documents, I found the following information regarding the search. The challenges that the next president faces includes “[u]pholding, supporting and enhancing the University’s academic, Catholic, and Lasallian mission,” and one of the qualifications is that he or she must be a “Committed Catholic.” (Source: R. H. Perry & Associates)
On the university’s website, they have under the heritage section that “[a] Catholic university is grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition and vision and is inspired by Gospel values; faithful to the Christian message as it is embodied in the Church’s history, wisdom and tradition.” (Source: Ex Corde Ecclesiae (#73))
I give you all this information not to bore you but to point out to you that although this all sounds nice and our parents might like to hear that the place they are sending us to is “Catholic” I assure you we can do a great deal more as an institution to truly live up to our obligations as Catholic educators and students.
How many people at this university acknowledge or even know that the Blessed Sacrament is present in the Chapel on the second floor of Mary’s? NOW YOU SEE MY POINT! In many ways we are Catholic in name and heritage, but not in our daily lives and actions. When a professor shows “Brokeback Mountain” to their literature class and endorses that lifestyle rather than expressing the Church’s teachings, they are wrong. When an administrator states that it is okay to watch porn such as “Debbie Does Dallas” as long as it is for educational purposes, they are wrong. When money is raised to add a new soccer field rather than devote funds to the poorly-tended-to Chapel on campus, they are wrong. When the university denies requests to place anti-abortion material around campus, they are wrong. When a Catholic university’s newspaper is scared of expressing the Catholic faith for fear of offending non-Catholics, they too are wrong.
The bishop of this diocese came to preside at the school’s Red Mass, and in his homily he adamantly stated that as a Catholic university we have a duty to uphold the Catholic Church’s teachings in all that we do and all that we are. He pointed out that at that Mass in particular, the true start of the school year, less than 10 percent of the student body and faculty were in attendance. This is a sad reality we live in where MTV’s “Real World” wins over the Source and Summit of our faith and our lives.
Our faith cannot be pushed to the back seat; however it needs to be the foundation of who we are as an institution and as a collective people. The non-Catholics and non-Christian members of our university will understand and respect that we are true to our beliefs and to the teachings of the Church. It’s time to end this fear of offending the non-Catholic members of this community and embrace them with our Catholic faith by showing them that we are not aiming to alienate them, rather we are looking to enrich their lives with our Catholic and Lasallian teachings.
I ask that the patroness of this university pray for us during these times of great challenges and give us the strength to persevere. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Austin M. D. Quick is a sophomore and is a seminarian studying for the Diocese of Peoria, IL. He invites all questions or comments regarding his columns to be sent to
By Austin Quick
Guest Columnist
Saint Mary’s University is a university that is “Enriched by the Catholic, Lasallian heritage,” or so the Mission Statement states. When I looked into starting an entire page devoted to matters of the faith in this publication, I was told that there were two concerns:
1. As a publication, we want to be careful about not showing more preference to a certain group on campus.
2. Although SMU is a Catholic university, the Cardinal should remain a neutral publication.
(Source: Email from Cardinal Editor regarding a meeting she had with Bob Conover)
What group are we showing preference to? Do they mean Catholics? This is odd to me since we are a CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY.
Read more... The preference is obviously to anyone who is not of the Catholic faith here on campus. Just another example of how everyone is so concerned about offending someone and thus we deny our obligations as Catholics so that we may be politically correct. One would not dream of attending Brigham Young University and state that they are offended by the Mormon faith. You choose to attend this university, and true to the Catholic Church’s teaching, we embrace all people from all walks of life to share in our common goals and common good as men and women of God.
Currently our university is searching for a new president. When I looked into the search committee’s documents, I found the following information regarding the search. The challenges that the next president faces includes “[u]pholding, supporting and enhancing the University’s academic, Catholic, and Lasallian mission,” and one of the qualifications is that he or she must be a “Committed Catholic.” (Source: R. H. Perry & Associates)
On the university’s website, they have under the heritage section that “[a] Catholic university is grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition and vision and is inspired by Gospel values; faithful to the Christian message as it is embodied in the Church’s history, wisdom and tradition.” (Source: Ex Corde Ecclesiae (#73))
I give you all this information not to bore you but to point out to you that although this all sounds nice and our parents might like to hear that the place they are sending us to is “Catholic” I assure you we can do a great deal more as an institution to truly live up to our obligations as Catholic educators and students.
How many people at this university acknowledge or even know that the Blessed Sacrament is present in the Chapel on the second floor of Mary’s? NOW YOU SEE MY POINT! In many ways we are Catholic in name and heritage, but not in our daily lives and actions. When a professor shows “Brokeback Mountain” to their literature class and endorses that lifestyle rather than expressing the Church’s teachings, they are wrong. When an administrator states that it is okay to watch porn such as “Debbie Does Dallas” as long as it is for educational purposes, they are wrong. When money is raised to add a new soccer field rather than devote funds to the poorly-tended-to Chapel on campus, they are wrong. When the university denies requests to place anti-abortion material around campus, they are wrong. When a Catholic university’s newspaper is scared of expressing the Catholic faith for fear of offending non-Catholics, they too are wrong.
The bishop of this diocese came to preside at the school’s Red Mass, and in his homily he adamantly stated that as a Catholic university we have a duty to uphold the Catholic Church’s teachings in all that we do and all that we are. He pointed out that at that Mass in particular, the true start of the school year, less than 10 percent of the student body and faculty were in attendance. This is a sad reality we live in where MTV’s “Real World” wins over the Source and Summit of our faith and our lives.
Our faith cannot be pushed to the back seat; however it needs to be the foundation of who we are as an institution and as a collective people. The non-Catholics and non-Christian members of our university will understand and respect that we are true to our beliefs and to the teachings of the Church. It’s time to end this fear of offending the non-Catholic members of this community and embrace them with our Catholic faith by showing them that we are not aiming to alienate them, rather we are looking to enrich their lives with our Catholic and Lasallian teachings.
I ask that the patroness of this university pray for us during these times of great challenges and give us the strength to persevere. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Austin M. D. Quick is a sophomore and is a seminarian studying for the Diocese of Peoria, IL. He invites all questions or comments regarding his columns to be sent to
Editors respond to 'What's in a name?' column
By Lindsay Dickson, Amy Kalina
and Abby Zimmer
As editors of the Cardinal newspaper, we respect the opinion given in Austin Quick’s column above and the author’s right to express his views. However, we feel it is necessary to provide some background.
Quick had asked Cardinal editors about devoting an entire page to “matters of faith.” After considering Quick’s request, we told him that, “Although SMU is a Catholic university, the Cardinal should remain a neutral publication.” We would like to clarify this statement: news articles in the Cardinal need to be neutral and objective. Opinions, however, are welcome in editorials, letters to the editor, and columns – including opinions on the Catholic nature of the university.
Along with our advisor, we offered Quick a half-page editorial column on any subject in the Cardinal’s print version, as well as the option to post more articles on our online version. The Cardinal aims to be relevant to as broad a readership base as possible, within a limited amount of space. We decided that a half-page, devoted to Quick’s column, was reasonable and generous.
As editors of the Cardinal, it is not our right or obligation to defend the Catholic nature of the university. However, as Saint Mary’s students, we take offense at Quick questioning the faith and Catholic nature of this university. No matter where students are on their faith journey, we hope that they are able to adopt the Lasallian charism. We believe many students have embraced the Lasallian spirit through actions in their everyday lives. Whether it is by spending time with children through Big and Little Pals or offering a helping hand with flood relief, many SMU students acknowledge Saint John Baptist de La Salle through service.
In the words of Saint Francis of Assisi, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.”
We agree that actions speak louder than words.
and Abby Zimmer
As editors of the Cardinal newspaper, we respect the opinion given in Austin Quick’s column above and the author’s right to express his views. However, we feel it is necessary to provide some background.
Quick had asked Cardinal editors about devoting an entire page to “matters of faith.” After considering Quick’s request, we told him that, “Although SMU is a Catholic university, the Cardinal should remain a neutral publication.” We would like to clarify this statement: news articles in the Cardinal need to be neutral and objective. Opinions, however, are welcome in editorials, letters to the editor, and columns – including opinions on the Catholic nature of the university.
Along with our advisor, we offered Quick a half-page editorial column on any subject in the Cardinal’s print version, as well as the option to post more articles on our online version. The Cardinal aims to be relevant to as broad a readership base as possible, within a limited amount of space. We decided that a half-page, devoted to Quick’s column, was reasonable and generous.
As editors of the Cardinal, it is not our right or obligation to defend the Catholic nature of the university. However, as Saint Mary’s students, we take offense at Quick questioning the faith and Catholic nature of this university. No matter where students are on their faith journey, we hope that they are able to adopt the Lasallian charism. We believe many students have embraced the Lasallian spirit through actions in their everyday lives. Whether it is by spending time with children through Big and Little Pals or offering a helping hand with flood relief, many SMU students acknowledge Saint John Baptist de La Salle through service.
