Friday, November 20, 2009

Global Issues class displays place spotlight on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

News Editor

Photo displays about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that were set up around Saint Mary’s University by students to create dialogue have raised concerns that led to the administration’s removal of two photos, said Dorothy Diehl, chair of the Modern and Classical Languages Department.

James Bedtke, vice president for the College, removed the photos after people complained that they were disrespectful to what happened during the Holocaust and were unpleasant to look at. One photo was of a Nazi soldier holding a gun to a Jewish prisoner, which was placed next to a similar photo with an Israeli person and a Palestinian prisoner, Diehl said.

These photos were taken down because they were seen as “more inflammatory than the others,” Diehl said. Bedtke explained his decision and confirmed Diehl’s account of the situation but declined to comment further, noting that he had already addressed Diehl’s Global Issues class that set up the displays.

Diehl said a group is currently being formed to discuss the logistics of how to handle similar situations involving student projects and whether or not to have a policy regulating these types of displays. The displays were part of an awareness campaign that Diehl assigns to her Global Issues classes to demonstrate what they feel is important about issues discussed in class. The students in the class about the Palestinian- Israeli conflict produced several projects including: the displays; and fund raising events Iron Chef and Pennies for Palestine.

“I hope (the students) will take away something that has really touched them,” said Diehl.

She also wants the displays to inform people about the side of the issue that she says is normally not talked about.

“The hope is that people would see these things and then there would be a discussion,” Diehl said. “Nothing will change if we don’t dialogue.”

The awareness campaign projects will remain on display around campus until Thanksgiving break. Diehl developed the course content after her sabbatical in the West Bank last year. She said the trip was a “transforming experience” because it exposed her to the effects of the “oppressive Israeli regime” that affects all people in the territory, not just Palestinians. “I realized that the refugees were just one part of the situation on the West Bank,” Diehl said. “It’s my duty as a citizen to speak out and say that there’s another side than what we see.”

The class discussed issues surrounding the West Bank situation while reading texts from a variety of groups including Israelis, Israeli peace groups, the United States and the Palestinians. Junior Emily Dee, who participated in the awareness campaign, hopes that the projects will influence people to become more aware of and active in what is going on.

“We can get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget there are people and events outside of our communities that are just as important to think and be concerned about,” said Dee, who helped organize SMU Iron Chef to raise money for Bethlehem University, a Christian Brothers university in the Palestinian territory.

Tuition, financial aid expected to increase

Managing Editor

A tuition increase of 3.9 percent for 2010-11 has been approved by the Board of Trustees and takes into account the economic concerns of Saint Mary’s University’s students, according to Cindy Marek, vice president for financial affairs.

The 3.9 percent increase also applies to students’ room and board and increases the total cost by around $1,200. “Although any increase in tuition is an unwelcomed burden for any university student, at Saint Mary’s we are lucky to have one of the lowest tuitions for a private college in Minnesota,” said Mary Gleich, student senate president. “I hope that our administrators will always keep in mind our Lasallian tradition of providing a quality education for all, especially the poor.”

In past years, SMU has increased tuition about 4 to 5 percent each year because of annual increases in medical costs, tuition discounts and expenses associated with operating the university. “We have had years where our medical costs alone increase by 10 percent,” said Marek. “Those increases make it harder to adjust.”

Last year, the Board of Trustees approved a six percent tuition increase in November. But after the economic downturn, the university lowered the increase to 4 percent. Marek said that all possible scenarios are being considered when planning for the 2009-10 academic year.

“We know that we have families that have lost jobs or have illnesses,” said Marek. “But we are hoping that it won’t affect each student drastically.”

An increase in tuition will also bring an increase in financial aid for qualifying students, Marek said. The amount of financial aid or tuition discounts given to students has exceeded the amount that was budgeted during the previous year. Three years ago, the average tuition discount was 33.9 percent and has increased to 39.3 percent for the current year.

“It is dependent on the students who are coming here and what their need is,” said Marek. “We could have a year where our students come from more upper-income families and that might not happen. But more of our students come from middle-class families.” The recent economic downturn has made Marek’s job more difficult. “In the 30 years I have been in higher education, this has been my most difficult year-and-a-half working through this and seeing the difficulties families are going through,” said Marek. “That makes it hard for us because we want to limit our tuition increase as much as possible but have to budget so we are fiscally responsible to the university.”

SMU’s budget is tuition-dependent, which means it is built based on the expected revenues from students’ tuition. While other schools may subsidize any loss in revenues through gifts or their endowment, SMU does not have that luxury. “You’re still going to have these same costs even if you have 150 less students,” said Marek.

SMU has tried many things to generate additional revenue, such as summer camps, renting out buildings, and expanding the Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs.

“If you go down to Winona State and see the new buildings going up, I think wow,” said Marek. “But we feel in many ways that we do the education side - which is the important piece - better.”

Excessive posters prompt talk about new policy

Editor in Chief

“I was walking through Saint Mary’s Hall, and it threw up on me,” senior Brian Smith joked while emceeing “Blue Angel” earlier this month. Smith is not the only one to notice the recent surplus of posters and fliers around the Saint Mary’s University campus, especially in Saint Mary’s Hall.

“It really clutters things up,” said Jason Richter, assistant dean of students for leadership, service and activities. Richter said he generally does not approve any advertisement larger than the size of a poster board, but this year there has been a significant increase in the number of posters made out of the large rolls of paper found in the workroom in the basement of the Michael H. Toner Student Center. The size of posters is not the only problem, Richter said. Even small posters can lose their appeal when used in large quantities in one area, he said. Richter also said that groups advertising with posters often neglect to remove them, so he has a student worker walk around campus and remove outdated fliers every week.

