Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yearbook is new and improved but funding mix-up impacts Senate budget

By Lauren Rothering
Editor in Chief

Saint Mary’s University students will have a new and improved yearbook this year, despite budget confusion between Student Senate and the Office of Student Activities.

The yearbook itself will be much different than yearbooks past, including full-color pages, more pictures and less clip art. It will also be much larger, and include professional photos of the senior class.

“It’s completely student-run. They are creating their own design, and not working from a template,” said Laura Schmidt, new director of student activities and advisor for the yearbook. “It will be much less ‘high school’ than in years past.”

Most of all, Schmidt emphasizes that this yearbook will be a high-quality product.

“Students should be excited about getting a new yearbook. It’s getting a lot of different students involved in a different manner,” said Schmidt.

Students will be able to pick up their yearbooks at a release party in early May.

Who’s paying for it?
Last year, Student Senate voted to discontinue funding for the yearbook based on lack of student interest. Of the money appropriated to yearbook funds–$10 per student, taken from the student activity fee–$3 was shifted into a student conferencing fund. The remaining $7, said Schmidt, went to a general, “overdraft” fund, which is often used for capital improvements.

When Schmidt approached the business office in August to see if there was money for a yearbook, the office said there was plenty of funding in the general Senate budget, which is where Schmidt drew the funds.

However, according to a Student Senate Executive Board member, Senate was not made aware that funds were being taken from the budget for the yearbook. The board member noticed money missing from the budget weeks later, and was informed by the business office that the money was being used for yearbook.

Because of the funding taken for yearbook, said the board member, there is significantly less money available for capital improvements.

“We are double-spending our money right now,” said the board member.

Schmidt said she did approach Senate first about reinstating the yearbook, and got a positive response.

“I never directly said that funds would be coming from Senate, but I assumed they knew,” said Schmidt, who is in her first year at SMU.

Students to take the 'Plunge' for charity

By Alexa Wallick
Cardinal Staff

On March 19, students, faculty and residents of Winona are invited to shed their winter coats and boots to jump into icy Goodview Lake, located at Michael LaCanne Memorial Park, as part of the second annual Cardinal Plunge hosted by Saint Mary’s Future Alumni Committee (FAC).

According to Sarah McDonough, president of FAC and event co-coordinator, the Cardinal Plunge will raise money for the “Cardinal Plunge Student Emergency Fund.” The proceeds will go to Saint Mary’s students who encounter emergencies throughout the next year, she said, through an “open-ended, rolling application process.” Applications for the fund are available in the Alumni Office, located in the basement of Saint Mary’s Hall.

“FAC’s mission is to keep SMU traditions alive and spread awareness of new ones,” McDonough said. “It seemed natural that FAC would oversee and make this an annual event.”

According to McDonough, last year, the plunge raised approximately $3,000. Part of the proceeds went to junior Michael Mockler, who had been diagnosed with a brain tumor, while the rest of the money went to victims of the Haiti earthquake.

Taryn Wirkus, vice president of FAC and co-coordinator of the Plunge, said, “It is a great way to have fun, bond with your friends, make memories and most importantly, make a difference in the lives of fellow Saint Mary’s community members.”

Winona Dive and Rescue team and Winona EMT’s will help run the event. The cost to take the plunge is $10, and it will take place between 1-3 p.m. Each pre-registered participant will be guaranteed a “Cardinal Plunge” t-shirt designed by Steve Mino, senior graphic design major, and enjoy food and drinks provided by Chartwells.

To register, go online to or sign up the day of the event. To become a sponsor, make a donation or for additional information, contact Sarah McDonough at or Taryn Wirkus at

Chinese business class provides language immersion experience

By Shannon Nelson
Cardinal Staff

The Saint Mary’s University business department hopes to increase awareness and knowledge of the Chinese language with the introduction of the course “BU461: Seminar: Chinese and Business.”