In the words of Saint Francis of Assisi, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.”
We agree that actions speak louder than words.
Student examines Seminarians reasons
By Theresa Breault
Cardinal Staff
Whether you have stepped on to the Saint Mary’s University campus for the first time this year or have been around for several semesters, you have undoubtedly noticed the nicely-dressed men who always open the doors for you: the seminarians.
SMU is a unique school in that we are given the chance to see those training to become a part of the Church in a way many of us have never dreamed of. Students are also given the chance to wonder about these men they see daily, and how they got to be where they are today. After interviewing several seminarians about why they chose the path that they are on, I received some pretty interesting answers.
Joshua Gardner (silent “ua,” as he so animatedly pointed out), is a junior at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary. Gardner said it was the love of God that brought him to Saint Mary’s, and that it wasn’t an easy decision for him to make. “There was a lot to consider and a lot of self-reflection that went into this decision,” said Gardner.
Ben Lynch, a sophomore in the seminary, gave a very interesting answer when asked `what he had to consider before going into the seminary. “I had to factor in the marriage issue, how I was going to pay for going to school for it, and giving up certain things in order to become a priest,” Lynch said. “But the priesthood is like a relationship in itself. It is a commitment.”
As I sat with the boys at their lunch table, I observed that they were not at all like I thought they would be. They were more casual, more down-to-earth than I expected. They laughed easily and joked around with one another. They told me their interests, including music, art, volleyball, football, ping-pong, reading, and hanging out with friends. They are not, as many have come to believe, the humorless and pious boys in the seminary. Rather, they are simply students studying in college to give back to life in a way that seems best for them.
Cardinal Staff
Whether you have stepped on to the Saint Mary’s University campus for the first time this year or have been around for several semesters, you have undoubtedly noticed the nicely-dressed men who always open the doors for you: the seminarians.
SMU is a unique school in that we are given the chance to see those training to become a part of the Church in a way many of us have never dreamed of. Students are also given the chance to wonder about these men they see daily, and how they got to be where they are today. After interviewing several seminarians about why they chose the path that they are on, I received some pretty interesting answers.
Joshua Gardner (silent “ua,” as he so animatedly pointed out), is a junior at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary. Gardner said it was the love of God that brought him to Saint Mary’s, and that it wasn’t an easy decision for him to make. “There was a lot to consider and a lot of self-reflection that went into this decision,” said Gardner.
Ben Lynch, a sophomore in the seminary, gave a very interesting answer when asked `what he had to consider before going into the seminary. “I had to factor in the marriage issue, how I was going to pay for going to school for it, and giving up certain things in order to become a priest,” Lynch said. “But the priesthood is like a relationship in itself. It is a commitment.”
As I sat with the boys at their lunch table, I observed that they were not at all like I thought they would be. They were more casual, more down-to-earth than I expected. They laughed easily and joked around with one another. They told me their interests, including music, art, volleyball, football, ping-pong, reading, and hanging out with friends. They are not, as many have come to believe, the humorless and pious boys in the seminary. Rather, they are simply students studying in college to give back to life in a way that seems best for them.
Adjusting to senior pressures
Welcome to your senior year; it’s going to be the best year of your life.
It still feels weird to say that word. Senior. I am a senior. This is the last year that I will have to make my mark on this school. This is the last time I will go to Blue Angel/Gaslight, the Taylor Richmond dance, and all the other crazy activities that SMU puts on.
But this year is also about manyhardships: “I must have an internship. I must find a job by the end of the year.” This seems to be the mantra on many seniors’ lips. This is on top of all the classes, homework, and a general social life, of course.
This is going to be the best year of our lives? What universe did that saying come from? It was obviously said by a person who didn’t have to write three papers, to study for a test, and to read six chapters, all on top of working a part-time job and doing the massive amount of work for my internship.
Now this, of course, is an exaggeration. But sometimes, when you get down to it, a senior’s day is just as chaotic as that description.
The only advice I can give to my fellow struggling senior is: Breathe. Inhale through the nose, and out through the mouth.
Also, don’t be afraid to talk to someone. Whether it’s a roommate, a close friend, an advisor, a trusted professor, or a complete stranger, it helps to let out all of the emotions.
Ask for help. A good place to start, especially when it comes to the dreaded words of internships and jobs, is Career Services. They will answer any questions you have and try to point you in the right direction.
The last thing that I can prescribe to you is this: Senior year is supposed to be the best year of your life. So during those really stressful periods, take a chance to look around. Take mental photos of this campus, your friends, and the activities that you participate in. And remember, you are not alone. We are taking the journey together. And through this column, I hope to be with you every step of the way.
Welcome to your senior year. It’s going to be the best, and the worst, year of your life.
It still feels weird to say that word. Senior. I am a senior. This is the last year that I will have to make my mark on this school. This is the last time I will go to Blue Angel/Gaslight, the Taylor Richmond dance, and all the other crazy activities that SMU puts on.
But this year is also about manyhardships: “I must have an internship. I must find a job by the end of the year.” This seems to be the mantra on many seniors’ lips. This is on top of all the classes, homework, and a general social life, of course.
This is going to be the best year of our lives? What universe did that saying come from? It was obviously said by a person who didn’t have to write three papers, to study for a test, and to read six chapters, all on top of working a part-time job and doing the massive amount of work for my internship.
Now this, of course, is an exaggeration. But sometimes, when you get down to it, a senior’s day is just as chaotic as that description.
The only advice I can give to my fellow struggling senior is: Breathe. Inhale through the nose, and out through the mouth.
Also, don’t be afraid to talk to someone. Whether it’s a roommate, a close friend, an advisor, a trusted professor, or a complete stranger, it helps to let out all of the emotions.
Ask for help. A good place to start, especially when it comes to the dreaded words of internships and jobs, is Career Services. They will answer any questions you have and try to point you in the right direction.
The last thing that I can prescribe to you is this: Senior year is supposed to be the best year of your life. So during those really stressful periods, take a chance to look around. Take mental photos of this campus, your friends, and the activities that you participate in. And remember, you are not alone. We are taking the journey together. And through this column, I hope to be with you every step of the way.
Welcome to your senior year. It’s going to be the best, and the worst, year of your life.
Red trucks help SMU go green

Managing Editor
A new student-led initiative to “go green” is bringing eco-friendly changes to the Saint Mary’s University campus.
The project, created by student senate last spring, aims at educating students, faculty, and staff on the importance of conserving natural resources and making environmental choices.
“It is absolutely wonderful that the students took this initiative to champion, because it’s something that’s always been near and dear to me,” said John Schollmeier, director of building and grounds at SMU. “In maintenance, we try very hard to listen to students’ wants and needs, and when they want to push a cause like this, that’s even better.”
One environmentally-sound way to reduce fuel and energy costs was through the purchase of two electric trucks, said Schollmeier. These small red vehicles sport an enclosed cab and box, allowing for year-round use.
“We have been looking for an efficient electrical vehicle for about five years and never found the vehicle that we could afford that could be serviced locally,” said Schollmeier. “These met all of our criteria, and so far they’re very efficient. They can go on sidewalks, too, so they get us where we need to go much quicker.”
Although the electric trucks meet the needs of the maintenance department, they still came with a $12,000 price tag, a factor that causes some students to question their overall necessity. Still, the use of electric trucks helps SMU stay in line with the environmental efforts at other schools, said Schollmeier. Winona State, Luther College, and Macalester College are among the schools nearby turning to electric vehicles.
“Of all the Minnesota private [colleges], SMU is by far the most efficient when it comes to utilities,” said Schollmeier. “We’ve always taken a very aggressive role in trying to keep our utilities low while energy costs keep going up.”
Another change brought about by the “Go Green” initiative will be a machine that changes old cooking oil into bio-diesel fuel. The machine, which will likely be purchased later in the academic year, will be able to provide power for all of SMU’s diesel-fuel engines, said Schollmeier. According to Schollmeier, the machine is already being used at Luther College and is proving to be efficient.
Aside from maintenance’s efforts to reduce fuel and energy costs on campus, Schollmeier said that student participation is critical. Educating students on simple ways to cut back on energy and utility usage is important in making a difference on campus, said Schollmeier.
“If you’re not using lights, shut them off. If you have your air conditioner or heater on, close the windows. There are really easy ways that students can cut costs,” said Schollmeier. “It’s all about finding a balance between conserving energy and making students, faculty, and staff happy. That’s a balance that we all have to work [toward] together.”
Cans raise money for Habitat

By Jessica Paulsen
Cardinal Staff
The Student Activities Committee and Habitat for Humanity are working together on Cans for a Cause, a fundraising project involving the collection of aluminum cans.