Richter acknowledges that getting events noticed can be tough, but he said this should not force groups to cover every open surface with event promotions. “Saint Mary’s Hall is beautiful,” Richter said. “We do not need to be hanging things from the banisters.” There is a policy regarding posters on campus, but it is largely un-enforced. Page 60 of the undergraduate Student Handbook states: “No announcements may be taped to windows, room doors, interior or exterior walls, doors, trees, sidewalks, or any other place other than the area designated for announcements.” This designated area, according to both Richter and the handbook, is any of the numerous bulletin boards on campus. “It really needs to be self-enforced,” Richter said.

Richter suggests clubs and organizations take advantage of technology to promote events by using Facebook, YouTube and channel 10. He also said that word-of mouth is the best way to publicize events. The handbook does exclude one bulletin board from student use, saying, “All postings on the main bulletin board opposite the stairs on the first floor of Saint Mary’s Hall are for current academic and administrative uses only.”

Alum one step closer to Sainthood

Cardinal Staff

Brother James Miller, a 1966 graduate of Saint Mary’s University has been declared a “Servant of God,” which is the first step of four in the process of canonization, or the process of becoming a saint.

While serving God by bringing education and faith to the indigenous people of Guatemala, Brother James was murdered on Feb. 13, 1982. He was murdered for teaching the indigenous people because their education posed a threat to some, said Jerome E. Hendrickson, classmate of Brother James.

“When Brother James was alone, having sent his student-helper inside, they approached, withdrew their pistols from under their shirts and opened fire, point blank,” said Brother Francis Carr ’66, Provincial the Christian Brothers Midwest District. The murderers Carr refers to were “three killers, all on foot, who were waiting behind the rear of the Cathedral 50 meters away.”

Two years earlier, similar murderswere taking place against priests in El Salvador, such as the death of Archbishop Oscar Romero.

“(Brother James) knew this was going on and stayed in the face of danger,” said Director of Campus Ministry Chris McClead. “He was in the middle of it.”

There are four steps that must be completed before one is declared a Saint: Servant of God, Venerable, Blessed and then, ultimately, Sainthood. In order to be declared a “Servant of God,” the Bishop of Huehuetenango, where Brother James was martyred, initiated the investigation of his life. Brother James exercised Christian virtues that are considered heroic, and because of this he was declared “Servant of God.” The whole process cannot start until five years after the person has died.

Hendrickson reflected back to when he and Brother James were both students.

“We met in 1963; he was a farmer from Wisconsin,” said Hendrickson in a phone interview. “He had a very outgoing personality and was idealistic. While I was a student, he voiced a goal for him was to work in the missions. He was friendly; I’m happy I knew him.”

Currently, there is a scholarship in Brother James’s name available to students in need of financial assistance. The scholarship is offered every year, totaling up to almost $50,000 over four years for a student.

Renovations improve customer service

Distribution Manager

When passing by the Saint Mary’s University Barnes and Noble Bookstore in recent weeks, students may have noticed a few changes.

The remodeling of the bookstore, which began Oct. 19, occurred as part of a renewed contract between Barnes and Noble and the university. According to Donna White, the Winona Campus Manager, Barnes and Noble is renovating the graduate school store in the Twin Cities as well.

“I think the remodeling provides a fresh and modern look for the bookstore,” said White. “The layout of the textbooks and the supplies is much different than before.”

One change is the manager’s desk now located in the middle of the store. “This way, we are always available for our customers,” said White. “No one has to come peeking in a window to see if we are around.”

“We have been asked a few times about the remodeling process,” said White. “Most of the time, students are wondering if we are adding a coffee shop, to which we respond, ‘no.’ Our store is not big enough to facilitate this service.”

Renovations were finished about a week-and-a-half after construction began.

Volunteer Fair draws students

Cardinal Staff

While some seniors at Saint Mary’s University look to further their education in graduate school or begin their search for jobs, others hope to volunteer after graduation.

On Nov. 3, SMU hosted the Volunteer Fair to expose students to many long-term and short-term volunteering opportunities. The fair has been coming to SMU for nearly 10 years, according to Chris McClead, director of campus ministry. The organizations in the fair travel together, visit numerous college campuses across the nation and offer a variety of service opportunities for students.

Twenty-one long-term organizations stationed themselves in the basement of Toner Center. In addition, 10 short-term groups made an appearance at the fair. This was the first year that SMU has ever had short-term organizations visit campus.

McClead said that long-term groups offer more stability to a volunteer by providing educational grants, insurance, and stipends. While long-term volunteers are fully dedicated to their services and have become part of a community, short-term volunteering does not require a high level of commitment and often involves work that can be done in a volunteer’s spare time.

Providence VolunteerMinistries (PVM), a longterm program that travels with the Volunteer Fair, typically sees great interest from students. “Beyond getting the word out,” said PVM volunteer, Rachel Andrepont, “volunteer fairs present a wonderful opportunity to expose college students to the idea of service and tell them about our own experiences volunteering.”

Some of the more popular long-term organizations at the fair included Lasallian Volunteers, Jesuit Volunteers and Dominican Volunteers, McClead said. These, along with other long-term groups, offered a wide range of volunteer work such as helping in schools, prisons, employment services, addiction recoveries and health facilities.

Some short-term opportunities included working with Winona area schools, the Red Cross, homeless shelters and affordable housing. The fair did not receive the desired response from SMU students, said McClead. The fair’s open hours of 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. were not ideal for most students’ schedules due to conflicts with classes and lunch. However, the fair was planning on visiting Winona State University later that day.

“Volunteering is all about contributing to a common good,” said McClead. “Young people have too much energy and talent to offer. By serving others, we realize how similar we all are. Those we serve are much closer to us than we may think.”

Those interested in volunteering can visit the Office of Campus Ministry for information about the groups that visited campus and other volunteer opportunities.

Couple’s love endures wartime separation

Cardinal Staff

In honor of Veteran’s Day on Nov. 11, the United States recognizes all of the soldiers who have served and are serving our country today. One of SMU’s own, Michelle Richardson, a senior from Havre, Mont., knows all too well what it means to honor a soldier.

