Editor in Chief
The 2010 Census is coming up, and Saint Mary’s University students are expected to fill out a Census form for Winona.
“You are part of the city,” said Winona Mayor Jerry Miller. Miller said that one of the keys to this year’s Census is that students who live in Winona at least six months of the year count toward Winona’s Census. He added that federal funding for the city is based on the population, and the student population in Winona has increased since 2000 with students attending SMU, Winona State University and Southeast Technical College.
“It’s easy, it’s important and it’s confidential,” city of Winona Assistant City Planner Carlos Espinosa said in a presentation to the student senate on Tuesday, Feb. 23. Espinosa said completing the Census is a civic duty, takes about 10 minutes and impacts and benefits the community for 10 years. According to the city of Winona website, any student, including non-citizens and international students, who lives in Winona most of the year can be counted.
Census forms will be distributed in March and April. Students on campus will fill out their own forms, Espinosa said. Students living offcampus will receive a form in the mail and should fill out one form for the entire household or apartment.
Students are also invited to the Toner Lounge at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, March 8, to hear a presentation by Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie. Ritchie is on a statewide tour promoting the Census and discussing election law changes that would affect students.
More information about the 2010 Census can be found on the city of Winona website,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Survey measures student engagement
Copy Editor
Freshmen and seniors at Saint Mary’s University will have the chance to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).
The survey is completely anonymous. Students are asked a variety of questions about their learning experiences, including what types and lengths of papers they write, how often they work in groups or discussions, whether the campus environment supports their learning, whether faculty is accessible outside of class and if they plan to study abroad or participate in an internship. One sample question from this year’s survey asks the student, “To what extent does your institution emphasize providing the support you need to help you succeed academically?”
The NSSE also has a brief section regarding the university’s Catholic mission. The individual answers are categorized into five benchmarks: The level of academic challenge, active and collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, enriching educational experience and supporting campus environment.
Barlow said the results act as a barometer to figure out where SMU stands in comparison to other schools and where the university needs to improve. Barlow stresses the importance of student participation. “My fear is that there are a few surveys floating out there, and we recognize people can feel overloaded,” said Barlow. “But SMU tries to use these results to improve things and help us understand what issues we need to address on campus.”
The NSSE started in 1999 and has been offered at SMU in 2001, ’02, ’04, ’07 and now ’10. “We hope to get in a cycle for studying data from freshman to senior year,” said Barlow. Such a cycle would allow SMU to see how the school is doing a student’s first year and then,in his or her senior year, check to see if the school has acted to maintain the student’s strengths.
“We score high in a number of areas,” said Barlow. “But in order to get the best information, we’d like as many students to complete the survey as possible.”
The NSSE was sent out via email on Feb. 1, and reminders will continue through March and April. Students can complete the entire survey online in around 15-20 minutes.
“It is not labor intensive,” said Barlow. Students who complete the survey will have a shot at one of 30 $10 bookstore gift certificates.
Besides the NSSE, Barlow also assesses faculty and departments to understand the impact our classes and campus have on student learning, including what to improve in courses and majors.
Copy Editor
Freshmen and seniors at Saint Mary’s University will have the chance to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).
The survey is completely anonymous. Students are asked a variety of questions about their learning experiences, including what types and lengths of papers they write, how often they work in groups or discussions, whether the campus environment supports their learning, whether faculty is accessible outside of class and if they plan to study abroad or participate in an internship. One sample question from this year’s survey asks the student, “To what extent does your institution emphasize providing the support you need to help you succeed academically?”
The NSSE also has a brief section regarding the university’s Catholic mission. The individual answers are categorized into five benchmarks: The level of academic challenge, active and collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, enriching educational experience and supporting campus environment.
Barlow said the results act as a barometer to figure out where SMU stands in comparison to other schools and where the university needs to improve. Barlow stresses the importance of student participation. “My fear is that there are a few surveys floating out there, and we recognize people can feel overloaded,” said Barlow. “But SMU tries to use these results to improve things and help us understand what issues we need to address on campus.”
The NSSE started in 1999 and has been offered at SMU in 2001, ’02, ’04, ’07 and now ’10. “We hope to get in a cycle for studying data from freshman to senior year,” said Barlow. Such a cycle would allow SMU to see how the school is doing a student’s first year and then,in his or her senior year, check to see if the school has acted to maintain the student’s strengths.
“We score high in a number of areas,” said Barlow. “But in order to get the best information, we’d like as many students to complete the survey as possible.”
The NSSE was sent out via email on Feb. 1, and reminders will continue through March and April. Students can complete the entire survey online in around 15-20 minutes.
“It is not labor intensive,” said Barlow. Students who complete the survey will have a shot at one of 30 $10 bookstore gift certificates.
Besides the NSSE, Barlow also assesses faculty and departments to understand the impact our classes and campus have on student learning, including what to improve in courses and majors.
Technology fee to increase for 2010-11
Cardinal Staff
The Saint Mary’s University technology fee will increase by $10 for the 2010-11 academic year.
The technology fee was $310 last year and will increase to $320 next year. Cindy Marek, vice president for Financial Affairs, said the fee has been increasing since it began. The fee was started almost 10 years ago at around $250 and continues to increase every few years.
“We don’t consider that a huge increase,” said Marek. Technology fees, along with general funds from the university, contribute to the kind of technology available to students at SMU. Hardware pricing for computers has been reasonable and has gone down, according to Marek.
“Computers (for Saint Mary’s) were around $2,000 to $2,500 and now average around $1,500” said Marek. Other items the technology fee supports include the usage of wireless Internet, Tegrity, video conferencing, ELMO, and the payment of HelpDesk workers. Some of the main expenses go toward software and large, extended contracts for using the software. With the software come additional features, applications and improvements, which can get pricey, Marek said.
“There has been an increase in the amount of needs (among students), and the expectations are much higher” said Marek. The computers used by the students are updated more often than those for the staff. Meeting the academic needs of the students in the labs and classrooms has been part of a greater focus.
The technological advances have even served as a recruiting tactic for prospective students. A statement sent out by the Admissions Office is expected to come out around March, and this will inform students and parents of the decision that was approved by the Board of Trustees at the end of September.
Cardinal Staff
The Saint Mary’s University technology fee will increase by $10 for the 2010-11 academic year.
The technology fee was $310 last year and will increase to $320 next year. Cindy Marek, vice president for Financial Affairs, said the fee has been increasing since it began. The fee was started almost 10 years ago at around $250 and continues to increase every few years.
“We don’t consider that a huge increase,” said Marek. Technology fees, along with general funds from the university, contribute to the kind of technology available to students at SMU. Hardware pricing for computers has been reasonable and has gone down, according to Marek.
“Computers (for Saint Mary’s) were around $2,000 to $2,500 and now average around $1,500” said Marek. Other items the technology fee supports include the usage of wireless Internet, Tegrity, video conferencing, ELMO, and the payment of HelpDesk workers. Some of the main expenses go toward software and large, extended contracts for using the software. With the software come additional features, applications and improvements, which can get pricey, Marek said.
“There has been an increase in the amount of needs (among students), and the expectations are much higher” said Marek. The computers used by the students are updated more often than those for the staff. Meeting the academic needs of the students in the labs and classrooms has been part of a greater focus.
The technological advances have even served as a recruiting tactic for prospective students. A statement sent out by the Admissions Office is expected to come out around March, and this will inform students and parents of the decision that was approved by the Board of Trustees at the end of September.
Yon’s still without wireless internet; HelpDesk offers no solution
Managing Editor
Despite requests to the Saint Mary’s University HelpDesk to have wireless Internet installed, the residents of the second floor of St. Yon’s Hall have had to deal without wireless Internet access for the entire year. “I personally have discussed it with IT (informational technology) or IT members many times,” said a St. Yon’s resident who asked to remain anonymous. “Though many sympathize with the situation, nothing ever gets done.”
The St. Yon’s resident said that residents of St. Yon’s had contacted their student senate member, as well as the Office of Residence Life, but were told that wireless Internet is not guaranteed in the buildings.
“I would agree with this statement if we were not the only res hall without it (wireless Internet access) available to everyone,” said the St. Yon’s resident. “I lso am aware that our senator has gone before student senate with the issue numerous times, and it has been neglected or pushed off to the side.”
According to the SMU website, one of St. Yon’s Hall’s amenities is cable and Internet hook-up (including access to the SMU wireless network). “If one were to look at the website, it says all resident buildings are wirelessly equipped, which is true,” said the St. Yon’s resident. “But only if you live in specific areas.” The St. Yon’s resident said that not having wireless Internet is not a major problem. “I wouldn’t call it a big problem, but it is certainly an issue.”
The St. Yon’s resident said that the means they turned to regarding the wireless Internet were unresponsive. “It’s almost as if they are just stalling because they don’t want to sink the money into the building,” said the St. Yon’s resident.
“It’s very frustrating because it comes off as if they do not care about the residents that are paying for these services.” The Cardinal contacted Brian Behling of the IT Department, who instructed the reporter to contact Amanda Frost. Frost, the ResHall Tech, has not returned the Cardinal’s request for an interview.
Managing Editor
Despite requests to the Saint Mary’s University HelpDesk to have wireless Internet installed, the residents of the second floor of St. Yon’s Hall have had to deal without wireless Internet access for the entire year. “I personally have discussed it with IT (informational technology) or IT members many times,” said a St. Yon’s resident who asked to remain anonymous. “Though many sympathize with the situation, nothing ever gets done.”
The St. Yon’s resident said that residents of St. Yon’s had contacted their student senate member, as well as the Office of Residence Life, but were told that wireless Internet is not guaranteed in the buildings.
“I would agree with this statement if we were not the only res hall without it (wireless Internet access) available to everyone,” said the St. Yon’s resident. “I lso am aware that our senator has gone before student senate with the issue numerous times, and it has been neglected or pushed off to the side.”
According to the SMU website, one of St. Yon’s Hall’s amenities is cable and Internet hook-up (including access to the SMU wireless network). “If one were to look at the website, it says all resident buildings are wirelessly equipped, which is true,” said the St. Yon’s resident. “But only if you live in specific areas.” The St. Yon’s resident said that not having wireless Internet is not a major problem. “I wouldn’t call it a big problem, but it is certainly an issue.”
The St. Yon’s resident said that the means they turned to regarding the wireless Internet were unresponsive. “It’s almost as if they are just stalling because they don’t want to sink the money into the building,” said the St. Yon’s resident.
“It’s very frustrating because it comes off as if they do not care about the residents that are paying for these services.” The Cardinal contacted Brian Behling of the IT Department, who instructed the reporter to contact Amanda Frost. Frost, the ResHall Tech, has not returned the Cardinal’s request for an interview.
Water bottles banned from caf
Cardinal Staff
Though “no” is not something Chartwells likes to tell the students at Saint Mary’s University, the dining service felt compelled to say “no” in its decision to ban personal water bottles from the cafeteria. Curt Coshenet, food service director for Chartwells, said students were abusing their privilege of bringing their own water bottles into the cafeteria.
“We only say ‘no’ when something’s abused,” said Coshenet. “Otherwise, we’re always open to something new.”
Coshenet said that when the decision was made last October to allow water bottles in the cafeteria, it was intended that the bottles were only meant to take out water. Rather than hanging signs or posters, Chartwells employees were to inform arriving students about the new system.
Confusion ensued due to lack of communication, and the students began taking advantage of the opportunity by storing more expensive beverages like milk, soda and juice, Coshenet said.
“We are not your grocery store,” said Coshenet, stressing that all beverages except for water are to stay in the cafeteria.
Because Coshenet and Chartwells workers noticed too many students abusing the water bottle privilege, Coshenet sent a request to the Office of Student Development to prohibit personal water bottles from the cafeteria. The ban went into effect in November.
Mary Gleich, president of student senate, said students responded immediately after the ban took place. “A lot of people were like, ‘What’s going on? Why did this happen?’” said Gleich.
However, students’ reactions have continued to subside since the ban’s launch, and Coshenet has heard few complaints.
Even so, students still wonder why carrying out different beverages was
wrong in the first place. “We’re paying for our food and drink anyway,” Gleich said. “I didn’t see it as a problem.”
Coshenet, however, feels differently about the situation. “We’re an all-you-can-eat facility in (the cafeteria),” he said. The food from the cafeteria is meant to stay in the main dining hall. Chartwells offers special features like take-out containers and bags if students choose to eat their meals elsewhere. Coshenet feels the food service does its best to accommodate students’ busy schedules.
“I don’t like to say ‘no,’” Coshenet said. “We’re here to take care of the students. But when it comes down to it, we gave an inch, and they took a mile.”