Cans for a Cause ties in with a Habitat for Humanity program called “Aluminum Cans Build Habitat for Humanity Homes.” If the Saint Mary’s University and Winona State University chapters of Habitat can collect their combined goal of 5,000 pounds of cans (one pound is about 30 cans), they will receive a $5,000 grant for the Winona County affiliate.
The goal must be met by the end of December to receive the grant. Even if the goal isn’t met, the affiliate will still receive money from the recycling company. Winona County Habitat for Humanity “could use the money to buy land [or] buy supplies,” said junior Angela Buck, co-president of Habitat for Humanity.
Senior Abby Zimmer, co-leader of Cans for a Cause, said they have collected about 2,000 pounds so far and have a bit of friendly competition planned to try to create more incentive for students to contribute.
One of those events will be in cooperation with Winona State. The schools will face-off in a basketball game on Nov. 17, and a “can war” is being set up for that day. “It’s always good to have a little competition with things to get people really involved,” said Zimmer.
SAC ordered special bins for the cans, which members from Habitat for Humanity collect. “They are ours,” said Buck. “We are responsible for everything about the cans.” The cans are collected every Sunday and Thursday and taken every other week to Matejka Recycling, who keeps track of the number of pounds collected.
Sophomore William Duffert, co-leader of the program, is “happy with the way things are going” and wants to see it continue. “For as long as I am on the [Habitat for Humanity] executive board, Cans for a Cause will be around,” said Duffert. “Hopefully it will be an annual thing long after I’m gone as well.”
Cans for a Cause will begin again in January, but different campus organizations can apply to SAC to get the cans for fundraising every other month. That organization would then be in charge of everything about the program for that month.
There are 45 Cans for a Cause bins around the SMU campus. The bins are located in the recycling rooms in dorms, on every floor of Saint Mary’s Hall, Toner Student Center, Hoffman Hall, and near the RAC.
Office of Outdoor Leadership develops on-campus
By Betsy Baertlein
Feature Editor
Many opportunities for outdoor recreation have been offered for students at Saint Mary’s University so far this year, including weekend hiking and canoe trips, in which over 120 students have participated. This programming has been made possible by the newly-implemented Office of Outdoor Leadership at SMU, directed by Davey Warner (’07).
The idea for this office came last year from a group of staff members, including Chris Kendall, vice president for student development. The idea regarded the many outdoor opportunities that exist in the area. The premise was that many students choose to come to SMU because of its natural surroundings, but they find it difficult to actually get out into those surroundings. The Office of Outdoor Leadership serves to organize outdoor recreational activities for students to enjoy the environment firsthand.
The Office of Outdoor Leadership has been collaborating with the Environmental Awareness Center, managed by Brother John Grover, to provide students with the resources necessary for outdoor ventures. The Environmental Awareness Center offers outdoor equipment such as canoes, sleeping bags, tents and cross country skis for student use. Warner said that Brother John has been a great asset to the office. He has provided all of the equipment for events thus far, and he has even joined students in a couple canoe trips, Warner said.
As well as offering opportunities for outdoor recreation, the Office of Outdoor Leadership plans to encourage environmental leadership development. SMU is a partner with the Leave No Trace (LNT) organization, which means that the university is committed to spreading the message of outdoor ethics. Warner is a trained LNT Master, which allows him to train others. Eventually the Office for Outdoor Leadership would like to train students as volunteer trip leaders so that outdoor opportunities are available almost constantly.
Some of the activities that Warner hopes to implement during the remainder of the year include: indoor rock climbing, downhill skiing, backpacking, cycling, winter camping, snowboarding and kayaking. Also, Warner said that he is always open to students’ ideas for activities, especially during this time of development. If students would like to make suggestions, they should stop by his office at 8D Toner Student Center.
Ultimately, the Office of Outdoor Leadership hopes to develop in students an appreciation for the environment, which will lead to stewardship of the land. Often times outdoor experiences allow people to take a step back from the stressors in their daily life and reflect. Warner said that experience in the outdoors helps the development of virtues that grow the total person.
Feature Editor
Many opportunities for outdoor recreation have been offered for students at Saint Mary’s University so far this year, including weekend hiking and canoe trips, in which over 120 students have participated. This programming has been made possible by the newly-implemented Office of Outdoor Leadership at SMU, directed by Davey Warner (’07).
The idea for this office came last year from a group of staff members, including Chris Kendall, vice president for student development. The idea regarded the many outdoor opportunities that exist in the area. The premise was that many students choose to come to SMU because of its natural surroundings, but they find it difficult to actually get out into those surroundings. The Office of Outdoor Leadership serves to organize outdoor recreational activities for students to enjoy the environment firsthand.
The Office of Outdoor Leadership has been collaborating with the Environmental Awareness Center, managed by Brother John Grover, to provide students with the resources necessary for outdoor ventures. The Environmental Awareness Center offers outdoor equipment such as canoes, sleeping bags, tents and cross country skis for student use. Warner said that Brother John has been a great asset to the office. He has provided all of the equipment for events thus far, and he has even joined students in a couple canoe trips, Warner said.
As well as offering opportunities for outdoor recreation, the Office of Outdoor Leadership plans to encourage environmental leadership development. SMU is a partner with the Leave No Trace (LNT) organization, which means that the university is committed to spreading the message of outdoor ethics. Warner is a trained LNT Master, which allows him to train others. Eventually the Office for Outdoor Leadership would like to train students as volunteer trip leaders so that outdoor opportunities are available almost constantly.
Some of the activities that Warner hopes to implement during the remainder of the year include: indoor rock climbing, downhill skiing, backpacking, cycling, winter camping, snowboarding and kayaking. Also, Warner said that he is always open to students’ ideas for activities, especially during this time of development. If students would like to make suggestions, they should stop by his office at 8D Toner Student Center.
Ultimately, the Office of Outdoor Leadership hopes to develop in students an appreciation for the environment, which will lead to stewardship of the land. Often times outdoor experiences allow people to take a step back from the stressors in their daily life and reflect. Warner said that experience in the outdoors helps the development of virtues that grow the total person.
Res. halls get 'green' representation
By Candice Norrell
Sports Editor
Saint Mary’s University’s student senate passed a resolution in the spring of 2007 supporting a “green” campus. Now, the Office of Residence Life is working hard to do their part with the introduction of hall recycling representatives.
“We came up with the idea [of hall representatives] at the beginning of this academic year while brainstorming ways to improve our current recycling program,” said Pines, St. Joe’s and LaSalle Hall Director Kristin De Vito on behalf of the Office of Residence Life.
An email was sent out at the beginning of the semester introducing the idea of the hall representatives and about 17 students replied, according to De Vito.
“Having reps will hopefully help us reach our goal of going green,” De Vito said. “While the university is taking steps towards sustainability, it starts in the residence halls. The easiest way each and every student can contribute is to recycle.”
Having at least one representative in each hall is the first step, De Vito said.
Duties of the hall representatives include ensuring every hall has a recycling room and maintaining it, encouraging fellow residents to recycle, and doing passive/active programming. Representatives will also help with publicity along with preparing, helping and planning ideas for future campaigns, such as “Leave it Behind” during move-out weekend and hall recycling competitions.
“Whatever time students are able to give is appreciated, whether they help with everything or only some initiatives,” De Vito said.
“The group is still in the process of getting going,” De Vito continued. “Going ‘green’ is something we need everyone’s help with—students, faculty and staff.”
According to De Vito, Pines, Hillside, Vlazny, Old Village, Watters, Benilde and St. Yon’s halls still do not have any representatives. If anyone is interested in becoming the hall representative for these halls, if anyone is interested in helping the SMU community “go green,” or if someone has ideas about what they would like to see on our campus, please contact De Vito at
Sports Editor
Saint Mary’s University’s student senate passed a resolution in the spring of 2007 supporting a “green” campus. Now, the Office of Residence Life is working hard to do their part with the introduction of hall recycling representatives.
“We came up with the idea [of hall representatives] at the beginning of this academic year while brainstorming ways to improve our current recycling program,” said Pines, St. Joe’s and LaSalle Hall Director Kristin De Vito on behalf of the Office of Residence Life.
An email was sent out at the beginning of the semester introducing the idea of the hall representatives and about 17 students replied, according to De Vito.
“Having reps will hopefully help us reach our goal of going green,” De Vito said. “While the university is taking steps towards sustainability, it starts in the residence halls. The easiest way each and every student can contribute is to recycle.”
Having at least one representative in each hall is the first step, De Vito said.
Duties of the hall representatives include ensuring every hall has a recycling room and maintaining it, encouraging fellow residents to recycle, and doing passive/active programming. Representatives will also help with publicity along with preparing, helping and planning ideas for future campaigns, such as “Leave it Behind” during move-out weekend and hall recycling competitions.