On May 17, 2008, Michelle married her hometown sweetheart, John Richardson of the United StatesArmy. Four months later, John was deployed to Iraq, where he served for one year. As a specialist in the Army Infantry, John spent most of his time in Mosul and Baqubah, Iraq. “Some days we’d have a specific objective, like raiding houses or collecting intelligence,” John said.

“Every now and then we would sweep an entire city, going through every house and building making sure there was no insurgent activity.”

John feels that his time served in the U.S. Army has made him into a stronger, more responsible adult. “I’ve noticed that I have thicker skin and more discipline when it comes to getting a job done, no matter what the cost,” he said. John joined the Army immediately after graduating high school. Following boot camp, John was home on leave, and coincidently, Michelle was also home for fall break. It only took them running into one another for a flame to ignite. They began dating and were married two years later. “I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my wife for a year, but I knew I had to serve my country,” John said.

During the time that John was overseas, Michelle was in school, working to get her degree in criminal justice. “It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to experience,” Michelle said. “Long distance relationships are tough, but this was even harder because John could only call every three to four days, and I never knew when to expect him.”

Michelle spent all of her junior year in a worried state. “I couldn’t turn on the news because I didn’t want to hear about something that happened and fear that he was hurt,” Michelle said. “The best thing for me to do was to keep myself busy with school and friends. That was the only way I could keep my mind from going to those dark places.”

As a way to keep John close by, Michelle wore his dog tags every single day that he was deployed. John returned to his home base, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, on Aug. 29, 2009. Michelle will be graduating this December and plans to join him in Alaska, where they will celebrate their first Christmas together.

John will be discharged on Oct. 2, 2010. Michelle and John then plan to move back to Montana, where they will start a new adventure as a civilian married couple.

Tadie views military as great life lesson

Cardinal Staff

Veteran’s Day, also known asArmistice Day, is celebrated annually on Nov. 11 to commemorate those who served or are currently serving in the armed forces. One of those honored is Saint Mary’s University philosophy professor, Joseph Tadie, a United States Marines veteran.

With a father who served in the military, one may think this was Tadie’s major motivating factor for joining the armed forces, but a desire to visit France was how everything started.

As a kid in high school, Tadie saved enough money from his job in order to afford the trip. His parents, however, had a different plan for him - college. In hopes of pleasing his parents and fulfilling his own desires, Tadie applied for a full military scholarship given only to top students. “The scholarship included free tuition and books, complete with a food and clothing stipend,” said Tadie. “You had to have the grades, the community service hours and superior physical abilities as well. On top of that, there had to be approval from a congressman and a senator plus letters of recommendation.”

Awarded the full scholarship in 1986, Tadie chose the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, where he completed his basic training. This included everything from scaling walls and swimming through water during an oil fire, to scuba diving, flight training and target shooting. While Tadie never went on to continue his full training, he still found the experience exhilarating.

“I loved the competition, being able to be physically active outdoors, and pushing myself to the limit, but I couldn’t believe that it (the Marines) was God’s purpose for me,” said Tadie.

After many debates, Tadie was able to convince officers to give him an honorable discharge. “I just found another purpose in life,” said Tadie. “I believed my skills could be put to better use, so I refused commission on the grounds of conscience.”

Despite choosing a career out of the military, Tadie believes his experience was a good one and helped him figure out what he really wanted to do with his life.

“The thought of what my life would have been like if I had stayed in the military (retirement in 20 years, a nice place, a wife, etc.) still sticks with me,” said Tadie. “I still find my time in the military to be a great life lesson.”

Peace and Ju stice teams up w ith veterans g roup

Feature Editor

Every November, the Saint Mary’s University Peace and Justice Club makes the 19-hour drive to Georgia and participates in the School of the Americas (SOA) protest. But this year, the club is not making the trek alone when they leave Nov. 20.

For it’s tenth annual trip, Peace and Justice is teaming up with Veterans for Peace, a Twin Cities-based organization of veterans dedicated to world peace through nonviolence, to attend a peace vigil set for Nov. 22.

Because Peace and Justice was looking for new ways to decrease costs of the trip, club president Mary Gleich contacted Veterans for Peace, which takes a bus to Fort Benning, Ga., to participate in the vigil.

The national vigil is in protest of the United States military’s Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC), formerly known as SOA. At the base, Latin American soldiers are trained with alleged tactics such as violence, torture and other types of guerilla warfare.

In addition, many of the soldiers and policemen who have gra dua t ed f rom the academy hav e be en linked to the promotion of dictatorship and violation of human rights in their home countries. “As Americans, we pay taxes, and we don’t want our tax dollars going to something that is contributing to the killing of people in other countries,” said Gleich.

According to the Veterans for Peace mission statement, the organization strives to increase public awareness of the costs of war, restrain the United States government from intervening in internal affairs with other nations and abolish war as a tool of national policy. “I think it is nice that the men and women who have served our country and respect the role of the military are
able to disagree with some of the military’s ways,” said Gleich. “They care about what happens here at home and in other countries. They add a new dimension to the meaning of our trip.”

Gleich also said SMU has a direct connection with the SOA/WHISC because former SMU alum Brother James Miller (66) who was killed by an SOA soldier while on a mission trip in Guatemala.

“This is an important Saint Mary’s tradition because we have such a personal connection with this situation,” Gleich said.

The purpose of the vigil is not only to protest in a peaceful civil action, but also to take a tour of the military base designed to help educate people on the academy.

Eleven SMU students are signed up to attend the protest, which is a smaller number than in previous years. However, the smaller group is not due to lack of interest. Gleich said the decline in the amount of students is a result of budget cuts and the sharing of travel space with another organization.


Guest Writer

BEST ACT: Journey - "Separate Ways"
BEST FRESHIE: Trevor Woggon
BEST MO-STASH: Greg Freeman

McCullough named poet laureate of Winona

Arts and Entertainment Editor

Recently, Ken McCullough, assistant director of Academic Advising and director of the Path to Academic Success (PASS) program, was chosen by the Winona Fine Arts Commission as the new poet laureate of Winona.

