Friday, October 10, 2008

John McCain: Maverick

By Rick Baustian
Cardinal Staff

John McCain, as you undoubtedly know, is the Republican candidate for president. He has the distinct task of playing to his voter base while simultaneously separating himself from the current president. This is why he bills himself as a maverick.Read more...

McCain supports the Second Amendment. He believes that gun control should be relaxed, as current legislation keeps guns away from innocent people. He makes a good point, as prohibition showed that when something is outlawed, people still find ways of getting it.

McCain is a conservative, pro-life candidate, hoping to pass legislation to help overturn Roe v. Wade and promote adoption. This appeals greatly to my Catholic sensibilities. It also appeals to my belief that such an issue should be left to the states.

For the Iraq War, McCain believes that we should finish the job we started. As such, he wants to turn control of the country over to Iraq, once they are capable, and remove the troops. After all, what better choice could we have than to “stay the course.”

Regarding the economy, McCain feels that we should promote new jobs with trade reform and restructured taxes. This might fix our current problems, but he would have to do more to rebuild our economy.

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