“Whatever time students are able to give is appreciated, whether they help with everything or only some initiatives,” De Vito said.
“The group is still in the process of getting going,” De Vito continued. “Going ‘green’ is something we need everyone’s help with—students, faculty and staff.”
According to De Vito, Pines, Hillside, Vlazny, Old Village, Watters, Benilde and St. Yon’s halls still do not have any representatives. If anyone is interested in becoming the hall representative for these halls, if anyone is interested in helping the SMU community “go green,” or if someone has ideas about what they would like to see on our campus, please contact De Vito at
Tips to be 'green'
By Betsy Baertlein
Features Editor
• Ride a bike or take the bus instead of driving into town.
• Utilize recycling facilities on campus to recycle everything from
paper to plastic to aluminum cans.
• Unplug mp3 and cell phone chargers when not in use.
• Turn out the lights in your room when you leave for 30 seconds
or more
• If you see trash on the ground, pick it up.
• Save water by reporting a leaky faucet or show to mainte-
nance immediately.
• Reuse containers and bags whenever possible.
• Shut down your laptop if you won’t be using it for an hour or
• Enjoy your natural surroundings. Take a walk in the bluffs!
Features Editor
• Ride a bike or take the bus instead of driving into town.
• Utilize recycling facilities on campus to recycle everything from
paper to plastic to aluminum cans.
• Unplug mp3 and cell phone chargers when not in use.
• Turn out the lights in your room when you leave for 30 seconds
or more
• If you see trash on the ground, pick it up.
• Save water by reporting a leaky faucet or show to mainte-
nance immediately.
• Reuse containers and bags whenever possible.
• Shut down your laptop if you won’t be using it for an hour or
• Enjoy your natural surroundings. Take a walk in the bluffs!
Students learn eco-friendly home construction tricks
By Jessica Paulsen
Cardinal Staff
Seven Saint Mary’s students attended Earth Plaster Day on Sept. 30, when volunteers helped build a Catholic Worker House in Lake City, Minn.
Volunteers applied an earth plaster made up of clay, sand, straw and some lime, said Holly Richard, director of the Saint Teresa Leadership and Service Institute for Women.
A Catholic Worker House is a “house of hospitality that offers services, housing and meals to people in transition, homeless people, individuals and families,” said Richard. The owners, Sara and Paul Freid, are “building this energy-efficient and friendly serve that same purpose.”
The house is being built by a variety of volunteers from many locations and backgrounds. “People interested in straw bale homes, people interested in geothermal heating, people interested in the Catholic Worker Movement, [and] community members” volunteer their time and skills, said Richard.
Richard said this kind of program is good because it teaches the students good communication and group skills. They also get a chance to experience and learn how to do things they normally would not do, said Richard.
The home will be energy-efficient, and they plan to use sources of renewable energy “like solar power, wind power, composting, [and] geothermal heating.” The home is being built with resources from the land that will not make more waste and will be durable, Richard said.
Ground was broken for the home in May, and there is no projected date to have the home finished. “They are very open to how it goes because they’re victim to the weather, to the help...A lot of things are out of their control,” said Richard. She would like to take other groups there in the future to help out some more.
Richard likes this event because of its benefits. “We often talk about, ‘How do I want to improve the environment; how do I want to improve the world?’ These people are actually doing something about it and doing it in a really grand way.”
Cardinal Staff
Seven Saint Mary’s students attended Earth Plaster Day on Sept. 30, when volunteers helped build a Catholic Worker House in Lake City, Minn.
Volunteers applied an earth plaster made up of clay, sand, straw and some lime, said Holly Richard, director of the Saint Teresa Leadership and Service Institute for Women.
A Catholic Worker House is a “house of hospitality that offers services, housing and meals to people in transition, homeless people, individuals and families,” said Richard. The owners, Sara and Paul Freid, are “building this energy-efficient and friendly serve that same purpose.”
The house is being built by a variety of volunteers from many locations and backgrounds. “People interested in straw bale homes, people interested in geothermal heating, people interested in the Catholic Worker Movement, [and] community members” volunteer their time and skills, said Richard.
Richard said this kind of program is good because it teaches the students good communication and group skills. They also get a chance to experience and learn how to do things they normally would not do, said Richard.
The home will be energy-efficient, and they plan to use sources of renewable energy “like solar power, wind power, composting, [and] geothermal heating.” The home is being built with resources from the land that will not make more waste and will be durable, Richard said.
Ground was broken for the home in May, and there is no projected date to have the home finished. “They are very open to how it goes because they’re victim to the weather, to the help...A lot of things are out of their control,” said Richard. She would like to take other groups there in the future to help out some more.
Richard likes this event because of its benefits. “We often talk about, ‘How do I want to improve the environment; how do I want to improve the world?’ These people are actually doing something about it and doing it in a really grand way.”
Track/soccer get complex
Construction set to begin next summer
By Alex Conover and Amy Kalina
Cardinal Staff and Managing Editor
On Sept. 28, the Board of Trustees approved a proposal to build a new $2.5 million track and field/soccer complex on the Saint Mary’s campus.
Chris Kendall, vice president for student development, said the complex will “greatly benefit the university in a number of key areas, including visibility and marketing, enrollment, athletics, and campus atmosphere.”
Construction of the complex will begin in summer 2008, and it will be located near the current soccer field, by the front entrance of campus. The complex will consist of a track made of rubber composite material with a competition soccer field in the center. A second phase will later add lights, a concession area, permanent bleachers, and a press box.
Students and faculty are showing excitement over the future new addition. “I can’t wait to run on it next year,” said freshman sprinter Cody Harvey. “This will help our training, and we can also start hosting meets.”
Because SMU is currently one of the few schools in the MIAC without an outdoor track, Kendall believes it will sharpen SMU’s “competitive edge.” Coaches also hope the complex will be a positive recruiting tool for student-athletes.
“The new field will put us right with the top Division III programs in the country as far as facilities,” said men’s soccer assistant coach Matt Perrigo. “Kids are going to drive down Hwy. 14, and the first thing they’re going to see is our new track. We’re all pretty excited for it.”
Last year, the Board of Trustees voted against the reinstatement of football as a varsity sport at SMU. Instead, the board directed more support for existing athletic programs. The track/soccer complex, along with new baseball and softball fields, are major campaigns toward the board’s goal of providing better support for current SMU athletics. The first phase of the new baseball and softball fields was completed this past summer. Possible future improvements include athletic training facilities, tennis courts, and locker rooms.
By Alex Conover and Amy Kalina
Cardinal Staff and Managing Editor
On Sept. 28, the Board of Trustees approved a proposal to build a new $2.5 million track and field/soccer complex on the Saint Mary’s campus.
Chris Kendall, vice president for student development, said the complex will “greatly benefit the university in a number of key areas, including visibility and marketing, enrollment, athletics, and campus atmosphere.”
Construction of the complex will begin in summer 2008, and it will be located near the current soccer field, by the front entrance of campus. The complex will consist of a track made of rubber composite material with a competition soccer field in the center. A second phase will later add lights, a concession area, permanent bleachers, and a press box.
Students and faculty are showing excitement over the future new addition. “I can’t wait to run on it next year,” said freshman sprinter Cody Harvey. “This will help our training, and we can also start hosting meets.”
Because SMU is currently one of the few schools in the MIAC without an outdoor track, Kendall believes it will sharpen SMU’s “competitive edge.” Coaches also hope the complex will be a positive recruiting tool for student-athletes.
“The new field will put us right with the top Division III programs in the country as far as facilities,” said men’s soccer assistant coach Matt Perrigo. “Kids are going to drive down Hwy. 14, and the first thing they’re going to see is our new track. We’re all pretty excited for it.”
Last year, the Board of Trustees voted against the reinstatement of football as a varsity sport at SMU. Instead, the board directed more support for existing athletic programs. The track/soccer complex, along with new baseball and softball fields, are major campaigns toward the board’s goal of providing better support for current SMU athletics. The first phase of the new baseball and softball fields was completed this past summer. Possible future improvements include athletic training facilities, tennis courts, and locker rooms.
Cardinal 'M' Club unites past and present
By Eric Lear & Candice Norrell
Sports Editors
Saint Mary’s University celebrated its fifth annual Cardinal ‘M’ Club Weekend Sept.15-16. Along with the Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony, the Outstanding Male and Female Athletes and Outstanding Scholar Athletes were honored on Saturday, Sept. 15, 2007.
Cardinal “M” Club Director Bob Biebel said one of many “M” Club goals is to make the experience of participating in SMU athletics as meaningful as possible. Biebel spoke of the importance of bringing together SMU’s former and current athletes in hopes that current athletes will see “there are people out there who support them.”