According to McCullough, the poet laureate is “more than anything, the person who is supposed to be an ambassador for poetry.” As poet laureate, McCullough will work to “demystify” poetry for residents of Winona through various presentations, visits to local schools and collaboration between Saint Mary’s University and Winona State University.

McCullough also wants work closely with Project FINE, a local non-profit organization that helps immigrants assimilate to the Winona community. When families move to Winona from other countries, said McCullough, their natural impulse is to move away from their native culture. McCullough believes that with the encouragement of a local oral history project, these families will feel a greater sense of pride in their heritage, which would in turn enrich the culture of the Winona community. Poetry has been an integral part of McCullough’s life for many years. While studying biological sciences, McCullough took some classes in creative writing, which eventually led him to earn a Masters in Fine Arts, from the Iowa Writers’Workshop at the University of Iowa. “It is a strange circumstance to have an advanced degree in something that gives (one) a great deal of pleasure,” said

McCullough believes that Winona is uniquely situated for “wacky” people such as himself because it embraces the arts so strongly. Over the last few years, said McCullough, events such as the Minnesota Beethoven Festival, Great River Shakespeare Festival and Frozen River Film Festival have made Winona their home, promoting its rising status as a city of the arts. As a river town, McCullough said that it is “part of (Winona’s) character” to have “a large percent of (artistic) people who are not frowned upon by the community.” Winona, McCullough said, is a “good environment to be such a person.”

MUSE calls for literary magazine submissions

Copy Editor

Students who want to have their voices heard can do so through Saint Mary’s University’s annual literary and arts magazine, Mosaic.

Mosaic is run through the English club on campus, MUSE (Mary’s University Students of English), and is comprised of student poetry, short fiction, essays, photography and art work.

Co-editor in chief Ashley Acosta said this year they want to focus mainly on literature but will still include photos and other artwork. “Mosaic gives you a chance to show not just students, but faculty too, what’s on your mind,” Acosta said. “It’s your interests and ideas fellow students may not have known before.”

Also new this year is Acosta’s and co-editor in chief Chad Divine’s hope to put on a workshop where students can peer review each other’s work. They are also planning to create a Facebook page where peers can post stories and interact. Any student can submit their work for publication.

“Alot of students think that you have to be an English major,” said Acosta. “(Mosaic) is a cool way to show people, ‘Hey, I have the ability to write.’”

Mosaic is published in the spring, and copies are distributed to the English department and throughout campus. The deadline for entries this year is Dec. 9. Work can be submitted to campus box 1446 or emailed to David Sokolowski, associate professor of English and Mosaic advisor, at or

Open Mic Night a growing phenomenon

Cardinal Staff

Open Mic Night (OMN) may not be known to all on the Saint Mary’s University campus, but through word-of-mouth, it is growing in popularity.

Last year, three graduate students, Tim Fredrickson, Bethany Jorgensen and Brendan Dolan, came up with the idea. The event would provide SMU students with the opportunity “to be individuals without the pressures and judgment of a large audience,” said Dolan. “We wanted students to embrace their love for poetry, dance, comedy, music and theater.”

Comparatively, since its inception last year, the rate of attendance has grown immensely.At the first OMN last year, there were less than 20 students in attendance, whereas the first OMN this year hosted well over 100 students. “It has changed from three
hall directors struggling to find performers and grown into a group of strong student leaders that encourage their peers to challenge and represent themselves,” Dolan said.

Dolan’s goal, however, is not just to see Open Mic Night grow, but also to see it become a self-sufficient, student-run club. He hopes if the goal is reached it would “allow (…) students to completely control what they need, want and envision OMN to be without any pressure on specific content.”

“Amazing things can happen when you give a student (a) microphone and complete freedom,” said Dolan.

MOVIE REVIEW:‘The Proposal’

Cardinal Staff

“The Proposal,” featuring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, is an exceptional film that will surely be a favorite among romantic comedy fans.

This movie involves bribery between a sophisticated New York book editor, Margaret Tate (Bullock), and her assistant, Andrew Paxton (Reynolds), who, despite everything, loathe one another. Margaret, desperate to save her job, manipulates Andrew into
faking a proposal to avoid the conflict of Margaret being deported back to Canada, her home country. A weekend getaway with
Andrew’s relatives is not a typical vacation for either of them. Deceiving Andrew’s family of their engagement stirs up several surprises and the truth of their relationship unravels.

The filmmakers of this movie achieve an excellent balance between humor and romance, provoking the audience members to laugh out loud. “The Proposal” is not over-the-top predictable like a handful of romantic comedies are. The setting of the movie transitions between the fast-paced New York City to small-town Alaska, where life is experienced differently. Bullock and Reynolds’ roller coaster of a relationship is one that you’ll want to witness for yourself.

“The Proposal” is rated PG-13 for sexual content, brief nudity and language.

ALLBUM REVIIEW: ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Soundtrack’ [2004]

Cardinal Staff

The soundtrack of the movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is as close to perfection as a movie soundtrack will ever get. Jon Brion, the mastermind behind the compilation of the soundtrack’s songs, brilliantly blends his own original tunes, such as the short but delicate “Row,” with other charts by the likes of Beck, The Willowz, ELO, The Polyphonic Spree, Don Nelson and Lata Mangeshkar. The most prolific song on the album, however, is the remastering of The Korgis’ tune “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime,” which strips down the 80’s style synth with a darker synth sound which beautifully complements the addition of Beck’s naked voice. I recommend first watching the film, for if there is one fault of the soundtrack, it is that without the context of the movie, it can seem unfocused. Nevertheless, if you appreciate good soundtracks, Jon Brion’s masterpiece is worth a round.