Still, the water bottle ban is not a permanent decision. Coshenet said that Chartwells is open to once again allowing personal water bottles back into the cafeteria if students show high interest. “That door would gladly be opened again, so long as they know it’s only for water.”
Cardinal Staff
Though “no” is not something Chartwells likes to tell the students at Saint Mary’s University, the dining service felt compelled to say “no” in its decision to ban personal water bottles from the cafeteria. Curt Coshenet, food service director for Chartwells, said students were abusing their privilege of bringing their own water bottles into the cafeteria.
“We only say ‘no’ when something’s abused,” said Coshenet. “Otherwise, we’re always open to something new.”
Coshenet said that when the decision was made last October to allow water bottles in the cafeteria, it was intended that the bottles were only meant to take out water. Rather than hanging signs or posters, Chartwells employees were to inform arriving students about the new system.
Confusion ensued due to lack of communication, and the students began taking advantage of the opportunity by storing more expensive beverages like milk, soda and juice, Coshenet said.
“We are not your grocery store,” said Coshenet, stressing that all beverages except for water are to stay in the cafeteria.
Because Coshenet and Chartwells workers noticed too many students abusing the water bottle privilege, Coshenet sent a request to the Office of Student Development to prohibit personal water bottles from the cafeteria. The ban went into effect in November.
Mary Gleich, president of student senate, said students responded immediately after the ban took place. “A lot of people were like, ‘What’s going on? Why did this happen?’” said Gleich.
However, students’ reactions have continued to subside since the ban’s launch, and Coshenet has heard few complaints.
Even so, students still wonder why carrying out different beverages was
wrong in the first place. “We’re paying for our food and drink anyway,” Gleich said. “I didn’t see it as a problem.”
Coshenet, however, feels differently about the situation. “We’re an all-you-can-eat facility in (the cafeteria),” he said. The food from the cafeteria is meant to stay in the main dining hall. Chartwells offers special features like take-out containers and bags if students choose to eat their meals elsewhere. Coshenet feels the food service does its best to accommodate students’ busy schedules.
“I don’t like to say ‘no,’” Coshenet said. “We’re here to take care of the students. But when it comes down to it, we gave an inch, and they took a mile.”
Still, the water bottle ban is not a permanent decision. Coshenet said that Chartwells is open to once again allowing personal water bottles back into the cafeteria if students show high interest. “That door would gladly be opened again, so long as they know it’s only for water.”
Students present research to state legislators, Mayo Clinic
News Editor
Several Saint Mary’s University students have been given the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and research through the Minnesota Scholars at the Capitol and the Mayo Clinic Innovation Scholars programs.
Three SMU students were invited to present their senior research and theses to legislators from around the state through a two-hour poster session at the Minnesota Scholars at the Capitol event on Thursday, Feb. 25. The event was sponsored by the Minnesota Private Colleges Council (MPCC) and included students from 17 colleges.
Typically, the event features mostly science-based research, but Dr. Elizabeth Throop, dean of Humanities and Sciences and cultural anthropologist, wanted to include the research of senior Ryan Soukup, a history major who presented his project on “Social Change and Revitilization: Social Change as a cause for the Dakota Conflict of 1862.” Throop said Soukup had developed “some really interesting applications about theory” and wanted to include him in the event.
Two science students, senior Michelle Hermes and graduate student Keith Fahrforth, also presented their research project, “The Effects of Atrizene on Pac-cell volume, Gender and Development of Gallus gallus (chickens).” Dr. Debra Martin, professor of biology, selected Hermes and Fahrforth to present at the event.
In addition to the scholars event, SMU has also been selected to complete two projects for the Mayo Clinic Innovation Scholars Program. SMU has participated for three years in the program, which is sponsored by the Mayo Clinic, Medtronic and MPCC, but this year, SMU was the only school besides St. Olaf that was selected to complete two projects as opposed to only one, Throop said.“
We beat out the big, rich colleges, which I think is very cool and says something very good about SMU students,” Throop said.
The program is an undergraduate research program that takes project ideas that come through the Mayo Clinic patent office and assigns the projects to each MPCC school for students to conduct research on the project idea. Each group is comprised of science students who test the feasibility of the proposal, business students who develop marketing ideas for the proposed idea and an MBA who oversees the group research, Throop said.
“Anytime you have a collaboration with an institution like Mayo Clinic, it not only benefits our students but benefits Mayo Clinic because it gives them our expertise,” Martin said.
The presentations to the Mayo Clinic will be held in private on March 12, as the nature and content of the projects is kept confidential. One group’s project involves breast cancer and includes students Brittany Peterson, Boya Hu, Caitlin O’Connor and Melissa Wolfe.
The other group’s project involves a medical computer system and is being researched by students Phil Thomas, Thomas Briese,Aga Kadej, Matt Wilgenbusch and Emily Friedl.
“(The projects) are something we should be incredibly proud of,” Throop said. “It shows what a powerhouse our science and business students are.”
News Editor
Several Saint Mary’s University students have been given the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and research through the Minnesota Scholars at the Capitol and the Mayo Clinic Innovation Scholars programs.
Three SMU students were invited to present their senior research and theses to legislators from around the state through a two-hour poster session at the Minnesota Scholars at the Capitol event on Thursday, Feb. 25. The event was sponsored by the Minnesota Private Colleges Council (MPCC) and included students from 17 colleges.
Typically, the event features mostly science-based research, but Dr. Elizabeth Throop, dean of Humanities and Sciences and cultural anthropologist, wanted to include the research of senior Ryan Soukup, a history major who presented his project on “Social Change and Revitilization: Social Change as a cause for the Dakota Conflict of 1862.” Throop said Soukup had developed “some really interesting applications about theory” and wanted to include him in the event.
Two science students, senior Michelle Hermes and graduate student Keith Fahrforth, also presented their research project, “The Effects of Atrizene on Pac-cell volume, Gender and Development of Gallus gallus (chickens).” Dr. Debra Martin, professor of biology, selected Hermes and Fahrforth to present at the event.
In addition to the scholars event, SMU has also been selected to complete two projects for the Mayo Clinic Innovation Scholars Program. SMU has participated for three years in the program, which is sponsored by the Mayo Clinic, Medtronic and MPCC, but this year, SMU was the only school besides St. Olaf that was selected to complete two projects as opposed to only one, Throop said.“
We beat out the big, rich colleges, which I think is very cool and says something very good about SMU students,” Throop said.
The program is an undergraduate research program that takes project ideas that come through the Mayo Clinic patent office and assigns the projects to each MPCC school for students to conduct research on the project idea. Each group is comprised of science students who test the feasibility of the proposal, business students who develop marketing ideas for the proposed idea and an MBA who oversees the group research, Throop said.
“Anytime you have a collaboration with an institution like Mayo Clinic, it not only benefits our students but benefits Mayo Clinic because it gives them our expertise,” Martin said.
The presentations to the Mayo Clinic will be held in private on March 12, as the nature and content of the projects is kept confidential. One group’s project involves breast cancer and includes students Brittany Peterson, Boya Hu, Caitlin O’Connor and Melissa Wolfe.
The other group’s project involves a medical computer system and is being researched by students Phil Thomas, Thomas Briese,Aga Kadej, Matt Wilgenbusch and Emily Friedl.
“(The projects) are something we should be incredibly proud of,” Throop said. “It shows what a powerhouse our science and business students are.”
Alum reaches Sports Illustrated dream job
Cardinal Staff
For our seniors, graduation is right around the corner, and with that the stress and pressure of finding an internship or landing “that” job is at a high level. Alum Amy Van Etten’s ’93 philosophy: Start at the bottom and work your way up. It worked for her, and she is enjoying the many benefits of being a franchise manager for Sports Illustrated (SI).
Van Etten has had quite the journey since walking in her cap and gown on graduation day in the spring of 1993. She received her bachelor’s degree in Social Services at Saint Mary’s College (SMU became a university in 1995). Through a student exchange program on campus, Amy lived with a family in Mexico working twice a week with children that were diagnosed with Down Syndrome as well as working at a juvenile detention center on the opposite days. While she expressed it was an amazing experience, it also involved a lot of hard work and proved to be very emotional for her.
While on the path of figuring out exactly what she wanted to do for a career, she experienced “an interesting string of jobs post-college,” Van Etten said in an e-mail. She sold insurance, worked at a medical supply company, set up and worked trade shows and even worked in corporate collections. A friend told her about an open assistant position at Time Inc. for their magazine, Health Magazine.
“When I walked in the offices of Time Inc, I knew this is what I wanted to do and that I would have to start at the bottom and work my way up,” Van Etten said. “It worked.”
Van Etten’s current position allows her to serve as a liaison between national advertisers and SI, focusing on the West Coast. She works with tying in a brand that an advertiser wants to target to SI’s audience at a given event. An example of this would be her having SoBe water available at the SI swimsuit issue launch party last week in Las Vegas for attendees to enjoy. Some of her current advertisers include Sony Electronics, Jaguar, Mazda, Red Bull, Asics, Turbo Tax, ABC Network and KIA, among many others.
Her job offers many perks, perks that she enjoys.
“I just threw an event last night for advertisers to meet Shaun Phillips, one of the San Diego Chargers, to help promote his charity, After School All Stars,” Van Etten said. “In the past, I’ve been lucky enough to attend the Emmys, the Oscars, Sundance, too many Lakers games to count, the occasional movie premier, and I’ve met countless athletes and celebrities.”
While Van Etten enjoys where her life is now, she often reflects on her time spent at SMU — everything from a night out with friends at Langs (now known as Gabby’s Bar and Lounge), to playing the Black Crows over and over again, to celebrating “epic Halloween parties” and pig roasts, she said.
Cardinal Staff
For our seniors, graduation is right around the corner, and with that the stress and pressure of finding an internship or landing “that” job is at a high level. Alum Amy Van Etten’s ’93 philosophy: Start at the bottom and work your way up. It worked for her, and she is enjoying the many benefits of being a franchise manager for Sports Illustrated (SI).
Van Etten has had quite the journey since walking in her cap and gown on graduation day in the spring of 1993. She received her bachelor’s degree in Social Services at Saint Mary’s College (SMU became a university in 1995). Through a student exchange program on campus, Amy lived with a family in Mexico working twice a week with children that were diagnosed with Down Syndrome as well as working at a juvenile detention center on the opposite days. While she expressed it was an amazing experience, it also involved a lot of hard work and proved to be very emotional for her.
While on the path of figuring out exactly what she wanted to do for a career, she experienced “an interesting string of jobs post-college,” Van Etten said in an e-mail. She sold insurance, worked at a medical supply company, set up and worked trade shows and even worked in corporate collections. A friend told her about an open assistant position at Time Inc. for their magazine, Health Magazine.
“When I walked in the offices of Time Inc, I knew this is what I wanted to do and that I would have to start at the bottom and work my way up,” Van Etten said. “It worked.”
Van Etten’s current position allows her to serve as a liaison between national advertisers and SI, focusing on the West Coast. She works with tying in a brand that an advertiser wants to target to SI’s audience at a given event. An example of this would be her having SoBe water available at the SI swimsuit issue launch party last week in Las Vegas for attendees to enjoy. Some of her current advertisers include Sony Electronics, Jaguar, Mazda, Red Bull, Asics, Turbo Tax, ABC Network and KIA, among many others.
Her job offers many perks, perks that she enjoys.
“I just threw an event last night for advertisers to meet Shaun Phillips, one of the San Diego Chargers, to help promote his charity, After School All Stars,” Van Etten said. “In the past, I’ve been lucky enough to attend the Emmys, the Oscars, Sundance, too many Lakers games to count, the occasional movie premier, and I’ve met countless athletes and celebrities.”
While Van Etten enjoys where her life is now, she often reflects on her time spent at SMU — everything from a night out with friends at Langs (now known as Gabby’s Bar and Lounge), to playing the Black Crows over and over again, to celebrating “epic Halloween parties” and pig roasts, she said.
Student-run store to raise money for local non-profits
Managing Editor
Students in the Saint Mary’s University entrepreneurship class will soon open a new student run store where profits go directly to non-profit organizations.
Due to the closing of the Movie Nest, entrepreneurship majors were left without a place to apply what they learned in class to a real life business.
“The Movie Nest was a good first step in the evolution of the new entrepreneurship major,” said senior Kevin Hein. “For a number of years, it (the Movie Nest) served its purpose of having students run a small business as part of their entrepreneurship class.”
Over the past few years, the Movie Nest saw a decline in sales due to the rise of Red Box and the growth of personal DVD collections, said Hein. Hein said that with the success of the Cardinal Pride t-shirts, as well as the release of the new Red Card, the entrepreneurship class believed it would help to have a centralized location to facilitate the student-run business venture.