This year was former volleyball player Kaylene Mrozinski’s (’06) first time to the weekend as a graduate. “It was great to come back,” Mrozinski said.
“[The weekend] is also a good way to honor our student-athletes,” Biebel said, referring to the Saturday night honor banquet.
Four Cardinal alumni were given the top honor of being elected into the Saint Mary’s University Sports Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame Class of 2007 inducted at the ceremony included Vicki (Wilson) Greene (’96; basketball, volleyball), Kevin Henthorne (’93; baseball), Mike Horvath (’82; basketball), and Julie (Giebe) Houchin (’97; soccer).
Outstanding Male and Female Athlete Awards were also given out at the banquet. Amanda Weinman (’07) received both the Outstanding Female Scholar Athlete Award and the Outstanding Female Athlete Award.
Weinmann said she was very grateful for each award in a different way.
Nick Winecke (’07) received the Outstanding Male Athlete Award for his role on the Cardinals baseball team.
“I had no idea that I was even up for the [Outstanding Male Athlete] Award, let alone even win it,” Winecke said. “Everything was just a shock to me when they called my name.
Senior soccer player Joey Manley received the Outstanding Male Scholar Athlete Award.
“Receiving the award is a great honor as a student-athlete,” Manley said. “I may be an ‘Art Major,’ but I work just as hard to keep my grades up as other people.”
According to Athletic Director Nikki Fennern, “We wish to honor and recognize the commitment and accomplishments of our students.
“These students represent our department and the university on a local, conference, regional, and national level. We wish to thank them and celebrate their successes.”
Biebel hopes that the Cardinal “M” Club weekend will continue to bring together the past and the present of SMU athletics for years to come.
Sports Editors
Saint Mary’s University celebrated its fifth annual Cardinal ‘M’ Club Weekend Sept.15-16. Along with the Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony, the Outstanding Male and Female Athletes and Outstanding Scholar Athletes were honored on Saturday, Sept. 15, 2007.
Cardinal “M” Club Director Bob Biebel said one of many “M” Club goals is to make the experience of participating in SMU athletics as meaningful as possible. Biebel spoke of the importance of bringing together SMU’s former and current athletes in hopes that current athletes will see “there are people out there who support them.”
This year was former volleyball player Kaylene Mrozinski’s (’06) first time to the weekend as a graduate. “It was great to come back,” Mrozinski said.
“[The weekend] is also a good way to honor our student-athletes,” Biebel said, referring to the Saturday night honor banquet.
Four Cardinal alumni were given the top honor of being elected into the Saint Mary’s University Sports Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame Class of 2007 inducted at the ceremony included Vicki (Wilson) Greene (’96; basketball, volleyball), Kevin Henthorne (’93; baseball), Mike Horvath (’82; basketball), and Julie (Giebe) Houchin (’97; soccer).
Outstanding Male and Female Athlete Awards were also given out at the banquet. Amanda Weinman (’07) received both the Outstanding Female Scholar Athlete Award and the Outstanding Female Athlete Award.
Weinmann said she was very grateful for each award in a different way.
Nick Winecke (’07) received the Outstanding Male Athlete Award for his role on the Cardinals baseball team.
“I had no idea that I was even up for the [Outstanding Male Athlete] Award, let alone even win it,” Winecke said. “Everything was just a shock to me when they called my name.
Senior soccer player Joey Manley received the Outstanding Male Scholar Athlete Award.
“Receiving the award is a great honor as a student-athlete,” Manley said. “I may be an ‘Art Major,’ but I work just as hard to keep my grades up as other people.”
According to Athletic Director Nikki Fennern, “We wish to honor and recognize the commitment and accomplishments of our students.
“These students represent our department and the university on a local, conference, regional, and national level. We wish to thank them and celebrate their successes.”
Biebel hopes that the Cardinal “M” Club weekend will continue to bring together the past and the present of SMU athletics for years to come.
Water polo team hopes for successful season
By Rachel Elbert
Cardinal Staff
In its eighth year, the competition is pretty even in Heartland Division III water polo. Saint Mary’s University’s team is hoping to move up in Heartland rankings this year.
Read more... Last year, the team ranked fifth of six teams. With Monmouth joining the division this year, Saint Mary’s hopes to end the season in third or fourth place of seven teams. With the rise in players and talent, this goal is within reach.
Saint Mary’s welcomes new players this year, bringing up the roster to thirteen players compared to last year’s eight. Captain Brian Joyce, entering his fourth year on the team, welcomes anyone interested to jump into a practice. The team practices Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8-9:30 p.m. Joyce also plans on coaching the team first semester of next year.
Though the majority of players are swimmers, you do not need to be a swimmer to participate. Freshman Jason Wilk was encouraged to join because “it’s fun and a good work out for other sports.” Junior Eric Hills said, “When I transferred here I thought I’d try it out. It sounded like fun, and I was going to swim here, so I thought it’d be a good way to get into shape.”
With hopes of climbing in rankings, Saint Mary’s was off to a rocky start the weekend of Sept. 29 at Monmouth, only having one win against Carleton in the four games. The championship tournament will be held at Saint Mary’s this year during the weekend of Oct. 20-21. Be sure to come out and support the Cardinals!
Cardinal Staff
In its eighth year, the competition is pretty even in Heartland Division III water polo. Saint Mary’s University’s team is hoping to move up in Heartland rankings this year.
Read more... Last year, the team ranked fifth of six teams. With Monmouth joining the division this year, Saint Mary’s hopes to end the season in third or fourth place of seven teams. With the rise in players and talent, this goal is within reach.
Saint Mary’s welcomes new players this year, bringing up the roster to thirteen players compared to last year’s eight. Captain Brian Joyce, entering his fourth year on the team, welcomes anyone interested to jump into a practice. The team practices Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8-9:30 p.m. Joyce also plans on coaching the team first semester of next year.
Though the majority of players are swimmers, you do not need to be a swimmer to participate. Freshman Jason Wilk was encouraged to join because “it’s fun and a good work out for other sports.” Junior Eric Hills said, “When I transferred here I thought I’d try it out. It sounded like fun, and I was going to swim here, so I thought it’d be a good way to get into shape.”
With hopes of climbing in rankings, Saint Mary’s was off to a rocky start the weekend of Sept. 29 at Monmouth, only having one win against Carleton in the four games. The championship tournament will be held at Saint Mary’s this year during the weekend of Oct. 20-21. Be sure to come out and support the Cardinals!
Twins' future threatened
By David Olson
Guest Columnist
New Twins general manager Bill Smith has his work cut out for him. As he succeeds Terry Ryan, Smith has some choices that will decide the fate of the franchise for the next five years.
Center fielder Torii Hunter’s contract expires at the end of this season, and starting pitcher Johan Santana’s contract expires after 2008. It has been widely accepted that the tight-wad Twins will not try to resign Hunter, who, despite his age, is one of the best outfielders in the game. And Santana is expected to receive bids from other teams that would amount to one-third of the Twins’ payroll.
However, the Pohlad family always allows the team’s best players to walk away from the franchise because they don’t want to pony up the cash. Carl Pohlad, who is worth $2.8 billion, is ranked as the 78th richest American according to Forbes. Yet he can’t afford to give his team a little extra cash?
In losing Torii Hunter, the Twins not only lose a precious defensive commodity, but they also lose the personality of the franchise. Who will step into Hunter’s shoes? Hometown Hero Joe Mauer, who, despite his abilities, is possibly one of the most boring interviews in all of sports? Or his good buddy Justin Morneau, who rivals Mauer in his interview skills?
The Twins’ window of opportunity to win a World Series is closing. Closer Joe Nathan’s contract is up after 2008, and to keep Morneau the Twins will have to open their wallets yet again.
The bottom line is this: if the Pohlads don’t start giving our new general manager some money to work with, Twins fans will be looking at more young prospects and washed-up veterans for years to come.
But hey, at least we’ll have a new stadium to watch our mediocre team.
Guest Columnist
New Twins general manager Bill Smith has his work cut out for him. As he succeeds Terry Ryan, Smith has some choices that will decide the fate of the franchise for the next five years.
Center fielder Torii Hunter’s contract expires at the end of this season, and starting pitcher Johan Santana’s contract expires after 2008. It has been widely accepted that the tight-wad Twins will not try to resign Hunter, who, despite his age, is one of the best outfielders in the game. And Santana is expected to receive bids from other teams that would amount to one-third of the Twins’ payroll.
However, the Pohlad family always allows the team’s best players to walk away from the franchise because they don’t want to pony up the cash. Carl Pohlad, who is worth $2.8 billion, is ranked as the 78th richest American according to Forbes. Yet he can’t afford to give his team a little extra cash?