SONG REVIIEW: “Marquee Moon” by Television

Cardinal Staff

Television’s song “Marque Moon,” off the album of the same name, is pure energy. At first listen, the voice of lead singer and lead guitarist Tom Verlaine may seem like a dying cat, but after a few more listens, his unabashed and audacious style grows on the listener, although I will admit that his cryptic and mythical lyrics don’t hurt his cause. What truly unifies the song and creates the seamless sounds, however, is the constant interplay between the instruments (including Verlaine’s voice) which progress into passionate and vibrant guitar solos that last nearly six minutes. Whereas a music historian would be inclined to speak of this song’s influence on the revolution of post-punk rock, what seems more important is that this song reciprocates enormous musical pleasure to the listener who is willing to spend the time getting to know it.

Group effort leads volleyball to NCAA tournament

Editor in Chief

After making the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) tournament last season, the Saint Mary’s University volleyball team was determined to take it a step further this year, said Head Coach Mike Lester.

The team did just that, not only gaining another berth to the MIAC tournament, but also earning a chance to compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Central Region playoffs, held in St. Louis, Mo., for the first time since 2000.

“The conference playoffs last year gave the team a taste of what hard work can do,” Lester said. The NCAA tournament
bid was a great way for “all that hard work and all the hours in the gym” to pay off, Lester said.

“Going to the NCAA tournament was the best way to end this season,” said junior Jessica Mate. “We all worked so hard during the summer and during the season, and we were not ready for the season to end after losing to St. Olaf in the MIAC playoffs.”

Lester credits hard work in the off-season and following through on their goals. This effort to achieve team goals, Lester said, was key. “You can’t just set goals and expect them to happen,” Lester said.Lester recalls hearing about another athlete asking one of the volleyball team members why the team wakes up for 6 a.m. conditioning sessions in the off-season. “It’s what we do,” was the volleyball player’s response. Lester said this attitude, to do what is necessary to get ready for the next season, is what this team is all about.

Another key to the success of this year’s 22-10 season is the full team effort, Lester said. He watched the tape of the team’s final game, a close 3-1 loss to first-seed Washington University in the second round of the NCAA tournament on Friday, Nov. 13, and focused on the reactions of those not playing.

Lester said the members of the team were “so excited for each other” and that the “celebrations on the bench are what our team is about.” The team is already looking forward to the next season. Lester said the team asked to start practicing on the bus home. Lester said the NCAA tournament “fueled that desire to take it to the next step next year.”

“I am so proud of the team,” Mate said. “We left everything on the court against Washington University; we played probably the best match of our season. It was the best way to end an amazing season.”

New hockey policies create controversy

Managing Editor

Saint Mary’s University’s men’s varsity hockey head coach Bill Moore’s new team policies are meant to emphasize the athletic department’s push for “Cardinal Pride.”

The new policies were created around the goal of making athletes better-rounded members of the SMU community. Moore said that “Cardinal Pride” is comprised of three main points: success in the classroom, being respectful to others on campus and respecting faculty members and staff. “I was not excited about the image of the hockey players when I got here,” said Moore. “One of my main focuses is to change attitudes of the hockey players both on and off the ice.”

Moore believes the reason the new policies have created so much controversy is because players were removed from their comfort zones and forced to compete for one of the 26 varsity roster spots. “Any time you take somebody out of their comfort zone, there is going to be controversy,” said Moore. “We pulled everyone out of their comfort zone and put into a perspective of who’s going to work hard.”

The coaching staff’s emphasis on discipline has already made an impact on the team, resulting in fewer penalties. Moore said he wants the team to be physical, not cheap. “We started to penalize guys who got into those situations and by the second part of the season, we got our penalty minutes way down,” said Moore. “We took two penalties in the first game and four in the second game, so I think it’s working.”

Moore said the biggest change in attitude that he has seen this year came during the Oct. 30 game against the University of St. Thomas. After the Tommies scored three early goals, SMU refused to quit. “Last year we probably would have given up, but this year we fought back and got it to 3-2,” said Moore. “Our guys are working very hard, and that will be the key to our success.”

SMU’s history as a hockey school has also increased the scrutiny placed on the team. “We had the idea that we were better than others,” said Moore. “We sometimes shoot ourselves in the foot by giving people opportunities to talk about us. If we don’t give them opportunities to talk about us, then we don’t have any issues to deal with.”

Moore would like to see his players become more Lasallian. “I would like them to care about others more than they do about themselves, work hard every single day and to remember that the reason they came here is to get an education.”

Quick hits from around the leagues

Sports Editor

• It looks like I’ve eaten my words concerning Mr. Favre. My article from two months ago denounced him and everything he
stands for; I now see the Vikings getting at least as far as the NFC championship.
• The Metrodome recently had a fire sale with all of their Twins signage and miscellaneous merchandise. I always thought that the Dome was better for viewing baseball than football; now the Twins will have to suffer through a slew of cold games early in the season.
• Speaking of the Metrodome exodus, I recently took in a Minnesota Gophers football game at their new stadium. I have to say I really like the idea of football returning to campus – the new field is only blocks from the freshman dorms.
• Getting your name on Sportscenter isn’t always a good thing. New Mexico women’s soccer player Elizabeth Lambert was shown earlier this month throwing multiple punches and kicks against BYU – search her name on YouTube for the controversial highlights.
• With the start of the NBA season comes the now-annual debate: LeBron or Kobe? It’s clear that LeBron is the well-rounded player while Kobe is the pure scorer. A Cavaliers vs. Lakers finals series would be epic, but I just can’t see Cleveland beating out Boston.
• Props to the volleyball team for advancing farther in postseason play than any recent SMU team in the last five or so years. Hopefully this can start a winning trend that will carry over into the winter seasons.

Conover’s winter sports previews

Sports Editor

Last year: 4-20-1 (3-12-1, 8th MIAC)
Key returners: Mike Glaesmer, A.J. Woodward, Anthony Bohn, Morgan Shepherd
Alex’s take: Second-year coach Bill Moore will improve on last year’s record with a renewed attitude and emphasis on team play.

Last year: 7-14-2 (6-10-2, 8th MIAC)
Key returners: Dy-Anna Stewart, Katie Cachey, Jamie Henneman, Stevie Fiek
Alex’s take: Late season antics kept this young SMU team out of the playoffs last year. Look for coach Mannor and crew to look to sneak into that final playoff spot this time around.