The store, which has yet to be named, will be located to the left of the SMU Barnes and Noble Bookstore located in the Michael H. Toner Student Center basement. “The store will work better than the Movie Nest,” said senior Pam Stanton. “The Movie Nest was very limited in the products that it sold, considering it only sold movies. By providing a student ‘store,’ in which its products will vary each semester, we will provide more innovation of our products so that it is more appealing to the student body.”
The student body will be able to decide what the store is named by submitting possible names in a naming contest from March 15-19. The winning name will be decided by the entrepreneurship class in late March.
The store will open next fall.
Managing Editor
Students in the Saint Mary’s University entrepreneurship class will soon open a new student run store where profits go directly to non-profit organizations.
Due to the closing of the Movie Nest, entrepreneurship majors were left without a place to apply what they learned in class to a real life business.
“The Movie Nest was a good first step in the evolution of the new entrepreneurship major,” said senior Kevin Hein. “For a number of years, it (the Movie Nest) served its purpose of having students run a small business as part of their entrepreneurship class.”
Over the past few years, the Movie Nest saw a decline in sales due to the rise of Red Box and the growth of personal DVD collections, said Hein. Hein said that with the success of the Cardinal Pride t-shirts, as well as the release of the new Red Card, the entrepreneurship class believed it would help to have a centralized location to facilitate the student-run business venture.
The store, which has yet to be named, will be located to the left of the SMU Barnes and Noble Bookstore located in the Michael H. Toner Student Center basement. “The store will work better than the Movie Nest,” said senior Pam Stanton. “The Movie Nest was very limited in the products that it sold, considering it only sold movies. By providing a student ‘store,’ in which its products will vary each semester, we will provide more innovation of our products so that it is more appealing to the student body.”
The student body will be able to decide what the store is named by submitting possible names in a naming contest from March 15-19. The winning name will be decided by the entrepreneurship class in late March.
The store will open next fall.
‘Talking With…’ opens this weekend
Cardinal Staff
Women who handle snakes, twirl batons, escape to Oz and ride in rodeos are the leading ladies in the play, “Talking With…,” presented by the Saint Mary’s University Department of Theatre and Dance.
The play, written by Jane Martin in the early 1980s, focuses on 11 monologues for women. The characters have no interaction but are not without connections. Universal issues will be the main connecting points including unbearable loneliness, crisis of confidence, loss of hope and struggles with faith. The play has a “timeless effect,” said director Gary Diomandes, professor of Theatre and Dance, as the “themes are universal, and a lot of people can relate.”
‘“Talking With…’ can’t be put into one genre,” said Claire Murphy, international student, one of the women starring in the play. Murphy’s character, Lila, focuses on loss and loneliness and tries to find joy in unexpected things. Murphy describes her character as “very introverted and happy where she is.” Kelly Holt, international student, will also be starring in the play. Her character, Alain, focuses on one big moment in her life that changes everything. Holt’s character, who she describes as “a bit fierce,” portrays the sad story of a woman who is hardened by being left by her husband.
The characters are “very eccentric and speak a lot of truth,” said Diomandes, who decided to work with this particular play because he has wanted to for a number of years, and the opportunity came up this year. Diomandes was also looking for a play with heavy female leads to balance out the previous male-heavy roles.
Many hours have been spent on character analysis with actresses trying to figure out their lines, but some actresses have also had to work with animals, including a snake and a cat. In addition to the animals, a mid-wife has been working with one of the cast members in order to help her get into character.
“Talking With…” will be performed at the Valencía Academy Theatre from March 4-8. March 4, 5, 6 and 8 performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. The March 7 performance will begin at 3 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased at the SMU box office, Ext. 1715, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or online at
Cardinal Staff
Women who handle snakes, twirl batons, escape to Oz and ride in rodeos are the leading ladies in the play, “Talking With…,” presented by the Saint Mary’s University Department of Theatre and Dance.
The play, written by Jane Martin in the early 1980s, focuses on 11 monologues for women. The characters have no interaction but are not without connections. Universal issues will be the main connecting points including unbearable loneliness, crisis of confidence, loss of hope and struggles with faith. The play has a “timeless effect,” said director Gary Diomandes, professor of Theatre and Dance, as the “themes are universal, and a lot of people can relate.”
‘“Talking With…’ can’t be put into one genre,” said Claire Murphy, international student, one of the women starring in the play. Murphy’s character, Lila, focuses on loss and loneliness and tries to find joy in unexpected things. Murphy describes her character as “very introverted and happy where she is.” Kelly Holt, international student, will also be starring in the play. Her character, Alain, focuses on one big moment in her life that changes everything. Holt’s character, who she describes as “a bit fierce,” portrays the sad story of a woman who is hardened by being left by her husband.
The characters are “very eccentric and speak a lot of truth,” said Diomandes, who decided to work with this particular play because he has wanted to for a number of years, and the opportunity came up this year. Diomandes was also looking for a play with heavy female leads to balance out the previous male-heavy roles.
Many hours have been spent on character analysis with actresses trying to figure out their lines, but some actresses have also had to work with animals, including a snake and a cat. In addition to the animals, a mid-wife has been working with one of the cast members in order to help her get into character.
“Talking With…” will be performed at the Valencía Academy Theatre from March 4-8. March 4, 5, 6 and 8 performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. The March 7 performance will begin at 3 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased at the SMU box office, Ext. 1715, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or online at
Students help battle cancer in Relay For Life
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Saint Mary’s University will host Relay for Life from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. April 9-10, in the Recreation and Athletic Center (RAC).
This year marks the third Relay at SMU. According to senior Leslie Paquette, a coordinator for Relay, before the event was held at SMU, SMU students participated in Winona State University’s Relay for Life. Upon observing a large number of SMU teams’ participation at WSU, SMU’s Colleges Against Cancer group decided to host an event on SMU’s campus.
In the past two years alone, said Paquette, SMU has raised over $40,000 for the American Cancer Society. So far this year, donations balance out to almost $3,000 a full two months before the actual event.
Teams of 9-15 members sign up for Relay and solicit donations from family members, friends and businesses. On April 9, the teams and members of the community will meet in the RAC for a night of games, music, on-site fundraisers and a “Mr. Relay for Life” contest. In order to signify that “cancer never sleeps,” said Paquette, each team is asked to have a representative walking the track at all times.
According to Paquette, preparation for an event as large as Relay is extensive and takes months of planning.
“The most difficult parts of the planning process are motivating people to make the effort to raise money and solicit outside support from business around the community,” said Paquette. “Though we have an incredibly hardworking committee, there are very few of us (...) we each have a lot of responsibility.”
However, said Paquette, the culmination of months of planning leads to a very rewarding, and very fun, event. “Last year (…) there was laughter and tears, and everyone was so supportive of the experience,” said Paquette.
Currently, there are 25 teams registered for Relay. To register a team, students should contact Paquette at
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Saint Mary’s University will host Relay for Life from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. April 9-10, in the Recreation and Athletic Center (RAC).
This year marks the third Relay at SMU. According to senior Leslie Paquette, a coordinator for Relay, before the event was held at SMU, SMU students participated in Winona State University’s Relay for Life. Upon observing a large number of SMU teams’ participation at WSU, SMU’s Colleges Against Cancer group decided to host an event on SMU’s campus.
In the past two years alone, said Paquette, SMU has raised over $40,000 for the American Cancer Society. So far this year, donations balance out to almost $3,000 a full two months before the actual event.
Teams of 9-15 members sign up for Relay and solicit donations from family members, friends and businesses. On April 9, the teams and members of the community will meet in the RAC for a night of games, music, on-site fundraisers and a “Mr. Relay for Life” contest. In order to signify that “cancer never sleeps,” said Paquette, each team is asked to have a representative walking the track at all times.
According to Paquette, preparation for an event as large as Relay is extensive and takes months of planning.
“The most difficult parts of the planning process are motivating people to make the effort to raise money and solicit outside support from business around the community,” said Paquette. “Though we have an incredibly hardworking committee, there are very few of us (...) we each have a lot of responsibility.”
However, said Paquette, the culmination of months of planning leads to a very rewarding, and very fun, event. “Last year (…) there was laughter and tears, and everyone was so supportive of the experience,” said Paquette.
Currently, there are 25 teams registered for Relay. To register a team, students should contact Paquette at
Students, staff, alumni attend Timberwolves game
Cardinal Staff
With more than 125 tickets sold at Saint Mary’s University, tomorrow night’s Timberwolves vs. Houston Rockets game will be attended by many current students, staff and alumni.
The upper-level tickets went on sale for $10, and lower level tickets sold for $30. With the purchase of either ticket, friends of SMU are able to have round trip transportation to the Target Center from the Winona campus, a pre-game reception on the Executive Suite Level (food and beverages provided) and the opportunity to network with Timberwolves staff and SMU alumni.
“Do people realize that this is a steal,” said sophomore Cory Madison. “Typically these tickets go for like $100 dollars!”
Tickets were available at this price through the help of SMU alumni and Timberwolves staff, Ryan Tanke ’96, Jim Buffo ’96, and Eric Caulfield ’96, all of whom will be giving a “chalk-talk” to those attending the pre-game reception. Brother William Mann, president of the university, will also be talking at the reception and enjoying the game with the SMU community.
“This is a huge opportunity for current students to build and strengthen a relationship with alumni,” said Leadership Gift Officer Dominic Lawerence, who also played a pivotal role in organizing the event. “This event is a start to a healthy relationship with the Timberwolves organization that can open the door to internships and possibly landing an entry level position.”
Tip-off for the game will be taking place at 7 p.m. Be sure to watch on T.V. and keep a look out for your friends at the game!
Cardinal Staff
With more than 125 tickets sold at Saint Mary’s University, tomorrow night’s Timberwolves vs. Houston Rockets game will be attended by many current students, staff and alumni.
The upper-level tickets went on sale for $10, and lower level tickets sold for $30. With the purchase of either ticket, friends of SMU are able to have round trip transportation to the Target Center from the Winona campus, a pre-game reception on the Executive Suite Level (food and beverages provided) and the opportunity to network with Timberwolves staff and SMU alumni.
“Do people realize that this is a steal,” said sophomore Cory Madison. “Typically these tickets go for like $100 dollars!”
Tickets were available at this price through the help of SMU alumni and Timberwolves staff, Ryan Tanke ’96, Jim Buffo ’96, and Eric Caulfield ’96, all of whom will be giving a “chalk-talk” to those attending the pre-game reception. Brother William Mann, president of the university, will also be talking at the reception and enjoying the game with the SMU community.
“This is a huge opportunity for current students to build and strengthen a relationship with alumni,” said Leadership Gift Officer Dominic Lawerence, who also played a pivotal role in organizing the event. “This event is a start to a healthy relationship with the Timberwolves organization that can open the door to internships and possibly landing an entry level position.”
Tip-off for the game will be taking place at 7 p.m. Be sure to watch on T.V. and keep a look out for your friends at the game!
Internships give relevant experience to all majors
Cardinal Staff
Dreading the thought of searching for a job? An internship may be the ticket to ease the pain and calm the nerves when thinking of life beyond Saint Mary’s University.
Students at SMU are participating in internships to set themselves apart from others in preparation for seeking a job after graduation. Internships are an essential part in building an impressive resume. Ania McNamara is on her fourth internship and is merely a junior. Her internship experiences involve marketing positions for the American Cake Decorating Magazine, Window Fashion Vision Magazine and Mall of America’s Underwater Adventures. Throughout this school year, she has been interning for the Alumni and Development Office on campus promoting a student campaign to spread awareness of the office’s activities.
“Be ready to take on any challenge that the employer gives you and give it everything you’ve got,” said McNamara. “You’re sure to succeed.” Due to working in various internships, McNamara has a collection of skills that will give her an advantage when competing for a job.
Mary Gleich, a senior political science and human services major, is finishing up her last semester at SMU with an internship at the Winona City Planning Department. She works directly with the assistant city planner to encourage college students and citizens of Winona to participate in the Census. Winona is unique in that one third of its population is college students, so it is important that Gleich reaches college students so that the city of Winona will receive more funding, supporting the infrastructure of the city.
“Students have got to apply for internships,” said Gleich. “Just try it. Secondly, getting away from SMU before being put in the real world will only help you.” Gleich applied for a summer internship at Princeton, not thinking she had a chance, and was accepted.
Junior Maggie Scannell, a human services major, is currently interning at the Rushford Peterson Elementary School. She works with prevention programs against bullying and violence with students from kindergarten to fifth grade, and high school students
in ninth through 12th grade.