In losing Torii Hunter, the Twins not only lose a precious defensive commodity, but they also lose the personality of the franchise. Who will step into Hunter’s shoes? Hometown Hero Joe Mauer, who, despite his abilities, is possibly one of the most boring interviews in all of sports? Or his good buddy Justin Morneau, who rivals Mauer in his interview skills?
The Twins’ window of opportunity to win a World Series is closing. Closer Joe Nathan’s contract is up after 2008, and to keep Morneau the Twins will have to open their wallets yet again.
The bottom line is this: if the Pohlads don’t start giving our new general manager some money to work with, Twins fans will be looking at more young prospects and washed-up veterans for years to come.
But hey, at least we’ll have a new stadium to watch our mediocre team.
Charlotte's Web theater review
By Maria Sullivan
Cardinal Staff
On Oct. 5, Saint Mary’s University’s Page Series presented “Charlotte’s Web,” performed by Theatre Works USA.
“Charlotte’s Web” focuses on different aspects of life, such as friendship, heroism, love and even death.
Read more... The audience, which was mostly children, seemed to thoroughly enjoy the performance. There was a lot of laughter and applause all the way through the performance.
Sophomore Brenda Welscher said, “I really enjoyed it. I thought it was cute and funny. I would recommend it for a younger audience. I would not recommend it for the more adult audience, though. The actors put on an amazing performance, though; it was very enjoyable.”
“Charlotte’s Web” is a well-known children’s story that is about a pig named Wilbur. Wilbur, who was going to be killed because he was born too small, had his life saved from this “horrible injustice” because of a young girl named Fern Arable. Throughout the play, Wilbur develops friendships with different barn animals, including a friendly spider named Charlotte and a rat named Templeton, who only looks out for himself.
Once Wilbur learns the devastating news that one day he will become food on someone’s plate, Charlotte agrees to help him survive. Charlotte comes up with a plan to spin messages in her web that helps Wilbur gain popularity to stay alive. She would spin messages, such as, “Some Pig” and “Terrific.” Through all of Charlotte’s help, Wilbur realizes that he really does have true friends looking out for him.
“Charlotte’s Web” was extremely successful because it made the target audience, the children, laugh a lot. The adults seemed to enjoy the story as well.
Junior Colleen Radermacher said, “I thought Charlotte’s Web was well done. I think it has great appeal to kids and also has some comical lines for adults to enjoy. I would recommend seeing this play, especially if you are a child, but adults can be entertained as well.”
Cardinal Staff
On Oct. 5, Saint Mary’s University’s Page Series presented “Charlotte’s Web,” performed by Theatre Works USA.
“Charlotte’s Web” focuses on different aspects of life, such as friendship, heroism, love and even death.
Read more... The audience, which was mostly children, seemed to thoroughly enjoy the performance. There was a lot of laughter and applause all the way through the performance.
Sophomore Brenda Welscher said, “I really enjoyed it. I thought it was cute and funny. I would recommend it for a younger audience. I would not recommend it for the more adult audience, though. The actors put on an amazing performance, though; it was very enjoyable.”
“Charlotte’s Web” is a well-known children’s story that is about a pig named Wilbur. Wilbur, who was going to be killed because he was born too small, had his life saved from this “horrible injustice” because of a young girl named Fern Arable. Throughout the play, Wilbur develops friendships with different barn animals, including a friendly spider named Charlotte and a rat named Templeton, who only looks out for himself.
Once Wilbur learns the devastating news that one day he will become food on someone’s plate, Charlotte agrees to help him survive. Charlotte comes up with a plan to spin messages in her web that helps Wilbur gain popularity to stay alive. She would spin messages, such as, “Some Pig” and “Terrific.” Through all of Charlotte’s help, Wilbur realizes that he really does have true friends looking out for him.
“Charlotte’s Web” was extremely successful because it made the target audience, the children, laugh a lot. The adults seemed to enjoy the story as well.
Junior Colleen Radermacher said, “I thought Charlotte’s Web was well done. I think it has great appeal to kids and also has some comical lines for adults to enjoy. I would recommend seeing this play, especially if you are a child, but adults can be entertained as well.”
Facebook application 'Ruckus' allows access to free music
By Sara Eisenhauer
Cardinal Staff
In today’s society, music exists nearly everywhere because of free downloading, including college campuses. However, for college students, attaining music in this fast-paced digital world is becoming more difficult because of recent crackdowns by the government against downloading.
Ruckus, which the Saint Mary’s IT Department and Helpdesk began promoting last year, has now introduced the Facebook application “My Ruckus Music” to give students more access to free, licensed, virus-free music tracks, TV shows, movies, and music videos.
Read more... Ruckus, a social network that aims to build community across campuses, allows students to share musical and personal interests in a legal way.
Sophomore Ashley Loos feels safe using the features of Ruckus. “I don’t like downloading illegally for moral reasons,” Loos said. “I don’t want to have to deal with the ramifications if I’m caught.” Ruckus hopes to appeal to college students, who have much to lose if caught for illegal downloading, by providing free media easily. Students can log-on to and sign-up with a school email address. Instantly, students can download the Ruckus player, as well the new Facebook application, and listen to free music.
Amanda Frost, the IT Department Technician who handles Recording Industry Association of America complaints about illegal downloading, doesn’t feel Ruckus will eliminate the downloading issues on campus, especially with freshmen who don’t always know it’s illegal. “After all the warnings over the years, I would think it would get better, but it’s not,” Frost said.
Though students can download and listen to music for free, they are not entitled ownership of the tracks and, therefore, cannot burn the music to CDs or convert it to other programs such as iTunes. According to Frost, the music is compatible with Windows Media Player and just about any mp3 player other than the iPod. Each music track can be purchased for $0.99 to use with Apple products. The Ruckus system also includes many Internet pop-ups because it is entirely advertising supported.
Due to these downfalls, Frost doesn’t have much hope for the success of Ruckus at Saint Mary’s. “Right now, it’s just an option so students have a way to access new music without getting in trouble,” Frost said. “I do hope for the future that the school can get a better kind of music and film program that is safe and legal.”
Cardinal Staff
In today’s society, music exists nearly everywhere because of free downloading, including college campuses. However, for college students, attaining music in this fast-paced digital world is becoming more difficult because of recent crackdowns by the government against downloading.
Ruckus, which the Saint Mary’s IT Department and Helpdesk began promoting last year, has now introduced the Facebook application “My Ruckus Music” to give students more access to free, licensed, virus-free music tracks, TV shows, movies, and music videos.
Read more... Ruckus, a social network that aims to build community across campuses, allows students to share musical and personal interests in a legal way.
Sophomore Ashley Loos feels safe using the features of Ruckus. “I don’t like downloading illegally for moral reasons,” Loos said. “I don’t want to have to deal with the ramifications if I’m caught.” Ruckus hopes to appeal to college students, who have much to lose if caught for illegal downloading, by providing free media easily. Students can log-on to and sign-up with a school email address. Instantly, students can download the Ruckus player, as well the new Facebook application, and listen to free music.
Amanda Frost, the IT Department Technician who handles Recording Industry Association of America complaints about illegal downloading, doesn’t feel Ruckus will eliminate the downloading issues on campus, especially with freshmen who don’t always know it’s illegal. “After all the warnings over the years, I would think it would get better, but it’s not,” Frost said.
Though students can download and listen to music for free, they are not entitled ownership of the tracks and, therefore, cannot burn the music to CDs or convert it to other programs such as iTunes. According to Frost, the music is compatible with Windows Media Player and just about any mp3 player other than the iPod. Each music track can be purchased for $0.99 to use with Apple products. The Ruckus system also includes many Internet pop-ups because it is entirely advertising supported.
Due to these downfalls, Frost doesn’t have much hope for the success of Ruckus at Saint Mary’s. “Right now, it’s just an option so students have a way to access new music without getting in trouble,” Frost said. “I do hope for the future that the school can get a better kind of music and film program that is safe and legal.”
Senior's art on display at Smithonian's Ripley Center
By Candice Norrell
Sports Editor
Saint Mary’s University senior Holly Schuh (pronounced ‘shoe’) received the Smithsonian Award of Excellence and $2,000 for her acrylic on canvas, “Pause,” in an exhibit on display at the Smithsonian’s Ripley Center.
Schuh’s piece is a part of “Driven,” an exhibition that highlights the works of emerging artists with disabilities. Out of 204 applicants, 15 finalists were chosen, and their works will be featured in the display until Dec. 31.
Schuh’s technique of detailed art was changed from a process of minute details “to bold brush strokes, and a complex color palette gave way to a simplified use of three colors” due to Schuh’s diagnosis with hereditary neuropathy with pressure-point palsies (HNPP).
This rare, slowly progressive, hereditary neuromuscular disorder makes an individual very susceptible to nerve injury from pressure, stretch, or repetitive use. Schuh said she was diagnosed with HNPP her freshman year of college, and absolutely everything changed.