Last year: 7-18 (6-14, 10th MIAC)
Key returners: Will Wright, Lukas Holland, Pat Freeman, Pat Connolly
Alex’s take: The Wright/Holland combination will continue to produce points, but can coach Landrum solidify the post game? The addition of some impact freshmen makes this year’s bench much deeper.

Last year: 4-21 (4-18, 10th MIAC)
Key returners: Jessica Miller, Cherie Kulig, Michelle Carne
Alex’s take: Third-year coach Mandy Pearson has assembled a solid core of players. The team will look for strong guard play to rise in the MIAC standings.

Last year: Men placed 7th and Women
placed 10th MIAC
Key returners: John Fox, Jennifer Salzman, Tim Tysk
Alex’s take: After being the first Cardinal swimmer to ever qualify for nationals, senior John Fox will have a chance to become the MIAC’s top swimmer.


Cardinal Staff

Name: Tony Hynes
Class: Senior
Sport: Golf
Major: Management/Marketing
Hometown: Lino Lakes, Minn.
High School: Totino-Grace

Name: Stephanie Marnocha
Class: Senior
Sport: Soccer
Major: Secondary Education
Hometown: Appleton, Wis.
High School: Appleton North

What made you decide on SMU as your college

Marnocha: I decided to come to Saint Mary’s because I had the opportunity to play college soccer as well as attend a university that had a great education program. It was also important to me that I attended a smaller school, since I had no desire to be a number in a crowd.

Hynes: What made me decide on SMU as my college choice was the fact that I had the opportunity to compete on a college level on the SMU men’s golf team. Also, I really liked the campus when I came for my visit.

What is your favorite athletics moment?

Marnocha: I would have to say my favorite athletic moment at Saint Mary’s was when I scored the winning goal this year against UWRiver Falls. I didn’t actually think the ball was going in, but it curved at just the last second.

Hynes: My favorite athletics moment at SMU was my junior year, day two at the MIAC championship tournament. We shot 297, breaking the school record on our way to taking fifth place, our best finish in years.

Who is your favorite professional athlete?

Marnocha: My favorite professional athlete would have to be Michael Phelps. I was a competitive swimmer for seven years, and what he can do in the pool is absolutely incredible.

Hynes: I love sports so I have a lot of favorites, but right now it is Brett Favre. I hated him for so many years because he was a Packer, but he’s still got it, and he’s about to take the Vikings to the Super Bowl.

What is your favorite part about SMU athletics?

Marnocha: My favorite part of SMU athletics is the people. Being on the women’s soccer team has allowed me to become part of a bigger community on the Saint Mary’s campus, and it has introduced me to so many people I otherwise may have never met. I have met some of my best friends from playing soccer at Saint Mary’s.

Hynes: My favorite part about SMU athletics is how all the sports teams get along. SMU athletics make you feel like you’re part of a community.

Student Concerns: Food service bids to be heard soon

Cardinal Staff

As Saint Mary’s University continues deeper into the last weeks of 2009, student life continues to become more active and usually more stressed as well. With this, on the other hand, many great things are able to be accomplished on campus, often at the hands of SMU students. One way that students are able to be further involved is with the ever-increasing relationship between students and Chartwells food service.

It is true that this is seen primarily in the longstanding work of student representatives (the author being your current rep). Now, additionally, as Chartwells and other food service companies make bids for the servicing contract which would take effect next year, one or two students will be a part of that decision-making process.

Correspondingly, SMU Student Senate held a “Food Service Forum” recently to gather input from the student senators and any
other students who wished to express their wants and needs. The ideas and preferences from this forum will now be utilized as the student perspective in that bidding process. Further updates regarding the results of this process will be forthcoming.

Regarding the frustration among a number of students in regards to cardio equipment in the RAC, the current issues have been communicated and are in process of resolution. A deeper problem, however, is the fact that many issues, especially with cardio and weight room equipment, are not addressed by the users in the correct manner.

Often, when a treadmill, for example, no longer turns on, it simply is not used and many people know not to use it. No one, for
some reason, decides to report the problem. So, to combat this, I write to make known the proper notification policy. Basically, all it takes is a 30-second phone call to Nikki Fennern, SMU Athletic Director, at ext. 1638. The number is posted in the RAC for this reason. So, in the future, please just call and leave a message with Nikki.

For these and all issues, suggestions or complaints pertaining to Chartwells food service, athletic facilities (RAC, pool, gym, etc.), campus facilities, Residential Life or Student Development, please e-mail them to

Ask Angel: Avoid overeating during the holidays

Dear Angel,
I have made a commitment to get in shape and maintain my weight. I’ve done pretty well this since the school year started. With the stress of finals and then the holidays, I am dreading the next six weeks since I usually overeat when I’m stressed, and the holidays give me lots of extra options. Any suggestions?
Keeping it off

Dear Keeping,
Congratulations to you for taking charge of your health. Maintaining a healthy weight and a regular exercise program will serve you well now, as well as throughout your lifetime. Research shows that individuals who do this generally live longer and also have an overall improved quality of life. Like anything though, it is important to keep things in perspective. It sounds like you have already established some pretty good habits and they will serve you well. Here are a couple of suggestions:
• As your days get hectic, don’t skip meals. Waiting too long to eat can trigger overeating. This is especially true for breakfast.
• Pack a light, healthy snack in your backpack (fruit, yogurt, granola bar) to have on hand in case you get hungry between meals.
• Eat a light, healthy meal a few hours before the holiday event. You’ll be better at controlling intake if you are not very hungry.
• Eat slowly. If you are not hungry, pass on the second helpings.
• Foods high in fiber slow the transit of food through the upper digestive system, making you feel fuller for a longer time. Choose an apple or veggie sticks for a snack rather than a handful of chips.
• When choosing from a buffet, skip the usual foods and choose the special holiday items instead.
• Choose your favorite dessert and share it with someone. Just a taste may be all you need.
• Relax! You are not alone if you overeat when stressed. You might also feel you don’t have a lot of time to relax but you most likely can work in a “mini vacations” throughout the day. In between classes, before meals, and before bed spend a minute drawing breath in through your nose and out your mouth. When you do this, focus on the rise and fall of your chest.
• Don’t give up your exercise. This will help with stress as well as calories.
• Select your beverages wisely. Most holidays drinks are high in calories. Drink plenty of water.
• If you’re going to a big party or dinner, don’t starve yourself all day. You’ll be less likely to over-indulge if you eat low-fat snacks before going out.
• Don’t feel like you have to say “yes” to everyone that offers you food.
• Mingle at parties! Spending time with others leaves less time for eating.
• If you splurge one day, start the next day fresh and give it your best!


