Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama critic: What change?

By Catherine McDonald
Guest Columnist

The Obama campaign has targeted and been characterized by a considerably enthusiastic following of first-time and young voters. This borderline hysterical support can be seen on college campuses throughout the country. There is no question that Senator Barack Obama has made an effort to come off as the “cooler”, more progressive candidate. However, his approval of supporters like “The Obama Girl” ( and affiliation with groups like one that has become known as “The Obama Youth,” both popularized by Youtube, seem to encourage hysterical support void of any real substance. This kind of enthusiasm that has developed around Obama’s campaign causes me to question the level to which Obama’s supporters have made a sound examination of the policies proposed. It seems that many have conformed to the mindset spoon-fed to the college crowd by Obama’s campaign.

Speaking with students who attended the rally in La Crosse last month and others who support Obama, I believe their admiration is overly enthusiastic. While enthusiasm is more than welcome in the political realm, many supporters claim that Obama is “perfect,” the “most incredible man” they have ever seen. The problem is that when asked to elaborate, many individuals cannot present a solid case. Still he is supported with almost religious devotion and often spoken of as a kind of rockstar, celebrity, or prophet. When asked why they support Obama, many students will respond with something like, “Because our country needs change and he can give us that!” “Change”: it’s the buzzword of the 2008 election. Just what does this mean? I encourage both Democrat and Republican voters to dig for a deeper definition of the “Change” their candidate proposes. When considering who to vote for this November, think about what is important to you.

One must evaluate the costs of having more government interference in the lives of citizens. Do you want the government to spend your earnings? Consider the devastating effects that a socialized healthcare system has had when it has been implemented in other countries. Do you want bureaucrats deciding how much of your own money you can retain to feed and provide for your family when past and present government attempts to “help” in these matters have proven to be the cause of more problems? Obama has consistently voted to increase the role of government and increase taxes.

There are a variety of issues to consider. For instance, voters should reflect on the fact that Obama literally launched his political career from the basement of William Ayers, an “unrepentant terrorist” responsible for the bombing of the Pentagon and U.S. Capital. Voters should also note that Obama is supported by Hezbollah (an Islamic fundamentalist group) and Iran. One should not forget his radical, racist ties to Reverand Jeremiah Wright. I encourage voters to ask themselves if their true moral convictions line up with those advocated by their choice candidate. The destructive nature of policies championed by liberals for the past 30 years, such as the redistribution of wealth and increased governmental control, has been evident when implemented by Stalin and Mao Tse-tung. I issue a warning to young voters especially. Do not be fooled by a fresh, smooth-talking, inexperienced face selling thirty year-old, stale liberal policies packaged in a flashy wrapper called “Change.”

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