“They are giving me a lot of liberty in what I want to do with this program,” said Scannell. “I’m starting this program from scratch, laying the foundations for something bigger.” Her internship has allowed her to take what she has learned in the classroom and apply it to actual situations.
“The key to success is early preparation and dedication.” Start early. Get as much experience as you can. It will pay off.
-Determine what you want to get from your experience: a full time job, experience, college credit, etc.
-Find something you will enjoy.
-Do your research. Find prospective companies by looking at professional organizations. You have to research upcoming opportunities because they don’t just fall in your lap. Don’t be afraid to contact human resource departments of companies and ask; they are looking for motivated students.
-Develop a resume and cover letter for every job opportunity you are applying for. This gives you the chance to effectively present yourself, background, skills, and they will distinguish you from other job seekers.
-Contact companies early, as much as 3 to 4 months in advance. Call or email and ask for information. Look up internship opportunities online, in newspapers, or look for local companies
-Always follow up with interviews with a thank you card ASAP. Follow up a week later with a call or e-mail and let them know you appreciated the interview and are still interested in the position.
Cardinal Staff
Dreading the thought of searching for a job? An internship may be the ticket to ease the pain and calm the nerves when thinking of life beyond Saint Mary’s University.
Students at SMU are participating in internships to set themselves apart from others in preparation for seeking a job after graduation. Internships are an essential part in building an impressive resume. Ania McNamara is on her fourth internship and is merely a junior. Her internship experiences involve marketing positions for the American Cake Decorating Magazine, Window Fashion Vision Magazine and Mall of America’s Underwater Adventures. Throughout this school year, she has been interning for the Alumni and Development Office on campus promoting a student campaign to spread awareness of the office’s activities.
“Be ready to take on any challenge that the employer gives you and give it everything you’ve got,” said McNamara. “You’re sure to succeed.” Due to working in various internships, McNamara has a collection of skills that will give her an advantage when competing for a job.
Mary Gleich, a senior political science and human services major, is finishing up her last semester at SMU with an internship at the Winona City Planning Department. She works directly with the assistant city planner to encourage college students and citizens of Winona to participate in the Census. Winona is unique in that one third of its population is college students, so it is important that Gleich reaches college students so that the city of Winona will receive more funding, supporting the infrastructure of the city.
“Students have got to apply for internships,” said Gleich. “Just try it. Secondly, getting away from SMU before being put in the real world will only help you.” Gleich applied for a summer internship at Princeton, not thinking she had a chance, and was accepted.
Junior Maggie Scannell, a human services major, is currently interning at the Rushford Peterson Elementary School. She works with prevention programs against bullying and violence with students from kindergarten to fifth grade, and high school students
in ninth through 12th grade.
“They are giving me a lot of liberty in what I want to do with this program,” said Scannell. “I’m starting this program from scratch, laying the foundations for something bigger.” Her internship has allowed her to take what she has learned in the classroom and apply it to actual situations.
“The key to success is early preparation and dedication.” Start early. Get as much experience as you can. It will pay off.
-Determine what you want to get from your experience: a full time job, experience, college credit, etc.
-Find something you will enjoy.
-Do your research. Find prospective companies by looking at professional organizations. You have to research upcoming opportunities because they don’t just fall in your lap. Don’t be afraid to contact human resource departments of companies and ask; they are looking for motivated students.
-Develop a resume and cover letter for every job opportunity you are applying for. This gives you the chance to effectively present yourself, background, skills, and they will distinguish you from other job seekers.
-Contact companies early, as much as 3 to 4 months in advance. Call or email and ask for information. Look up internship opportunities online, in newspapers, or look for local companies
-Always follow up with interviews with a thank you card ASAP. Follow up a week later with a call or e-mail and let them know you appreciated the interview and are still interested in the position.
Hope for Haiti raises $500 for earthquake relief
Copy Editior
Approximately $500 was raised at the Hope For Haiti carnival on Thursday, Feb. 25, in the gameroom of the Michael H. Toner Student Center.
Hosted by the Volunteer Mentors, the carnival raised funds that will be given to the American Red Cross and Saint Mary’s University Haitian student Michelet Jean Charles and his family.
“I have been amazed to see how SMU has been supportive to Haiti, and to me in particular, in the midst of this tragedy,” said Jean Charles in an e-mail.
Partaking in the carnival were 11 different SMU clubs and organizations, and two other campus groups made donations. Participating clubs and organizations had their own booths that offered games including a cake walk, drunk goggles, root-beer flippy cup, a ring toss and Haitian history jeopardy.
“I was thrilled to be at the event to see how everyone was happy to play the games (and) donate in order to make the event successful,” Jean Charles said.
Lasallian Collegians was awarded a pizza party for raising the most money—roughly $84 — at its plinko booth. The event also included a presentation from Jean Charles, who spoke about his plans for returning to Haiti and lead a question-and-answer session.
“By being asked to talk at the event, I felt that I was really part of the event,” Jean Charles said. “It was organized to help me and Haiti, but not without me.”
Jean Charles told those at the event that his family is safe and doing well.
“I did not really know whether SMU would stand strongly with me and with Haiti in this tragedy, but now I know that I have a strong adoptive family, SMU, in Winona,” Jean Charles said.
Copy Editior
Approximately $500 was raised at the Hope For Haiti carnival on Thursday, Feb. 25, in the gameroom of the Michael H. Toner Student Center.
Hosted by the Volunteer Mentors, the carnival raised funds that will be given to the American Red Cross and Saint Mary’s University Haitian student Michelet Jean Charles and his family.
“I have been amazed to see how SMU has been supportive to Haiti, and to me in particular, in the midst of this tragedy,” said Jean Charles in an e-mail.
Partaking in the carnival were 11 different SMU clubs and organizations, and two other campus groups made donations. Participating clubs and organizations had their own booths that offered games including a cake walk, drunk goggles, root-beer flippy cup, a ring toss and Haitian history jeopardy.
“I was thrilled to be at the event to see how everyone was happy to play the games (and) donate in order to make the event successful,” Jean Charles said.
Lasallian Collegians was awarded a pizza party for raising the most money—roughly $84 — at its plinko booth. The event also included a presentation from Jean Charles, who spoke about his plans for returning to Haiti and lead a question-and-answer session.
“By being asked to talk at the event, I felt that I was really part of the event,” Jean Charles said. “It was organized to help me and Haiti, but not without me.”
Jean Charles told those at the event that his family is safe and doing well.
“I did not really know whether SMU would stand strongly with me and with Haiti in this tragedy, but now I know that I have a strong adoptive family, SMU, in Winona,” Jean Charles said.
Cardinal Staff
Majors: Human Services and Political Science: American and Public Policy
SMU activities: Student Senate, Peace and Justice Club, Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Residence Life Community Advisor, Senior Class Gift Committee
Post-graduation plans: I hope to work in public policy for the government or a non-profit for the next few years and then fulfill my Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship by attending a top policy graduate school. I hope to work in education public policy.
Advice for underclassmen: Make the absolute most of your experience here at SMU. You are offered so many opportunities, but it is your responsibility to take the initiative and go after them. Enjoy your time here; it goes by fast!
Major: Biology Minor: Music
SMU activities: Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo One, Violinist: Various musicals, plays, entertainment and church services, Biology Club, Student Senate, Student Activities Committee (SAC), Ropes Course Facilitator, Admissions Ambassador, Eucharistic Minister, Intramural Athletics, Literacy Clinic Tutor, Peer Tutor, Winona Catholic Worker Volunteer, Highway Cleanup Volunteer, Gifts for Winona Volunteer, Volunteer Note-taker, Flood Relief Volunteer
Post-graduation plans: I hope to continue my education, although where this will be is not yet decided.
Advice for underclassmen: Enjoy your time here to the fullest, and get all you can from your education.
Major: Elementary Education with Math and English Concentrations
SMU activities: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Student Activities Committee (SAC), Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance Committee, Student Senate, Together Encountering Christ (TEC), Volunteer Mentor, Senior Class Gift Committee, Religious Education, Orientation Leader, Kappa Delta Pi, Admissions Ambassador, PASS Program Student Worker, Intramural and Recreation Services Student Worker, Maintenance –Summer Grounds Crew, Campus Ministry Student Worker, S.O.U.L. Participant
Post-graduation plans: I plan on teaching somewhere.
Advice for underclassmen: Get involved, get involved, get involved! Sleep is overrated, and tired is just a state of mind.
Major: Graphic Design Minor: Electronic Publishing
SMU activities: Varsity Women’s Soccer, Varsity Women’s Golf, Water Polo, Lacrosse, Intramural Athletics, Senior Class Gift Committee, Phonathon Supervisor
Post-graduation plans: I have applied for graduate school at Western Illinois University. I plan to get my GA (Graduate Assistanship) in Instructional Technical Design. I will also be assistant coaching Division I women’s soccer. After completing my masters, I would like to search for coaching jobs or work for a children’s books illustration company.
Advice for underclassmen: In every challenge or goal that you set for yourself, you will always learn something from it, even when you fail.
Major: Global Studies Minor: Theology
SMU activities: Hendrickson Leaders Committee,Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance Committee, De La Salle Week Global Awareness, Coordinator, Campus Ministry, Chamber Singers, Chamber Singers Tour Manager, Outreach Retreat Team, Blue Angel, Gaslight and Fireside performances, Florence Study Abroad 2008, Lasallian Honors Committee, Ballroom Dance Club, Senior Class Gift Committee
Post-graduation plans: I plan to take one year off of school to either volunteer or work somewhere. In a couple of years, I plan on attending graduate school and working towards a doctorate in philosophy or another humanities degree so that I can teach at the collegiate level.
Advice for underclassmen: Unless you are working from your heart and doing what you truly want to do, you won’t enjoy it!
Cardinal Staff
Majors: Human Services and Political Science: American and Public Policy
SMU activities: Student Senate, Peace and Justice Club, Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Residence Life Community Advisor, Senior Class Gift Committee
Post-graduation plans: I hope to work in public policy for the government or a non-profit for the next few years and then fulfill my Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Fellowship by attending a top policy graduate school. I hope to work in education public policy.
Advice for underclassmen: Make the absolute most of your experience here at SMU. You are offered so many opportunities, but it is your responsibility to take the initiative and go after them. Enjoy your time here; it goes by fast!
Major: Biology Minor: Music
SMU activities: Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo One, Violinist: Various musicals, plays, entertainment and church services, Biology Club, Student Senate, Student Activities Committee (SAC), Ropes Course Facilitator, Admissions Ambassador, Eucharistic Minister, Intramural Athletics, Literacy Clinic Tutor, Peer Tutor, Winona Catholic Worker Volunteer, Highway Cleanup Volunteer, Gifts for Winona Volunteer, Volunteer Note-taker, Flood Relief Volunteer
Post-graduation plans: I hope to continue my education, although where this will be is not yet decided.
Advice for underclassmen: Enjoy your time here to the fullest, and get all you can from your education.
Major: Elementary Education with Math and English Concentrations
SMU activities: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Student Activities Committee (SAC), Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance Committee, Student Senate, Together Encountering Christ (TEC), Volunteer Mentor, Senior Class Gift Committee, Religious Education, Orientation Leader, Kappa Delta Pi, Admissions Ambassador, PASS Program Student Worker, Intramural and Recreation Services Student Worker, Maintenance –Summer Grounds Crew, Campus Ministry Student Worker, S.O.U.L. Participant
Post-graduation plans: I plan on teaching somewhere.
Advice for underclassmen: Get involved, get involved, get involved! Sleep is overrated, and tired is just a state of mind.
Major: Graphic Design Minor: Electronic Publishing
SMU activities: Varsity Women’s Soccer, Varsity Women’s Golf, Water Polo, Lacrosse, Intramural Athletics, Senior Class Gift Committee, Phonathon Supervisor
Post-graduation plans: I have applied for graduate school at Western Illinois University. I plan to get my GA (Graduate Assistanship) in Instructional Technical Design. I will also be assistant coaching Division I women’s soccer. After completing my masters, I would like to search for coaching jobs or work for a children’s books illustration company.
Advice for underclassmen: In every challenge or goal that you set for yourself, you will always learn something from it, even when you fail.
Major: Global Studies Minor: Theology
SMU activities: Hendrickson Leaders Committee,Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance Committee, De La Salle Week Global Awareness, Coordinator, Campus Ministry, Chamber Singers, Chamber Singers Tour Manager, Outreach Retreat Team, Blue Angel, Gaslight and Fireside performances, Florence Study Abroad 2008, Lasallian Honors Committee, Ballroom Dance Club, Senior Class Gift Committee
Post-graduation plans: I plan to take one year off of school to either volunteer or work somewhere. In a couple of years, I plan on attending graduate school and working towards a doctorate in philosophy or another humanities degree so that I can teach at the collegiate level.