For the GOP, the ‘big tent’ fell down

Managing Editor

With the Nov. 3 defeat of yet another moderate Republican running in a special election in New York’s 23rd congressional district, the “Grand Old Party” (GOP) seems to be sending the signal that the Republican’s ‘big tent’ is no longer accepting new members.

While the Republican Party would like to believe that there is another Republican “wave” coming in the 2010 midterm, party leaders seem to have forgotten that the fringe politics of Rush Limbaugh and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin do not win
national elections.

When Republican leaders embraced the Conservative Party’s candidate Doug Hoffman in a district that has been represented by a Republican since the mid-1800s, the true Republican nominee, Dede Scozzafava, was pushed to the side because her views reflect that of many moderate New England Republicans. Scozzafava is pro-choice, pro-marriage equality and said she would consider supporting the president’s stimulus plan, but that was not good enough for a party that is moving even further right.

In a region of the country known for its strong “Rockefeller” Republican roots, today Democrats represent the northeast overwhelmingly. Of the 14 senators from New England, only three are Democrats. Of the 55 members of the House of Representatives, only two are Republicans. Consider after the 1994 Republican “wave” of the 55 members of the House of Representatives; the northeast was represented by 22 Republicans and of 14 senators; seven were Republicans.

But “waves” do not happen when you rely on a small, extremely conservative base, and that is what the GOP does not seem to get. Fringe politics do not win elections; center-left or right policies do. When you have Palin attacking Scozzafava and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty attacking moderate Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, ME., no wonder the moderates feel out of place.

In 2006 and 2008, the Democrats were successful because they were open to the concept of the “big tent” party, or that the party is made of individuals of all ideologies. As the GOP leadership took the party to the right, individual members of congress, such as former Reps. Chris Shays, Conn., and Sue Kelly, N.Y., did not move with them and were defeated by moderate Democrats.

If the GOP feels the need to close the door to their tent, then the Democratic Party will make our doors open even more, increasing the chances that more Democrats are elected and further making the GOP even more of a minority party.

International Scoop: 20 years after the Berlin Wall

Cardinal Staff

November is an historic month as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on Nov. 9, 1989, and the end of the Iron Curtain. According to, “thousands of people joined world leaders in the German capital Monday to remember the night 20 years ago when a euphoric wave of people power swept away the Berlin Wall and consigned the Cold War to history.”

German President Angela Merkel, along with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and former Polish President Lech Walesa led the commemoration, including a symbolic “falling” of the wall. Walesa pushed over the first of 1,000 giant dominoes, which stood in a strip where the wall used to be. According to The New York Times, this reflected “Poland’s leading role in Eastern Europe’s campaign against communism.” The spectators also listened to Merkel speak about the changes that have occurred and are still progressing today. Yet, “their loudest cheers came when she thanked Mikhail Gorbachev for the reforming attitude he brought to the Soviet leadership” (

Just as Eastern Europe is celebrating its transition from communism to democracy, so Iraq is preparing to host its parliamentary elections in January. Efforts to pass legislation on how to conduct the votes were stalled by problems in the city of Kirkuk. Kirkuk is considered by the Kurdish nation to be their ancient capital, and Iraqi officials are worried the group has increased population in that city to sway votes, according to

However, lawmakers have come to an agreement in a reform bill stating they will look carefully at the numbers of votes and investigate if things seem amiss. The UN had said that it couldn’t endorse national polls if this reform bill wasn’t passed, according to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is optimistic about the upcoming elections (now set for Jan. 21, 2010) saying, “These elections will be a crucial opportunity to advance national reconciliation and contribute to Iraq’s political process” (

Contrary to all this “democratic” news, my favorite slightly totalitarian leader, Mr. Hugo Chavez, is making headlines again in his recent action to prepare for war against neighboring Colombia, according to A deal between the U.S. and Colombia, in a proclaimed effort to clean up the South American nation’s narco-terrorism, has sparked Chavez to claim that “Colombia handed over their country and is now another state of the union. Don’t make the mistake of attacking: Venezuela is willing to do anything” on state television during his weekly “Alo Presidente” show, according to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro expressed similar fears and was quoted saying, “If the Yankee empire tries to use Colombia to attack Venezuela, the war of 100 years would begin” (

Stay tuned!

The true meaning of Veterans Day

Guest Writer

Veterans Day is a day for honoring those who have dedicated their lives to serving our country. Whether they were involved in war, helped with natural disasters or helped to keep peace around the world, they DESERVE our appreciation. Throughout the country, memorials took place honoring these men and women.

These memorials took place at city parks, state capitals and even college campuses around the country. However, no such memorial took place on our campus. As a person with several close friends that are currently serving in the Army National Guard, a grandfather with roughly 42 years of service, and an uncle currently serving his second term in Iraq, I was greatly offended that we had no type of memorial to honor these great men and women, or at least one that was advertised to students across campus here at Saint Mary’s University.

On our campus, we have a memorial dedicated to men and women who have been involved in the military who have also been students here at Saint Mary’s. This is a great way to honor them; however, on this day, these people DESERVE more. This is the one day out of the year that is dedicated to these brave people. When I was told by a very good friend of mine, who currently is a member of the Minnesota National Guard and a student here at SMU, that we would not be holding a memorial for our nation’s veterans, it made me very disappointed with our school. I was disappointed that our students and staff couldn’t take a few minutes out of this day to honor the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving our country. I realize that many people on our campus do not agree with the current conflicts that our country is currently involved in, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take the time to honor what these people are willing to do.