Shocked and frustrated, Schuh wasn’t able to work for a year and a half until the initial stage of the disorder subsided a bit. According to Schuh, the disease is supposed to go in “swells” or “ups and downs.”
“I thought, ‘How unfortunate that I, a person who plays piano, plays sports, paints, draws, had a job as a digital artist, could barely brush my teeth,’” Schuh said. “But later, after time passed, I realized that I have a great deal to be thankful for and that I can now stop living for myself all of the time. Instead I try to put the energy and strength that I do have into living for other people.”
Plans have changed for Schuh, and her once double major of studio art and music gave way to studies in biology and chemistry. Preparing for graduate school are Schuh’s new plans, as she feels called to study in public health with a focus on global health.
Throughout this experience, Schuh’s artwork has been and continues to be inspired by “God and by human emotions and struggles … acts of kindness … acts of complete selflessness …[and] love.”
The winning painting, “Pause,” was actually a reflection of Schuh’s own actions and what she believes this world needs to do.
“There are times when we are so wrapped up in our worlds that we forget about other people; we forget about the simple needs that aren’t being fulfilled for many people in this world,” Schuh said. The painting represents that moment when people do think about others, focusing on something other than themselves, she said.
“In that tiny pause,” Schuh said, “we can wash away ignorance, apathy, and hopelessness.”
Sports Editor
Saint Mary’s University senior Holly Schuh (pronounced ‘shoe’) received the Smithsonian Award of Excellence and $2,000 for her acrylic on canvas, “Pause,” in an exhibit on display at the Smithsonian’s Ripley Center.
Schuh’s piece is a part of “Driven,” an exhibition that highlights the works of emerging artists with disabilities. Out of 204 applicants, 15 finalists were chosen, and their works will be featured in the display until Dec. 31.
Schuh’s technique of detailed art was changed from a process of minute details “to bold brush strokes, and a complex color palette gave way to a simplified use of three colors” due to Schuh’s diagnosis with hereditary neuropathy with pressure-point palsies (HNPP).
This rare, slowly progressive, hereditary neuromuscular disorder makes an individual very susceptible to nerve injury from pressure, stretch, or repetitive use. Schuh said she was diagnosed with HNPP her freshman year of college, and absolutely everything changed.
Shocked and frustrated, Schuh wasn’t able to work for a year and a half until the initial stage of the disorder subsided a bit. According to Schuh, the disease is supposed to go in “swells” or “ups and downs.”
“I thought, ‘How unfortunate that I, a person who plays piano, plays sports, paints, draws, had a job as a digital artist, could barely brush my teeth,’” Schuh said. “But later, after time passed, I realized that I have a great deal to be thankful for and that I can now stop living for myself all of the time. Instead I try to put the energy and strength that I do have into living for other people.”
Plans have changed for Schuh, and her once double major of studio art and music gave way to studies in biology and chemistry. Preparing for graduate school are Schuh’s new plans, as she feels called to study in public health with a focus on global health.
Throughout this experience, Schuh’s artwork has been and continues to be inspired by “God and by human emotions and struggles … acts of kindness … acts of complete selflessness …[and] love.”

The winning painting, “Pause,” was actually a reflection of Schuh’s own actions and what she believes this world needs to do.
“There are times when we are so wrapped up in our worlds that we forget about other people; we forget about the simple needs that aren’t being fulfilled for many people in this world,” Schuh said. The painting represents that moment when people do think about others, focusing on something other than themselves, she said.
“In that tiny pause,” Schuh said, “we can wash away ignorance, apathy, and hopelessness.”
Shop for costumes at a different kind of Boo-tique

Arts & Entertainment Editor
Don’t let the cost of dressing up for Halloween scare you.
While Halloween consumers between the ages of 18 and 24 plan to spend an average of $34 on their costumes, financially strapped college students may want to find a cheaper option.
Local thrift shops are the perfect place to purchase low-priced items. Not only will you find a show-stopping getup, you will be helping those in need throughout the Winona community.
Most people associate thrift shops with outdated trends and messy racks packed with scary, acid-wash jeans. A trip to the Winona Volunteer Service Clothes Shop will prove these assumptions false.
The Clothes Shop serves a variety of needs in the Winona Community and provides inexpensive used clothing for both families and individuals. With over 5,000 clothing transactions annually, a new selection is put out daily with prices ranging from 25 cents to two dollars.
To get some costume ideas, the National Retail Federation (NRF) has devised a list of top costume choices for 2007. This list overwhelmingly notes traditional favorites such as witches, pirates, vampires, cats and clowns.
NRF President and CEO Tracy Mullin said, “When it comes to dressing for Halloween, traditional costumes never go out of style.” But last year 34 percent of adults dressed up for Halloween and over six million of them chose to be the same thing, a witch.
Since young adults are willing to spend nearly twice as much on costumes than on Halloween candy, retailers have altered their merchandise assortment to appeal to the younger consumer base, said Vice President of Strategy for BIGresearch Phil Rist.
“In order to please consumers of all ages, retailers have begun stocking their shelves with a wide variety of costumes, from classic favorites to pop-culture icons,” said Mullin.
On Halloween, we are encouraged to dress scary, sexy, freaky or just plain weird, but every year we go to a Halloween party only to discover there is someone dressed exactly the same way.
Why are we willing to spend money on a costume that comes in a pre-packed box, only to look like everyone else?
This year, save your money, support a great cause and only use those top costume lists as a guide for what not to wear this Halloween.
Costume Ideas:
Bride: Many people donate their wedding dresses to thrift shops. By making a few tears and putting on a little makeup, you can transform into the bride of Frankenstein.
Army Person: Army jackets are a common item to be found at a thrift store. Just add some green pants and a green shirt to complete the look.
A Bunch of Grapes: Find an old purple sweatshirt and some purple sweatpants, then attach purple balloons with safety pins. Paint your face and hands purple too.
Tourist: Find a loud Hawaii shirt and a large straw hat if you’re a boy. Girls, find a bright, loud dress, flats, big sun hat and a straw bag. Then find some jeans or shorts with some comfortable shoes. For a great accessory, hang an old-school camera around your neck.
1960s Flower Child: Look for long flowing skirts and fancy-looking tops with beads if you’re a girl. Boys, look for some bell-bottomed jeans and a concert t-shirt.
KSMR DJ schedule - time slots still open

Check out the KSMR DJ schedule!
5-7 p.m. Jessie Smith
7-9 p.m. Jon Sopcak and Andrew Rath
5-7 p.m. Lance Thompson
7-9 p.m. Lauren Schaffer and Sam Vasselar
9-11 p.m. Luke Gonnella
7-9 a.m. Ryan Anderson and Tom Schultz
5-7 p.m Eva Holupchinski and Christa Spaulding
7-9 p.m. Jon Sopcak and Andrew Rath
9-11 p.m. Mandy Haus and Emily Berg
11 p.m.-1 a.m. Scott McGrath and Marty Kocon
7-9 a.m. Ryan Anderson and Tom Schultz
9-11 a.m. Bill Ronchak
11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Steven Bouler
1-3 p.m. David Dahlstrom and Tom Briese
7-9 a.m. Ryan Anderson and Tom Schultz
3-5 p.m. Scott and Jeff show
5-7 p.m. Adam Wiltgen
7-9 p.m. Brendan Linnane
9-11 p.m. John Nye
11 p.m.- 1 a.m. Luke Gonnella and Michelle Cullen
7-9 a.m. Ryan Anderson and Tom Schultz
3-5 p.m. Michelle Cullen
There are many open time slots available for students, staff or faculty. Contact Julie Jergenson if interested in being a KSMR DJ.
Recent release great for new Dylan fans
By Neil Leibundguth
Cardinal Staff
“I’m out here a thousand miles from my home, walkin’ a road other men have gone down” are the first words Bob Dylan sings on “DYLAN,” his new three-disc retrospective.
Read more... It becomes blatantly obvious after the three-plus hours of music that encompass his entire career that very few people have walked the same road as Dylan. “DYLAN” attempts the near impossible task of condensing more than 40 years and 30 albums into a three-disc set. Unlike some of his earlier greatest hits albums, this compilation consists of all previously released material, which is the biggest turn off to Bob Dylan fans.
The order of the songs on “DYLAN” progresses chronologically, which is great for new listeners. It illustrates Dylan’s movement through different styles and periods of his writing.
Disc one begins his early folk and protest work, including some of his most famous songs like “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “The Times They are A-Changin’.” The only real complaint here, and throughout most of the album, is not the quality of the songs but the lack of depth. A song like “The Ballad of Hollis Brown” would really demonstrate the power of his song writing, but it is not as accessible to new listeners as a song like “It Ain’t Me Babe.”