Advice for underclassmen: Unless you are working from your heart and doing what you truly want to do, you won’t enjoy it!
Cardinal Staff
Major: Environmental Biology Minor: Music
SMU activities: Biology Club, Delta Epsilon Sigma, Beta Beta Beta, Intramural Athletics, Ropes Course Facilitator, Outreach, Retreat Team, Concert Choir, Liturgical Choir, Outdoor Counselors, Lasallian Collegians
Post-graduation plans: Get a job or further my education in an evironmental field, eventually farm, and hopefully educate in some form.
Advice for underclassmen: Get out of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to let your life change for the better.
Majors: Accounting and Human Resources Management
SMU activities: Lasallian Honors Program, Varsity Baseball, IntramuralAthletics, Literacy Clinic Tutor, Delta Mu Delta, Delta Epsilon Sigma
Post-graduation plans: I will be moving to Fremont, Neb., to be a staff accountant at Hormel Foods.
Advice for underclassmen: Get involved! Finding an organization or multiple organizations to be a part of is a great way to make friends and enjoy the college experience. My greatest college memories are those spent with the baseball guys.
Major: Elementary Education with a Language Arts Concentration
SMU activities: Volunteer Mentors, Habitat for Humnanity, Phi Mu Alpha, Intramural Athletics
Post-graduation plans: I hope to land a teaching job somewhere in the Midwest.
Advice for underclassmen: Don’t be afraid to get involved. For example, even if you are the most uncoordinated person on this planet, find some friends and start up an intramural broomball team; the people you will meet and the experience will be well worth it.
Major: Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement Minor: Spanish
SMU activities: Ballroom Dance Club, Intramural Athletics, Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer Services, Open Mic Night Committee, Student Activities Committee (SAC), Lasallian Collegians, Liturgical Choir, Peace and Justice Club, Campus Safety Post-graduation plans: I will attend a 10-week police officer skills training program at Alexandria Technical College. In August, I plan to move back to my hometown of Minneapolis, where I plan on becoming a police officer in a nearby suburb.
Advice for underclassmen: Relax and enjoy life at SMU. Academics are important, but do not worry and stress about grades. In the long run, it is important to learn and be a well-rounded individual. Make sure to get out, get involved and form quality relationships.
Majors: Marketing and Sports Management
SMU activities: Resident Assistant, Student Senate, International Students Club, Consultant of Multi-cultural Success Group, Senior Class Gift Committee, S.O.U.L. Participant, Volunteer Services, Concert Choir, Delta Mu Delta, Translator for the pre-show talk of national acrobats of China at SMU
Post-graduation plans: I plan to earn dual masters degrees in Business Administration and Accounting at the College of William and Mary and start a professional career in the business field.
Advice for underclassmen: Be open to new and different experiences. Be grateful for your education, and be kind to others.
Cardinal Staff
Major: Environmental Biology Minor: Music
SMU activities: Biology Club, Delta Epsilon Sigma, Beta Beta Beta, Intramural Athletics, Ropes Course Facilitator, Outreach, Retreat Team, Concert Choir, Liturgical Choir, Outdoor Counselors, Lasallian Collegians
Post-graduation plans: Get a job or further my education in an evironmental field, eventually farm, and hopefully educate in some form.
Advice for underclassmen: Get out of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to let your life change for the better.
Majors: Accounting and Human Resources Management
SMU activities: Lasallian Honors Program, Varsity Baseball, IntramuralAthletics, Literacy Clinic Tutor, Delta Mu Delta, Delta Epsilon Sigma
Post-graduation plans: I will be moving to Fremont, Neb., to be a staff accountant at Hormel Foods.
Advice for underclassmen: Get involved! Finding an organization or multiple organizations to be a part of is a great way to make friends and enjoy the college experience. My greatest college memories are those spent with the baseball guys.
Major: Elementary Education with a Language Arts Concentration
SMU activities: Volunteer Mentors, Habitat for Humnanity, Phi Mu Alpha, Intramural Athletics
Post-graduation plans: I hope to land a teaching job somewhere in the Midwest.
Advice for underclassmen: Don’t be afraid to get involved. For example, even if you are the most uncoordinated person on this planet, find some friends and start up an intramural broomball team; the people you will meet and the experience will be well worth it.
Major: Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement Minor: Spanish
SMU activities: Ballroom Dance Club, Intramural Athletics, Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer Services, Open Mic Night Committee, Student Activities Committee (SAC), Lasallian Collegians, Liturgical Choir, Peace and Justice Club, Campus Safety Post-graduation plans: I will attend a 10-week police officer skills training program at Alexandria Technical College. In August, I plan to move back to my hometown of Minneapolis, where I plan on becoming a police officer in a nearby suburb.
Advice for underclassmen: Relax and enjoy life at SMU. Academics are important, but do not worry and stress about grades. In the long run, it is important to learn and be a well-rounded individual. Make sure to get out, get involved and form quality relationships.
Majors: Marketing and Sports Management
SMU activities: Resident Assistant, Student Senate, International Students Club, Consultant of Multi-cultural Success Group, Senior Class Gift Committee, S.O.U.L. Participant, Volunteer Services, Concert Choir, Delta Mu Delta, Translator for the pre-show talk of national acrobats of China at SMU
Post-graduation plans: I plan to earn dual masters degrees in Business Administration and Accounting at the College of William and Mary and start a professional career in the business field.
Advice for underclassmen: Be open to new and different experiences. Be grateful for your education, and be kind to others.
Seniors, faculty and staff, guest honored at Founder’s Day
Copy Editor
The annual celebration of Founder’s Day was marked by individual honors, a Mass, an academic convocation and a reception.
Seniors David Dahlstrom and Mariana Sanchez were selected by the Class of 2010, faculty and staff as the Outstanding Male and Female Seniors.
Dahlstrom, a decorated Saint Mary’s University athlete, mentioned in his remarks after receiving his award how much he had enjoyed being a student-athlete. “It is possible to give 100 percent as a student and 100 percent as an athlete,” Dahlstrom said. Among other thanks that he offered, Dahlstrom was especially grateful because of the student-teacher relationships he was able to have here at SMU.
Sanchez, an international student from Mexico, is also an accomplished student-athlete in her own right. She has played numerous sports here at SMU but said in her comments that she was extremely fond of our SMU community. She admitted it was hard to leave her family to begin her first year in Winona. “It will be harder to say goodbye to Saint Mary’s this spring,” she said. “I cannot come back to this community. There will be alumni weekends, but those aren’t the same.”
Brother Stephen Rusyn was honored with this year’s Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award. Brother Stephen was selected for this award because of his dedication to his students and dedication to his position as professor of English. Not known for particularly enjoying this kind of public honor, Brother Stephen graciously accepted the award and shared several amusing stories about his own educational career.
Explaining his own decision to become a Christian Brother, Brother Stephen said, “I knew in my junior year of high school that I wanted to be a teacher, and that I wanted to do it as a Christian Brother.” He concluded his remarks by thanking all the men who were his teachers.
Mary Becker, administrative assistant to the president, has served in the Office of the President since 1993. She was the recipient of the university’s Bishop Patrick Heffron Service Award. Known for her kindness, Becker conveyed that one of the greatest perks of her job is to meet people from many different parts of SMU. She concluded by saying, “I may not be able to define what being Lasallian is, but at Saint Mary’s, I feel it.”
Dr. Carmelita Quebengco was given an honorary doctorate in educational leadership during the convocation in honor of her contribution to Lasallian education. Regarding her reception of the award, she said, “I am overwhelmed by joy at being recognized by my fellow Lasallians halfway across the globe.” Quebengco is currently executive vice president and chief operating officer of De La Salle Philippines and chancellor emeritus of De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines. Charging all members of the university to engage their Lasallian heritage, Quebengco said, “The Lasallian mission is not just for the brothers, it is our shared mission.” Brother
William Mann, president of the university, said Quebengco is known for her “faith, wisdom and leadership” and that he could not think of a better way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of female students here at SMU than by awarding her the first honorary doctorate of his presidency. Bishop John Quinn, bishop of Winona, celebrated the Mass held in Saint Thomas More Chapel. During his homily, he announced his desire to become a more involved member of the SMU community. He will do so by teaching a class next fall. Because of our membership in the Saint Mary’s community, Bishop Quinn said, we are all sons and daughters of Saint John Baptist de la Salle. Bishop concluded by saying, “he (St. de la Salle) would be proud.” Founder’s Day commemorates the establishment of SMU by Winona Bishop Heffron in 1912, and it is the central event during De La Salle Week, which honors Saint John Baptist de la Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers. De La Salle Week celebrates SMU’s unique heritage as a Lasallian institution.
Copy Editor
The annual celebration of Founder’s Day was marked by individual honors, a Mass, an academic convocation and a reception.
Seniors David Dahlstrom and Mariana Sanchez were selected by the Class of 2010, faculty and staff as the Outstanding Male and Female Seniors.
Dahlstrom, a decorated Saint Mary’s University athlete, mentioned in his remarks after receiving his award how much he had enjoyed being a student-athlete. “It is possible to give 100 percent as a student and 100 percent as an athlete,” Dahlstrom said. Among other thanks that he offered, Dahlstrom was especially grateful because of the student-teacher relationships he was able to have here at SMU.
Sanchez, an international student from Mexico, is also an accomplished student-athlete in her own right. She has played numerous sports here at SMU but said in her comments that she was extremely fond of our SMU community. She admitted it was hard to leave her family to begin her first year in Winona. “It will be harder to say goodbye to Saint Mary’s this spring,” she said. “I cannot come back to this community. There will be alumni weekends, but those aren’t the same.”
Brother Stephen Rusyn was honored with this year’s Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award. Brother Stephen was selected for this award because of his dedication to his students and dedication to his position as professor of English. Not known for particularly enjoying this kind of public honor, Brother Stephen graciously accepted the award and shared several amusing stories about his own educational career.
Explaining his own decision to become a Christian Brother, Brother Stephen said, “I knew in my junior year of high school that I wanted to be a teacher, and that I wanted to do it as a Christian Brother.” He concluded his remarks by thanking all the men who were his teachers.
Mary Becker, administrative assistant to the president, has served in the Office of the President since 1993. She was the recipient of the university’s Bishop Patrick Heffron Service Award. Known for her kindness, Becker conveyed that one of the greatest perks of her job is to meet people from many different parts of SMU. She concluded by saying, “I may not be able to define what being Lasallian is, but at Saint Mary’s, I feel it.”
Dr. Carmelita Quebengco was given an honorary doctorate in educational leadership during the convocation in honor of her contribution to Lasallian education. Regarding her reception of the award, she said, “I am overwhelmed by joy at being recognized by my fellow Lasallians halfway across the globe.” Quebengco is currently executive vice president and chief operating officer of De La Salle Philippines and chancellor emeritus of De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines. Charging all members of the university to engage their Lasallian heritage, Quebengco said, “The Lasallian mission is not just for the brothers, it is our shared mission.” Brother
William Mann, president of the university, said Quebengco is known for her “faith, wisdom and leadership” and that he could not think of a better way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of female students here at SMU than by awarding her the first honorary doctorate of his presidency. Bishop John Quinn, bishop of Winona, celebrated the Mass held in Saint Thomas More Chapel. During his homily, he announced his desire to become a more involved member of the SMU community. He will do so by teaching a class next fall. Because of our membership in the Saint Mary’s community, Bishop Quinn said, we are all sons and daughters of Saint John Baptist de la Salle. Bishop concluded by saying, “he (St. de la Salle) would be proud.” Founder’s Day commemorates the establishment of SMU by Winona Bishop Heffron in 1912, and it is the central event during De La Salle Week, which honors Saint John Baptist de la Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers. De La Salle Week celebrates SMU’s unique heritage as a Lasallian institution.
Fight for your state grants at the capitol, March 24
Guest Writer
Financial aid season is setting in. It’s time to complete the FAFSA and figure out financial aid for next year. This season also indicates the start of an important time in the legislature at the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul, and this legislative session is more important to our financial aid dollars than one might realize.
The Minnesota State Grant Program assists more than 84,000 students statewide with financial assistance to attend college. That is equivalent to more than 25 percent of the state’s college students. Last year, the average amount received by a student at a non-profit private institution was $3,300. It is essential that this program is preserved to keep Minnesota colleges accessible for everyone.