The goal of this letter isn’t to strike down views or actions around our campus, but rather to properly say Thank You to the students, staff and all of the others out there who have served and who are currently serving our country. I wish that there was more that I could say to express how much we all greatly appreciate everything that you do, but for now, I will just say thank you and God bless.

Senior: Chartwells used to be decent, but not any longer

Guest Writer

Are you craving something delicious?

How about wanting a nutritious dinner? Well, unfortunately if you answered yes to either question, Saint Mary’s has no solution. Why? Because the service provider here is Chartwells; the company that specializes in budget cuts, false advertisement and general depression brought upon by poor nutrition and terribly tasting meals. If you think I am being rather harsh, I apologize, but I am trying to be truthful. Let me explain.

Being a senior, I am on my fourth year of knowledge and experience with Chartwells. Over the four years I have experienced a transformation which turned a respectable food service into garbage. Yes, that’s right; Chartwells was decent once, but those days are long gone. Let me quickly summarize how the food used to be compared to the current situation.

In 2006, Chartwells provided a large variety of foods for choice in the cafeteria. This variety often consisted of premade subs, burgers, tacos (that tasted good), classic American meals, Asian food and an entrée prepared freshly in front of you. This was in addition to the salad bar, cereal and sandwich area, which at the time had real, not processed, cheese. The Cardinal Club’s transfer menu was also at least double the size of the current one and also included Mexican food.

Looking at the food service now, Mexican food has entirely disappeared from the Cardinal Club’s transfer menu - along with about half the other items. We can accredit this to Chartwells successful campaign to revamp their menu for failure. I have no doubt that the changes were put in place in an effort to try to boost cafeteria success, which is succeeding only by default. But even as people are now forced to eat in the cafeteria more often, the food quality has still continued to decline. The cafeteria also has removed many of its menu options, as staple items now consist of poorly made pizza and terrible tasting tacos.

I do fully understand that the economy can affect all companies. The fact still remains though, that many simple foods are still either prepared incorrectly or remain non-existent. With an everdepleting menu, students are left to settle for garbage, which only leads to the option of sending it back to the creator via conveyor belt. And as Chartwells complains about wasted food, Saint Mary’s students can only attempt to send them the hint that people would gladly quit wasting food if only Chartwells would prepare something that actually tasted good.

Staff Spotlight: Ruth Mathews

Cardinal Staff

Dr. Ruth Mathews is the clinical psychologist in the Saint Mary’s University Jay Johnson Wellness Center on campus and has been for the last seven years.

Mathews sees students for various issues ranging from depression to desiring a better relationship with a significant
other. Mathews specializes in biological disorders, which include bipolar disorder and depression. She also specializes in dealing with trauma recovery and identity issues.

Mathews thoroughly enjoys working with the students and said, “Helping the students be all they can be in this lifetime is the best part about working here.”

SMU students can go to Mathews in order to grow personally and develop to their full potential. According to Mathews, “Personalities are just getting set at this age and are easily influenced.”

After graduating from SMU, Mathews received her Masters in Counseling and worked at SMU counseling and tutoring. She then moved to the cities, where she earned her doctorate. When the job opened up to be one of the psychologists at SMU, Mathews found she was right back where she started.

Along with being the psychologist, Mathews teaches two classes at SMU. One, for the hall directors is about how to help students and a class for the PASS program. She also works with the Winona County Adult Sexual Assault Interagency Council, which allows Mathews to “train the RA’s and hall directors how to develop a victim-sensitive response.”

Students just looking to talk are encouraged to go visit Mathews. “Sometimes I see people their whole academic career,” said Matthews. “It’s nice to know there is someone on campus willing to sit down and have a good chat, whether it be about a serious issue or just working out life’s daily problems.”

Staff Spotlight: Eric Zimmerman

Cardinal Staff

Eric Zimmerman, head coach of the women’s soccer team, is in his third year coaching at Saint Mary’s University and second as Women’s head coach.

Zimmerman decided to coach here because he “really enjoyed the atmosphere at SMU and the campus.” Zimmerman said the best part about his job is “working with the players and watching them develop skills and as people.” For Zimmerman, it is exciting to consider what the players will become after their college careers at SMU.

Zimmerman also manages basketball for men and women and is in charge of workstudy students, making sure there is someone to work the camera, sell tickets and do other various tasks that must be done in time for the game to start.

Zimmerman is also interested in watching various other sports, including football, basketball and tennis. After listing all of the sports he liked, Zimmerman concluded, “I’m pretty much a sports nut!”

Zimmerman has been playing soccer since he was six years old. Every summer he played club soccer and continued to play in high school. He went on to play for Viterbo University.

Club Corner: Buddies

Copy Editor

There are a multitude of things besides sports practices and athletic events that go on in the Saint Mary’s University’s Gostomski Field House’s Recreation and Athletic Center (RAC) Thursday nights as part of the Buddies club.

Buddies is a club that gives community members who are developmentally disabled in some way or another the opportunity to come to SMU and hang out. Club members can participate in a variety of activities with their Buddies such as coloring, playing catch, basketball or even just talking.

“It gives you a chance to interact with a segment of society that is many times forgotten,” said Nicole Clammer, copresident of Buddies. “You meet a lot of new people and make many friends at Buddies.”

Buddies also puts on various parties during the holiday times such as their Halloween costume party, Christmas, Easter and end of the year parties. Currently, there are between 20 and 30 members who are actively involved with Buddies. Buddies meets in the RAC every Thursday night from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Anyone interested in getting regularly involved with Buddies is required to attend Safe Environment training provided by the Diocese of Winona and undergo a biannual background check. For more information, contact Clammer at nlclam07 or Alyssa Fanella at amfane07.