Thursday, February 10, 2011

Senior has 'experience of a lifetime' in London, England

By Suzie Roth
Co-Managing and Advertising Editor

The opportunity to study abroad is one that many Saint Mary’s students consider. Senior Marie Allen did more than consider it; she set off on the adventure of a lifetime when she chose to study abroad in London, England in the Fall of 2010.

Although the curriculum of SMU’s London program is geared toward Theatre majors, Allen, majoring in both Political Science and Sociology, stated she was able to meet new people and establish friendships with SMU students that she otherwise may not have formed on campus.

Even though it was difficult for Allen to leave for a semester during her last year of college, she expressed that the experience was definitely worth it, stating the best part of her study abroad experience was “everything.”

“I got out and experienced as much of the city as possible and don’t have any regrets.” Allen said without an ounce of hesitation that she would repeat the experience “in a heartbeat. I think it is definitely an opportunity that everyone should take if they get the chance.”

Despite the fact that on the surface the United States and London may seem to have a lot of similarities, Allen said studying abroad in London still gave her the chance to gain new perspectives and have different experiences. Allen noted that although there were some cultural differences, “it was interesting to observe and participate in another society. London was a place I felt comfortable, and I cannot wait to return.”

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