This legislative session, the state must balance a $1.2 billion deficit, putting almost any program at risk for cuts. On top of that, the State Grant Program is projecting a $42 million shortfall. Just taking into account the shortfall, the average award will drop 26 percent, and all awards will shrink from $1,800 to $400. This means incredible consequences for Saint Mary’s students, whether or not they actually receive state grant money. Less money coming into our school from the program means money that Saint Mary’s will have to make up. The Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC) is sponsoring its annual “Day at the Capitol”. On March 24, students from Saint Mary’s will join students from the other seventeen private institutions in Minnesota to meet with lawmakers and lobby for the State Grant Program. This opportunity is designed to give the lawmakers a face to a name and to inform them about the dire consequences that cuts to the program will have on Minnesota’s students. If nothing else, a free Perkins breakfast and money for lunch are provided on the trip. If you would like more information or would like to sign up for Day at the Capitol, please contact Ali Kremer (amkrem07) or Marie Allen (mealle07), or check out theMinnesota Private Colleges website: /even/day.php.
Guest Writer
Financial aid season is setting in. It’s time to complete the FAFSA and figure out financial aid for next year. This season also indicates the start of an important time in the legislature at the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul, and this legislative session is more important to our financial aid dollars than one might realize.
The Minnesota State Grant Program assists more than 84,000 students statewide with financial assistance to attend college. That is equivalent to more than 25 percent of the state’s college students. Last year, the average amount received by a student at a non-profit private institution was $3,300. It is essential that this program is preserved to keep Minnesota colleges accessible for everyone.
This legislative session, the state must balance a $1.2 billion deficit, putting almost any program at risk for cuts. On top of that, the State Grant Program is projecting a $42 million shortfall. Just taking into account the shortfall, the average award will drop 26 percent, and all awards will shrink from $1,800 to $400. This means incredible consequences for Saint Mary’s students, whether or not they actually receive state grant money. Less money coming into our school from the program means money that Saint Mary’s will have to make up. The Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC) is sponsoring its annual “Day at the Capitol”. On March 24, students from Saint Mary’s will join students from the other seventeen private institutions in Minnesota to meet with lawmakers and lobby for the State Grant Program. This opportunity is designed to give the lawmakers a face to a name and to inform them about the dire consequences that cuts to the program will have on Minnesota’s students. If nothing else, a free Perkins breakfast and money for lunch are provided on the trip. If you would like more information or would like to sign up for Day at the Capitol, please contact Ali Kremer (amkrem07) or Marie Allen (mealle07), or check out theMinnesota Private Colleges website: /even/day.php.
Editor applications available soon
Editor in Chief
All students are invited to apply for an editor position for the 2010-11 Cardinal newspaper.
Seven of this year’s editors will not be returning next year, leaving many opportunities to get involved and build your resume.
You don’t have to be a journalism major, or even a public relations or English major. You also do not need to currently write for the Cardinal to be considered.
This year, the Cardinal added a design editor. This person is responsible for photos and layout and would likely benefit a graphic design major.
The managing editor sells advertising space and works with the Cardinal’s budget while also assisting the editor in chief.
Section editors come up with story ideas in news, arts and entertainment and sports or decide on a feature for each issue.
Look for an e-mail with more extensive descriptions and an application, or e-mail for more information.
Editor in Chief
All students are invited to apply for an editor position for the 2010-11 Cardinal newspaper.
Seven of this year’s editors will not be returning next year, leaving many opportunities to get involved and build your resume.
You don’t have to be a journalism major, or even a public relations or English major. You also do not need to currently write for the Cardinal to be considered.
This year, the Cardinal added a design editor. This person is responsible for photos and layout and would likely benefit a graphic design major.
The managing editor sells advertising space and works with the Cardinal’s budget while also assisting the editor in chief.
Section editors come up with story ideas in news, arts and entertainment and sports or decide on a feature for each issue.
Look for an e-mail with more extensive descriptions and an application, or e-mail for more information.
International Scoop: Pay attention to world events
Cardinal Staff
Hello readers! As we become entrenched in the second semester, I’d like to remind you that Winona, Minn., and our lives are not the only places where events large and small are occurring. I’d like to encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open to world news, as the world is becoming more and more integrated, and small changes abroad are likely to continue influencing our lives in new and challenging ways.
Oil strikes in France, beginning with oil giant Total, may spread to Exxonmobil employees and could, if elongated, cause oil shortages. The strikes are a consequence of discussions concerning the closure of a refinery in Dunkerque, France, according to Total has six sites in France and refines 54 percent of France’s petroleum products, according to The New York Times. Also according to The New York Times, “Workers […] have been on strike since Feb. 16 to protest Total’s plans for Dunkerque […] they are seeking assurances on the future of refining at the site.”
Australia, intending to cut down on terrorism, is implementing tougher visa checks, according to The New York Times. In order to set up this program, the Australian government is spending about $62 million USD on a counterterrorism plan. According to NYT, “The new visa requirements (…) include mandatory collection of fingerprints and facial imaging data for visa applicants from 10 countries.”
According to a quote from, “Terrorism has become a persistent and permanent feature of Australia’s security environment, prior to the rise of jihadist terrorism, Australia was not a specific target. Now Australia is such a target.” Fear of terrorism and measures against it have been taken worldwide.
Speaking of terrorism, Mexico’s increasing violence has even caused Texan authorities to warn people from going over the border, according to the Associated Press. According to this article, 13 were shot in the Northern Province of Oaxaca. Gang and cartel violence have been on the rise in Mexico, and killings have escalated. In addition, some groups choose more grisly and violent ways of killing rival gangs or police than others. Some rumors have spread that Mexican President Felipe Calderon has gone after certain gangs more vehemently than others, which he strongly denies. According to the Associated Press, “Some 15,000 people have died in drug gang violence since President Felipe Calderon took office in 2006 and deployed thousands of troops and federal police to root out Mexico’s brutal cartels.” Keep your wits about you, dear reader. These places aren’t that far away from Winona, and somehow, these occurrences may affect your life.
Cardinal Staff
Hello readers! As we become entrenched in the second semester, I’d like to remind you that Winona, Minn., and our lives are not the only places where events large and small are occurring. I’d like to encourage you to keep your eyes and ears open to world news, as the world is becoming more and more integrated, and small changes abroad are likely to continue influencing our lives in new and challenging ways.
Oil strikes in France, beginning with oil giant Total, may spread to Exxonmobil employees and could, if elongated, cause oil shortages. The strikes are a consequence of discussions concerning the closure of a refinery in Dunkerque, France, according to Total has six sites in France and refines 54 percent of France’s petroleum products, according to The New York Times. Also according to The New York Times, “Workers […] have been on strike since Feb. 16 to protest Total’s plans for Dunkerque […] they are seeking assurances on the future of refining at the site.”
Australia, intending to cut down on terrorism, is implementing tougher visa checks, according to The New York Times. In order to set up this program, the Australian government is spending about $62 million USD on a counterterrorism plan. According to NYT, “The new visa requirements (…) include mandatory collection of fingerprints and facial imaging data for visa applicants from 10 countries.”
According to a quote from, “Terrorism has become a persistent and permanent feature of Australia’s security environment, prior to the rise of jihadist terrorism, Australia was not a specific target. Now Australia is such a target.” Fear of terrorism and measures against it have been taken worldwide.
Speaking of terrorism, Mexico’s increasing violence has even caused Texan authorities to warn people from going over the border, according to the Associated Press. According to this article, 13 were shot in the Northern Province of Oaxaca. Gang and cartel violence have been on the rise in Mexico, and killings have escalated. In addition, some groups choose more grisly and violent ways of killing rival gangs or police than others. Some rumors have spread that Mexican President Felipe Calderon has gone after certain gangs more vehemently than others, which he strongly denies. According to the Associated Press, “Some 15,000 people have died in drug gang violence since President Felipe Calderon took office in 2006 and deployed thousands of troops and federal police to root out Mexico’s brutal cartels.” Keep your wits about you, dear reader. These places aren’t that far away from Winona, and somehow, these occurrences may affect your life.
Domestic Perspective: It’s time to end ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Managing Editor
In the United States of America, Uncle Sam wants you to join the armed forces, except if you are openly homosexual. This is a sad, but true, fact. The United States of America does not want openly homosexual men and women to serve with those who are heterosexual. Because of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT), openly homosexual men and women cannot be their true selves when they patriotically serve our nation in the military.
When we face an enemy without a country and a growing movement in the radical Islamic religion, we need every solider who is willing to fight for our freedoms. Yochi Dreazen of the Wall Street Journal states that since DADT’s implementation in 1993, more than 14,000 openly homosexual men and women who enlisted to serve our nation. 14,000 openly homosexual men and women were told that their service to the United States is not valued as highly as service from heterosexuals.
A 2009 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that an astounding 75 percent of Americans support allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve in the armed forces without having to conceal their sexuality. DADT is an outdated, discriminatory law that is being protected by conservative politicians who are afraid of change. These ignorant conservative politicians, such as Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., who in 2006 supported lifting DADT, are using partisan arguments that seek to appease the extreme conservatives in the United States. During the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in early February, McCain said, “At this moment of immense hardship for our armed services, we should not be seeking to overturn the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy.” So McCain and his allies believe that when the United States is seeing a decline in enlistment in the military, then it is ok to place limits on who can serve?
The United States is better than this. Those who support DADT, such as Senator Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said that allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve in the military would lead to “alcohol use, adultery, fraternization and body art.”
But supporters of DADT are using scare tactics and arguments that are similar to those of the racist senators who supported segregating African Americans from Caucasian military troops back in the 1940s. Former Senator Richard Russell, D-Ga., said that President Harry Truman’s executive order that desegregated the U.S. military would be “sure to increase the number of men who [would] be disabled through communicable diseases and the crime rate among servicemen [would] soar.”
It is time to end DADT because “allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be the right thing to do.” I ardently agree with this statement. But those are not my words; those are the words of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen.
Managing Editor
In the United States of America, Uncle Sam wants you to join the armed forces, except if you are openly homosexual. This is a sad, but true, fact. The United States of America does not want openly homosexual men and women to serve with those who are heterosexual. Because of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT), openly homosexual men and women cannot be their true selves when they patriotically serve our nation in the military.
When we face an enemy without a country and a growing movement in the radical Islamic religion, we need every solider who is willing to fight for our freedoms. Yochi Dreazen of the Wall Street Journal states that since DADT’s implementation in 1993, more than 14,000 openly homosexual men and women who enlisted to serve our nation. 14,000 openly homosexual men and women were told that their service to the United States is not valued as highly as service from heterosexuals.
A 2009 Washington Post-ABC News poll found that an astounding 75 percent of Americans support allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve in the armed forces without having to conceal their sexuality. DADT is an outdated, discriminatory law that is being protected by conservative politicians who are afraid of change. These ignorant conservative politicians, such as Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., who in 2006 supported lifting DADT, are using partisan arguments that seek to appease the extreme conservatives in the United States. During the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in early February, McCain said, “At this moment of immense hardship for our armed services, we should not be seeking to overturn the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy.” So McCain and his allies believe that when the United States is seeing a decline in enlistment in the military, then it is ok to place limits on who can serve?
The United States is better than this. Those who support DADT, such as Senator Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said that allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve in the military would lead to “alcohol use, adultery, fraternization and body art.”
But supporters of DADT are using scare tactics and arguments that are similar to those of the racist senators who supported segregating African Americans from Caucasian military troops back in the 1940s. Former Senator Richard Russell, D-Ga., said that President Harry Truman’s executive order that desegregated the U.S. military would be “sure to increase the number of men who [would] be disabled through communicable diseases and the crime rate among servicemen [would] soar.”
It is time to end DADT because “allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be the right thing to do.” I ardently agree with this statement. But those are not my words; those are the words of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen.
Student Concerns: New food service contract announced
Cardinal Staff
There has been much talk already surrounding the recent announcement by Saint Mary’s University regarding the next fiveyear food service contract. So, I figured, why not add a little bit of wood to the fire? Mostly, my intention is to clear up some typical misconceptions and to add to the growing excitement.
Let’s address the biggest concern first: “Same old Chartwells.” Now, this too was the biggest concern for me as a representative of the students during the selection process. This is not because I felt it was a totally legitimate issue, but simply that, for many students, this would be the mind-set upon selection of the same food service company. Now, to clarify, I must say that, although the next company is Chartwells, it is not the same food service as before. Several new possible concepts and service styles are on their way: Everything from new Pub service to more flexible meal plans to better and fresher food concepts to Mugby Junction to improved seating and atmosphere to bigger burgers to Italian to more Outtakes and on and on.