The same goes for the rest of the disc, which features Dylan’s first venture into rock’n’roll. It has all of his most popular songs, but nothing that digs deeper into that time period.
Another thing that this compilation needed is some of the live material from the bootleg series Columbia has put out. By replacing some of the studio material with its live equivalent, it could have shown off Dylan’s prowess as both a songwriter and performer.
Discs two and three seem to have a little more room to feature hidden gems from some of Dylan’s later work. Disc two begins with a nice back-porch feel with songs like “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” and “I Shall be Released.” It then pulls out some great material from some of Dylan’s sub-par 80s albums. Songs like “Changing of the Guards” and “The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar” are great examples of how Dylan always has at least one masterpiece on every album he makes.
“DYLAN” is not for the Bob Dylan fanatic because fanatics probably already have all of the material on this set. It is, however, great for a listener that wants to get a taste of what Dylan is all about.
Bill Flanagan said it best in the liner notes; “Choose your favorite from here, go back to the album it came from, and dig in. Dylan’s music is a gold mine of innovation and insight. You’ll never get to the bottom of it all.”
Cardinal Staff
“I’m out here a thousand miles from my home, walkin’ a road other men have gone down” are the first words Bob Dylan sings on “DYLAN,” his new three-disc retrospective.
Read more... It becomes blatantly obvious after the three-plus hours of music that encompass his entire career that very few people have walked the same road as Dylan. “DYLAN” attempts the near impossible task of condensing more than 40 years and 30 albums into a three-disc set. Unlike some of his earlier greatest hits albums, this compilation consists of all previously released material, which is the biggest turn off to Bob Dylan fans.
The order of the songs on “DYLAN” progresses chronologically, which is great for new listeners. It illustrates Dylan’s movement through different styles and periods of his writing.
Disc one begins his early folk and protest work, including some of his most famous songs like “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “The Times They are A-Changin’.” The only real complaint here, and throughout most of the album, is not the quality of the songs but the lack of depth. A song like “The Ballad of Hollis Brown” would really demonstrate the power of his song writing, but it is not as accessible to new listeners as a song like “It Ain’t Me Babe.”
The same goes for the rest of the disc, which features Dylan’s first venture into rock’n’roll. It has all of his most popular songs, but nothing that digs deeper into that time period.
Another thing that this compilation needed is some of the live material from the bootleg series Columbia has put out. By replacing some of the studio material with its live equivalent, it could have shown off Dylan’s prowess as both a songwriter and performer.
Discs two and three seem to have a little more room to feature hidden gems from some of Dylan’s later work. Disc two begins with a nice back-porch feel with songs like “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” and “I Shall be Released.” It then pulls out some great material from some of Dylan’s sub-par 80s albums. Songs like “Changing of the Guards” and “The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar” are great examples of how Dylan always has at least one masterpiece on every album he makes.
“DYLAN” is not for the Bob Dylan fanatic because fanatics probably already have all of the material on this set. It is, however, great for a listener that wants to get a taste of what Dylan is all about.
Bill Flanagan said it best in the liner notes; “Choose your favorite from here, go back to the album it came from, and dig in. Dylan’s music is a gold mine of innovation and insight. You’ll never get to the bottom of it all.”
SMU Staff of the Month: Hilbert Kaste

Cardinal Staff
You may have seen him gathering silverware off of trays during a typical Wednesday lunch. Or you may have seen him scraping plates on the occasion that the dish room door was open. Or you may just recognize him as ‘that nice man who works in the cafeteria.’ Who is the man behind this mystic?
Read more...His name is Hilbert Kaste, and he is a husband, a father, a grandfather, and, if I do say so myself, quite the jokester.
Hilbert Kaste has been working at Chartwells Campus Dining for twelve years, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the past two. Originally from a dairy farm in Alma, Wis., Kaste worked in a factory and as a manager in a retail lumber yard for over 15 years before his current job at Chartwells. He now lives in Cochrane, Wis., with his wife Colleen, and the pair will celebrate their 48th wedding anniversary this month. “We must be doing something right,” said Kaste. They have two daughters, Cheryl, who lives in Sparta, Wis., and Lori, who lives in St. Anthony, Minn. They also have one granddaughter, Lindsay, who is a sophomore at Huntington University in Huntington, Ind.
Kaste enjoys the “upbeat” atmosphere of Chartwells. He also likes being able to “work with the students.” Kaste has a reputation for being a comedian among kitchen staff, and during the course of our interview, it was not hard to see why. Kaste repeatedly made jokes about how he hoped this issue would still distribute well, despite the fact that he was going to be featured in it. He was also sure he had broken the staff camera when he had his picture taken.
More about Kaste:
Favorite Music: Easy Listening, mostly from the 50s and 60s
Favorite Food: Chicken, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie
If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would you choose?Harry Caray (Chicago Cubs radio announcer), Charles Osgood (CBS news anchor), and Art Linkletter (TV personality and author, host of “Kids Say the Darndest Things”)
Advice for students:“Life is what you make it.”
Bub's offers great food
By Becky Newby
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Whether you’re rooting for the Packers, the Vikings or even the Bears, football fans alike have a place to watch the games at Bub’s Brewing Company Eatery & Saloon.
Being one of the few establishments on E. 4th Street, Bub’s is nearly impossible to miss. With big-screen televisions hanging in almost every corner, football addicts can eat their meals without missing a single play.
The restaurant’s spacious and energetic atmosphere, friendly service and affordable prices are enough to attract even non-sports fans.
My roommate and I recently visited Bub’s for a quick lunch around 1 p.m. Before we even walked through the front door, we couldn’t help but notice the enthusiastic screams coming from inside the restaurant. From that moment, we knew our quick lunch would turn into an afternoon event.
We mustered the courage to walk through the big green entrance, and we immediately faced an old but lively crowd watching TV at the bar. After standing in the entryway for a good minute or two, we finally noticed the “Please Seat Yourself” sign and made our way to an empty booth towards the back of the restaurant.
Even though Bub’s offers an impressive selection of draft and import beer, we opted for diet sodas instead. To start out, we shared an order of the Bub’s Nachos Supreme priced at $4.75. Although the appetizer took almost twenty minutes to arrive, it was definitely worth the wait.
Since my roommate was still waking up, she was in the mood for breakfast and ordered the All-American Burger for $6.95. Her beef patty was covered with ham, bacon, American cheese and a fried egg. Although it was extremely messy to eat, she demolished every last bite.
For my entrée, I ordered the Grilled Cheese with Tomato for $3.75. Unlike many restaurants in Winona, Bub’s offers a decent
selection of vegetarian options to choose from. The tomato added a contemporary touch to an old time classic.
Bub’s Brewing Company Eatery & Saloon offers lunch and dinner to eat-in or carryout. Bub’s is open seven days a week, opening daily at 11:30 a.m. and closing at 1 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 9 p.m. on Sundays. Weekday happy hour is from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Whether you’re rooting for the Packers, the Vikings or even the Bears, football fans alike have a place to watch the games at Bub’s Brewing Company Eatery & Saloon.
Being one of the few establishments on E. 4th Street, Bub’s is nearly impossible to miss. With big-screen televisions hanging in almost every corner, football addicts can eat their meals without missing a single play.
The restaurant’s spacious and energetic atmosphere, friendly service and affordable prices are enough to attract even non-sports fans.
My roommate and I recently visited Bub’s for a quick lunch around 1 p.m. Before we even walked through the front door, we couldn’t help but notice the enthusiastic screams coming from inside the restaurant. From that moment, we knew our quick lunch would turn into an afternoon event.
We mustered the courage to walk through the big green entrance, and we immediately faced an old but lively crowd watching TV at the bar. After standing in the entryway for a good minute or two, we finally noticed the “Please Seat Yourself” sign and made our way to an empty booth towards the back of the restaurant.
Even though Bub’s offers an impressive selection of draft and import beer, we opted for diet sodas instead. To start out, we shared an order of the Bub’s Nachos Supreme priced at $4.75. Although the appetizer took almost twenty minutes to arrive, it was definitely worth the wait.
Since my roommate was still waking up, she was in the mood for breakfast and ordered the All-American Burger for $6.95. Her beef patty was covered with ham, bacon, American cheese and a fried egg. Although it was extremely messy to eat, she demolished every last bite.
For my entrée, I ordered the Grilled Cheese with Tomato for $3.75. Unlike many restaurants in Winona, Bub’s offers a decent
selection of vegetarian options to choose from. The tomato added a contemporary touch to an old time classic.
Bub’s Brewing Company Eatery & Saloon offers lunch and dinner to eat-in or carryout. Bub’s is open seven days a week, opening daily at 11:30 a.m. and closing at 1 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 9 p.m. on Sundays. Weekday happy hour is from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
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