In addition, SMU administration has plans to meet with Chartwells very regularly to examine the implementation and maintenance of the new services and to ensure that what has been offered is fulfilled as promised. This accountability is new in its style and frequency and will help the transition. Finally, the latest issue: No more selfservice. Now, I understand that we are not in high school, and we are adults, etc. This whole staff-served food is part of a larger picture for the theme and direction of food service for the new contract. In order to guarantee better quality and variety of food, the food will be prepared and served less in the cafeteria/ buffet style and more with the style of a high quality fast-food restaurant. At first, this transition is rough because no one is used to it, both students and staff. As far as I see it, it is similar to the growing pains of our tray-less initiative last year. Things really are improving. Once again, there are already several ways in which one can voice complaints, concerns, requests and questions. Coshenet hopes that any student feels comfortable enough to speak with him directly. In addition, you can e-mail me directly at
Cardinal Staff
There has been much talk already surrounding the recent announcement by Saint Mary’s University regarding the next fiveyear food service contract. So, I figured, why not add a little bit of wood to the fire? Mostly, my intention is to clear up some typical misconceptions and to add to the growing excitement.
Let’s address the biggest concern first: “Same old Chartwells.” Now, this too was the biggest concern for me as a representative of the students during the selection process. This is not because I felt it was a totally legitimate issue, but simply that, for many students, this would be the mind-set upon selection of the same food service company. Now, to clarify, I must say that, although the next company is Chartwells, it is not the same food service as before. Several new possible concepts and service styles are on their way: Everything from new Pub service to more flexible meal plans to better and fresher food concepts to Mugby Junction to improved seating and atmosphere to bigger burgers to Italian to more Outtakes and on and on.
In addition, SMU administration has plans to meet with Chartwells very regularly to examine the implementation and maintenance of the new services and to ensure that what has been offered is fulfilled as promised. This accountability is new in its style and frequency and will help the transition. Finally, the latest issue: No more selfservice. Now, I understand that we are not in high school, and we are adults, etc. This whole staff-served food is part of a larger picture for the theme and direction of food service for the new contract. In order to guarantee better quality and variety of food, the food will be prepared and served less in the cafeteria/ buffet style and more with the style of a high quality fast-food restaurant. At first, this transition is rough because no one is used to it, both students and staff. As far as I see it, it is similar to the growing pains of our tray-less initiative last year. Things really are improving. Once again, there are already several ways in which one can voice complaints, concerns, requests and questions. Coshenet hopes that any student feels comfortable enough to speak with him directly. In addition, you can e-mail me directly at
Sports Column: Quick hits from around the sports world
Sports Editor
•As fun as the 2010 Winter Olympic Games were, they were not without controversy. Besides the tragic death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, there have been snow shortages, ice track breakdowns and protests by locals. Vancouver has also poured an immense amount of money into this event. This all raises an important question – besides all of the fun and festivities, is hosting the Olympic games beneficial to a city?
•An era recently ended in the NFL when the San Diego Chargers released running back LaDainian Tomlinson after a disappointing 2009 season. He was potentially the greatest player of the last decade, rushing for over 12,000 yards in his career and scoring 28 touchdowns in 2006 – an NFL single-season record. Tomlinson’s release is unfortunately due to the physical nature of the game; running backs wear down after only a few years of taking hits and are usually washed up by age 30.
•A flurry of NBA player swaps was passed by the Feb. 18 trade deadline. These moves included Tracy McGrady to New York, Nate Robinson to Boston and Antwan Jamison to Cleveland. You can bet that most of these moves were made with the looming offseason in mind – teams are scrambling to clear cap space in order to make a run at purchasing LeBron James, Dwayne Wade or Chris Bosh this summer.
•If you read my column last month, you know how I feel about Tiger Woods’ situation. His Feb. 19 press conference was incredibly publicized – it was carried by all of ESPN’s outlets and scrutinized for days afterwards. Tiger’s first words since his Thanksgiving incident were predictable, but they offer a certain amount of optimism for those who are ready to see him back on the links.
Sports Editor
•As fun as the 2010 Winter Olympic Games were, they were not without controversy. Besides the tragic death of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, there have been snow shortages, ice track breakdowns and protests by locals. Vancouver has also poured an immense amount of money into this event. This all raises an important question – besides all of the fun and festivities, is hosting the Olympic games beneficial to a city?
•An era recently ended in the NFL when the San Diego Chargers released running back LaDainian Tomlinson after a disappointing 2009 season. He was potentially the greatest player of the last decade, rushing for over 12,000 yards in his career and scoring 28 touchdowns in 2006 – an NFL single-season record. Tomlinson’s release is unfortunately due to the physical nature of the game; running backs wear down after only a few years of taking hits and are usually washed up by age 30.
•A flurry of NBA player swaps was passed by the Feb. 18 trade deadline. These moves included Tracy McGrady to New York, Nate Robinson to Boston and Antwan Jamison to Cleveland. You can bet that most of these moves were made with the looming offseason in mind – teams are scrambling to clear cap space in order to make a run at purchasing LeBron James, Dwayne Wade or Chris Bosh this summer.
•If you read my column last month, you know how I feel about Tiger Woods’ situation. His Feb. 19 press conference was incredibly publicized – it was carried by all of ESPN’s outlets and scrutinized for days afterwards. Tiger’s first words since his Thanksgiving incident were predictable, but they offer a certain amount of optimism for those who are ready to see him back on the links.
Cardinal Staff
Class: Junior
Sport: Basketball
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Carver, Minn.
High School: Chaska High School
Class: Senior
Sport: Swimming and Diving
Major: Biology
Hometown: Winona, Minn.
High School: Winona High School
What made you decide on SMU as your
college choice?
Fox: Small class sizes and the variety of science majors offered made Saint Mary’s University a good choice. I liked the small campus as well as the athletic facilities. The pool is one of the largest and most state-ofthe- art in the MIAC (Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference).
Miller: I decided early on that I wanted to go to a smaller university, and it just so happened that they were interested in me playing basketball, so I thought, what better opportunity! I know the school had a good reputation in education (my major), which was what I was looking towards as well.
Who is your favorite professional athlete?
Fox: I don’t have one.
Miller: My favorite professional athlete is Kevin Garnett. He is such a good person as well as an amazing basketball player, which is very admirable.
What is your favorite athletics moment?
Fox: My favorite athletic moment was qualifying for Nationals last year at the MIAC championships.
Miller: My favorite athletic moment here at SMU is when we beat Bethel in double overtime my sophomore year – very exciting!
What is your favorite part about SMU athletics?
Fox: The community is what makes SMU athletics great. Even though we have a small team, we always have a balcony full of students, family and friends to support us.
Miller: The best thing about SMU athletics is the bond and community that is formed within the teams. I know women’s basketball is a family, and I know that having such a small school allows this to happen, which is truly unique.
Cardinal Staff
Class: Junior
Sport: Basketball
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Carver, Minn.
High School: Chaska High School
Class: Senior
Sport: Swimming and Diving
Major: Biology
Hometown: Winona, Minn.
High School: Winona High School
What made you decide on SMU as your
college choice?
Fox: Small class sizes and the variety of science majors offered made Saint Mary’s University a good choice. I liked the small campus as well as the athletic facilities. The pool is one of the largest and most state-ofthe- art in the MIAC (Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference).
Miller: I decided early on that I wanted to go to a smaller university, and it just so happened that they were interested in me playing basketball, so I thought, what better opportunity! I know the school had a good reputation in education (my major), which was what I was looking towards as well.
Who is your favorite professional athlete?
Fox: I don’t have one.
Miller: My favorite professional athlete is Kevin Garnett. He is such a good person as well as an amazing basketball player, which is very admirable.
What is your favorite athletics moment?
Fox: My favorite athletic moment was qualifying for Nationals last year at the MIAC championships.
Miller: My favorite athletic moment here at SMU is when we beat Bethel in double overtime my sophomore year – very exciting!
What is your favorite part about SMU athletics?
Fox: The community is what makes SMU athletics great. Even though we have a small team, we always have a balcony full of students, family and friends to support us.
Miller: The best thing about SMU athletics is the bond and community that is formed within the teams. I know women’s basketball is a family, and I know that having such a small school allows this to happen, which is truly unique.
Wrapping up the winter sports season
Sports Editor
MEN’S BASKETBALL (9-16 overall, 7-13 in the MIAC)
The men’s basketball team improved in almost every statistical category and won two more games than last season. Home wins over playoff teams Gustavus and Hamline highlighted the schedule. Junior guardWillWright led the conference in points per game (PPG) with 18.1, and his consistent production has landed him as the eighth-leading scorer in Saint Mary’s University history with his senior year still ahead of him.
Junior point guard Lukas Holland and freshman forward Chris Palmer tied for the secondleading scorers with 14.4 PPG each; Palmer also finished fourth in the conference in rebounds with 8.1.
WOMEN’S BASKETBALL (5-20 overall, 4-18 in the MIAC)
The Cardinal women’s basketball team had an identical win count as last year. Defeating Hamline and Carleton were great moments for this year’s team, along with barely losing to third-ranked Concordia by three points. The Cardinals lost several contests by a small margin, often being decided in the final seconds of the game.
Junior forward Jess Miller finished ninth in the conference in scoring with 14 PPG, including a 29-point effort against Gustavus early in the year. Junior guard Cherie Kulig also tossed in 9.5 PPG and led the team in assists with 3.16 per game. Freshmen Renee Pecarina and Jess Thone each had large contributions this year, starting nearly every game and gaining valuable experience as rookies.
SWIMMING AND DIVING (Men finished 6th in the MIAC; Women finished 10th)
After logging hours of hard work this winter, the Saint Mary’s swimming and diving team culminated its season when several records were set at the MIAC conference championships.
Ten SMU records were broken at this year’s championships, including a cumulative 226-point effort from the men’s squad. Mark Ross had a part in setting seven records, a great end to a breakout season for the freshman. Sophomore Liz Flynn also set a school record in the three-meter dive.
For senior John Fox, a remarkable career as a Cardinal swimmer has concluded. The Winona native will leave with several records to his name, including the 50 and 100-meter freestyles and the 50 and 100-meter breaststrokes. Fox appeared in the NCAA Division III championship races as a junior, becoming SMU’s first swimmer to automatically qualify for such a berth.
MEN’S HOCKEY (1-23-1 overall, 1-15 in the MIAC)
The men’s hockey team won a single game against Concordia on the Cobbers’ home ice. The Cardinals tied Nichols College during the team’s January East Coast tour. The foundation was laid for next year with several young players ready to replace this year’s senior class. Senior Anthony Bohn led the team in points with 17, including 12 assists. Bohn and senior Morgan Shepherd tied for the team lead in goals with five each.
Freshman Kevin Wentland had the highest production of any newcomer with 11 points. 23 different Cardinals had at least one point.
WOMEN’S HOCKEY (12-11-2 overall, 9-6-2 in the MIAC)
By the time this issue went to press, the SMU women’s hockey team had just earned the No. 4 seed in the MIAC playoffs, losing 3-1 to St. Olaf College in the first round. This postseason opportunity is simply the result of a determined team that had an impressive push at the end of the season, finishing 4-2-1 to secure a tournament berth.
The team was led in scoring this season by sophomore Nicole Olson, who logged 12 goals along with 9 assists. Fellow sophomore Stevie Fiek led the team in assists with 12. Freshman goalie Kaye Collier held her own in her first year guarding the net, starting 23 games and earning a goals-against average of 1.71.
Sports Editor
MEN’S BASKETBALL (9-16 overall, 7-13 in the MIAC)
The men’s basketball team improved in almost every statistical category and won two more games than last season. Home wins over playoff teams Gustavus and Hamline highlighted the schedule. Junior guardWillWright led the conference in points per game (PPG) with 18.1, and his consistent production has landed him as the eighth-leading scorer in Saint Mary’s University history with his senior year still ahead of him.
Junior point guard Lukas Holland and freshman forward Chris Palmer tied for the secondleading scorers with 14.4 PPG each; Palmer also finished fourth in the conference in rebounds with 8.1.
WOMEN’S BASKETBALL (5-20 overall, 4-18 in the MIAC)
The Cardinal women’s basketball team had an identical win count as last year. Defeating Hamline and Carleton were great moments for this year’s team, along with barely losing to third-ranked Concordia by three points. The Cardinals lost several contests by a small margin, often being decided in the final seconds of the game.
Junior forward Jess Miller finished ninth in the conference in scoring with 14 PPG, including a 29-point effort against Gustavus early in the year. Junior guard Cherie Kulig also tossed in 9.5 PPG and led the team in assists with 3.16 per game. Freshmen Renee Pecarina and Jess Thone each had large contributions this year, starting nearly every game and gaining valuable experience as rookies.
SWIMMING AND DIVING (Men finished 6th in the MIAC; Women finished 10th)
After logging hours of hard work this winter, the Saint Mary’s swimming and diving team culminated its season when several records were set at the MIAC conference championships.
Ten SMU records were broken at this year’s championships, including a cumulative 226-point effort from the men’s squad. Mark Ross had a part in setting seven records, a great end to a breakout season for the freshman. Sophomore Liz Flynn also set a school record in the three-meter dive.
For senior John Fox, a remarkable career as a Cardinal swimmer has concluded. The Winona native will leave with several records to his name, including the 50 and 100-meter freestyles and the 50 and 100-meter breaststrokes. Fox appeared in the NCAA Division III championship races as a junior, becoming SMU’s first swimmer to automatically qualify for such a berth.
MEN’S HOCKEY (1-23-1 overall, 1-15 in the MIAC)
The men’s hockey team won a single game against Concordia on the Cobbers’ home ice. The Cardinals tied Nichols College during the team’s January East Coast tour. The foundation was laid for next year with several young players ready to replace this year’s senior class. Senior Anthony Bohn led the team in points with 17, including 12 assists. Bohn and senior Morgan Shepherd tied for the team lead in goals with five each.
Freshman Kevin Wentland had the highest production of any newcomer with 11 points. 23 different Cardinals had at least one point.
WOMEN’S HOCKEY (12-11-2 overall, 9-6-2 in the MIAC)
By the time this issue went to press, the SMU women’s hockey team had just earned the No. 4 seed in the MIAC playoffs, losing 3-1 to St. Olaf College in the first round. This postseason opportunity is simply the result of a determined team that had an impressive push at the end of the season, finishing 4-2-1 to secure a tournament berth.
The team was led in scoring this season by sophomore Nicole Olson, who logged 12 goals along with 9 assists. Fellow sophomore Stevie Fiek led the team in assists with 12. Freshman goalie Kaye Collier held her own in her first year guarding the net, starting 23 games and earning a goals-against average of 1.71.
Women’s hockey earns playoff berth
Feature Editor
Hard work, focus, and determination are three characteristics that describe this year’s Saint Mary’s University women’s hockey team.
Their efforts were rewarded by returning to theMinnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) hockey tournament for the first time in three years, with a first-round playoff game at home against a familiar foe — St. Olaf College.
“With this playoff berth, the team really proved to themselves that they can go out and compete with anyone, and I am happy their hard work was rewarded,” said Head Coach Terry Mannor.
Ironically, the team that the Cardinals faced during the opening first-round of the playoffs was the team that SMU needed to beat to clinch a 2010 playoff position.
Last weekend during the final scheduled series of the regular season, SMU found themselves needing to win both games against St. Olaf to advance to the playoffs. Their playoff hopes were kept alive with a 1-1 tie against the Oles. The next day, SMU clinched the fourth seed in the MIAC standings in the last regular season game with a 1-0 victory. The Cardinals then lost to the Oles 3- 1 to end their playoff run. Mannor, the 14 year coaching veteran, credits the team’s regular season success to its strong characteristics. “This team is the most enjoyable team I have ever coached,” said Mannor. “They work hard, all share one common goal, and are very driven.”
The Cardinals’ success can be attributed to not only their drive but also their focus, which began long before the on ice season.
“The change in our attitude really made a difference, and what we accomplished this season actually started during off-ice practice and carried over,” said senior defenseman Sara Eisenhauer. “We wanted to be ready and get in shape and build from where we left off last year.” The success of Mannor’s team also brings an encouraging atmosphere to the SMU campus.
“It is not only positive for the team, but also the athletic department,” said Eisenhauer, “Students on campus are excited about it, and the athletic department and the school as a whole can really build off that energy to show people that SMU can compete.” The accomplishments of this season also positively affect the women’s hockey program. “After we earned our playoff spot, I received a number of emails from girls who are interested in joining the hockey team here,” said Mannor. “Most of them start off mentioning or congratulating us on our playoff berth.With the team’s success, it really sparks interest of recruits because it shows we have a successful program.”
The team looks to take this year’s achievements to help improve for next year’s season.
“It gives our team another goal to try and obtain,” said Mannor. “It shows that we have to continue to work hard each year to maintain a strong program.”
Feature Editor
Hard work, focus, and determination are three characteristics that describe this year’s Saint Mary’s University women’s hockey team.
Their efforts were rewarded by returning to theMinnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC) hockey tournament for the first time in three years, with a first-round playoff game at home against a familiar foe — St. Olaf College.
“With this playoff berth, the team really proved to themselves that they can go out and compete with anyone, and I am happy their hard work was rewarded,” said Head Coach Terry Mannor.
Ironically, the team that the Cardinals faced during the opening first-round of the playoffs was the team that SMU needed to beat to clinch a 2010 playoff position.
Last weekend during the final scheduled series of the regular season, SMU found themselves needing to win both games against St. Olaf to advance to the playoffs. Their playoff hopes were kept alive with a 1-1 tie against the Oles. The next day, SMU clinched the fourth seed in the MIAC standings in the last regular season game with a 1-0 victory. The Cardinals then lost to the Oles 3- 1 to end their playoff run. Mannor, the 14 year coaching veteran, credits the team’s regular season success to its strong characteristics. “This team is the most enjoyable team I have ever coached,” said Mannor. “They work hard, all share one common goal, and are very driven.”
The Cardinals’ success can be attributed to not only their drive but also their focus, which began long before the on ice season.
“The change in our attitude really made a difference, and what we accomplished this season actually started during off-ice practice and carried over,” said senior defenseman Sara Eisenhauer. “We wanted to be ready and get in shape and build from where we left off last year.” The success of Mannor’s team also brings an encouraging atmosphere to the SMU campus.
“It is not only positive for the team, but also the athletic department,” said Eisenhauer, “Students on campus are excited about it, and the athletic department and the school as a whole can really build off that energy to show people that SMU can compete.” The accomplishments of this season also positively affect the women’s hockey program. “After we earned our playoff spot, I received a number of emails from girls who are interested in joining the hockey team here,” said Mannor. “Most of them start off mentioning or congratulating us on our playoff berth.With the team’s success, it really sparks interest of recruits because it shows we have a successful program.”
The team looks to take this year’s achievements to help improve for next year’s season.
“It gives our team another goal to try and obtain,” said Mannor. “It shows that we have to continue to work hard each year to maintain a strong program.”
Sports Editor
Although the softball team graduated major contributors in Cassie Otte and Danielle Geske, Head Coach Jen Miller is confident that her 2010 team can improve on last year’s fifth-place finish in the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC).
“The Cardinal fastpitch program will be lead by a strong cast of returners,” said Miller. “We graduated two seniors that will be missed, but we have brought in quite a few underclassman to help us out.”
After making the playoffs in 2007, the Cardinals have barely missed the playoffs the last two seasons. “We are looking to return to the MIAC tournament,” said Miller. “The ladies are working very hard in practice, and we are very optimistic about the season.”
With the young men’s squad in transition and the women’s team looking to move up from the middle of the MIAC, Saint Mary’s University tennis is looking forward to a fun and exciting season.
The men’s team will have a blend of veteran and rookie play. Seniors Andy Weigman and Pawel Szczepkowski will provide leadership for an impressive freshman class that includes a new No. 1 singles player in Mike Lunka. The women’s team is returning sophomore Rebecca Snyder, a smart player who went 11-2 in singles play a year ago. Sophomore Bailey Edwards will also look to improve on a good freshman campaign, as she enters the season ranked No. 24 regionally.
“The men’s and women’s tennis teams are looking for steady progress from last year,” said Head Coach Jeff Halberg. “Both squads have increased their depth and hope to make some more noise in the conference and region.”
Now in his second year as head coach, Nick Winecke looks to improve on last season’s 8-28 record with a solid senior class.
“We’ve got nine seniors that will all contribute in some way,” said Winecke. Leading the senior effort will be All-MIAC selection Zach Olberding’s excellent hitting and Kyle Ryan’s standout play at shortstop. Brett Ferschweiler will see time at the pitching mound along with David Dahlstrom and junior Andrew Ruf.
The SMU baseball team will open its season in Minneapolis, playing double headers at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome on March 10, 15 and 21. On March 26, the team will head south to Arizona for a seven-game spring break trip.
“We’re ready,” said Winecke. “The field is in great shape – maintenance has done a good job.We’re just trying to get one percent better every day; if 31 guys can improve by one percent, that’s 31 percent per day. It’s about getting the little things right.”
After breaking several school records during the winter indoor season, the SMU Track and Field team has reason to be optimistic in the spring. Senior sprinter Curt Van Asten secured the school indoor record in the 200-meter hurdles early in February, and junior transfer Andrew Brueggen has already tossed an NCAA-qualifying weight throw several times. The women’s team returns senior sprinter Teri Heinzen, the school record-holder in the outdoor 200-meter dash. The team also boasts a record-setting 3,200-meter relay team from the indoor season.
Two outdoor events will be hosted on SMU’s new home track, starting with the Saint Mary’s Open on April 24. Additionally, the MIAC Outdoor Championships come to Winona on May 14.
“I’m very encouraged for our upcoming outdoor season,” said Head Coach Shawn McMahon. “The indoor season has been very successful, but track is meant to be an outdoor sport. We culminate the year with the MIAC Outdoor Championships right here on campus, and we are excited to show off our new track to everyone in the MIAC. I’d love for the entire campus community to come out and share in what will be a great event – one this place has never seen.”
Sports Editor
Although the softball team graduated major contributors in Cassie Otte and Danielle Geske, Head Coach Jen Miller is confident that her 2010 team can improve on last year’s fifth-place finish in the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (MIAC).
“The Cardinal fastpitch program will be lead by a strong cast of returners,” said Miller. “We graduated two seniors that will be missed, but we have brought in quite a few underclassman to help us out.”
After making the playoffs in 2007, the Cardinals have barely missed the playoffs the last two seasons. “We are looking to return to the MIAC tournament,” said Miller. “The ladies are working very hard in practice, and we are very optimistic about the season.”
With the young men’s squad in transition and the women’s team looking to move up from the middle of the MIAC, Saint Mary’s University tennis is looking forward to a fun and exciting season.
The men’s team will have a blend of veteran and rookie play. Seniors Andy Weigman and Pawel Szczepkowski will provide leadership for an impressive freshman class that includes a new No. 1 singles player in Mike Lunka. The women’s team is returning sophomore Rebecca Snyder, a smart player who went 11-2 in singles play a year ago. Sophomore Bailey Edwards will also look to improve on a good freshman campaign, as she enters the season ranked No. 24 regionally.
“The men’s and women’s tennis teams are looking for steady progress from last year,” said Head Coach Jeff Halberg. “Both squads have increased their depth and hope to make some more noise in the conference and region.”
Now in his second year as head coach, Nick Winecke looks to improve on last season’s 8-28 record with a solid senior class.
“We’ve got nine seniors that will all contribute in some way,” said Winecke. Leading the senior effort will be All-MIAC selection Zach Olberding’s excellent hitting and Kyle Ryan’s standout play at shortstop. Brett Ferschweiler will see time at the pitching mound along with David Dahlstrom and junior Andrew Ruf.
The SMU baseball team will open its season in Minneapolis, playing double headers at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome on March 10, 15 and 21. On March 26, the team will head south to Arizona for a seven-game spring break trip.
“We’re ready,” said Winecke. “The field is in great shape – maintenance has done a good job.We’re just trying to get one percent better every day; if 31 guys can improve by one percent, that’s 31 percent per day. It’s about getting the little things right.”
After breaking several school records during the winter indoor season, the SMU Track and Field team has reason to be optimistic in the spring. Senior sprinter Curt Van Asten secured the school indoor record in the 200-meter hurdles early in February, and junior transfer Andrew Brueggen has already tossed an NCAA-qualifying weight throw several times. The women’s team returns senior sprinter Teri Heinzen, the school record-holder in the outdoor 200-meter dash. The team also boasts a record-setting 3,200-meter relay team from the indoor season.
Two outdoor events will be hosted on SMU’s new home track, starting with the Saint Mary’s Open on April 24. Additionally, the MIAC Outdoor Championships come to Winona on May 14.
“I’m very encouraged for our upcoming outdoor season,” said Head Coach Shawn McMahon. “The indoor season has been very successful, but track is meant to be an outdoor sport. We culminate the year with the MIAC Outdoor Championships right here on campus, and we are excited to show off our new track to everyone in the MIAC. I’d love for the entire campus community to come out and share in what will be a great event – one this place has never seen.”
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