Thomas Marpe, Ph.D., dean for the School of Business and chair of the business department, teaches students about the business environment in China. His assistant Chia-lin Chao, a graduate student, teaches basic Mandarin Chinese, emphasizing vocabulary words that would most likely be used in business, said Marpe.

Marpe describes the three-credit course as a business elective with no prerequisites that is open to all students. The course is based more on conversation and speaking rather than writing, and is designed for common-use Chinese. Chao provides a Chinese immersion experience for students during the class, and at the end of class reviews and discusses the next class in English.
The students are given vocabulary quizzes each week and practice lessons from a conversation book and DVD. Then they do a dialogue from memory in class, said student Santiago Escobar.

Marpe’s reason for the Chinese emphasis is that “it is an important language for business, but also an important language for all of us.” He has hopes that the course will position SMU for the future—a future containing strong business development in China.

Escobar is taking this course for just that reason. He said that China has recently passed Japan in economic standing, which declares it as the second largest economy in the world.

“As that continues, there’s going be a point that we’re going to have to deal more with China, even more than we do today,” Escobar said.

Rachel Luetmer, the only non-business major in the class, is also aware of China’s increasing power in business, but that is not the reason she is taking this course.

“I really like the language, and I think it’s fun to learn the culture,” she said.

Although Luetmer is taking the course because of her own interest, she realizes the practicality of the course. “It’s one of the biggest countries right now for our business,” said Luetmer. “I think it’s really important to know the language.”

Chao hopes students will use the words and sentences they learn in class so they can communicate with Chinese people, which Chao believes is the most important part. “This is why we learn languages,” said Chao, “to communicate.”

Students lobby for grant money at 'Day at the Capitol' event

By Riley Brown
Cardinal Staff

Saint Mary’s University students will take their annual trip to the Minnesota State Capitol on Thursday, March 31 to advocate for the Minnesota State Grant Program to make college tuition more affordable.

“Day at the Capitol” is an event put on by the Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC) that provides students a chance to talk to two of their state legislators regarding the Minnesota State Grant Program, said Kevin Halpin, student senate vice president for external affairs.

The need for state funding is important now more than ever, as a current shortfall of 18,000 students are not getting grants they otherwise would have, said Halpin. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton must cut budget costs to fill a $6.1 billion deficit, putting student grants at risk. Despite the deficit, Dayton said he would support grant funding.

Currently, SMU’s tuition cost is $29,506 yearly, but with the grant program, some students pay around half of that amount. According to the MPCC, 25 percent of college students come from families with incomes below $50,000, and MPCC provides 80,000 Minnesota students with grants—60,000 of whom are enrolled in private colleges.

“State Grant funds help one out of four Minnesota college students, making it possible for them to earn the degrees that will prepare them to contribute to the state’s economic success,” said Paul Pribbenow, board chair for the MPCC.

SMU students who wish to participate in “Day at the Capitol” take a free bus ride to the Capitol, which leaves at 7:30 a.m. the day of the event. Students will arrive at the Capitol around 10 a.m. and undergo a brief training before meeting with their state legislators to share experiences.

Students who attend will “get to inform lawmakers and gain a greater understanding of state politics and civic engagement,” said Ali Kremer, student senate president. Additionally, this year students attending “Day at the Capitol” will have the option to go on tours of the Capitol put on by the Minnesota Historical Society and tours of the Capitol’s media facilities. A free Perkins breakfast will also be provided, along with $10 for lunch. The bus will return to SMU at 4:30 p.m.

On March 29, MPCC representative Dennis Eagan will provide a training and information session prior to Day at the Capitol’s lobby. Free pizza will be included.

For more information or to sign up for Day at the Capitol, e-mail Kevin Halpin at Registration will be held March 14-18.

Community to celebrate, remember and fight back at 'Relay for Life'

By Becca Sandager
News Editor

Saint Mary’s University will host its fourth annual Relay for Life event from 7:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. on Friday, March 18 to Saturday, March 19 in the Gostomski Fieldhouse.

Organized by SMU’s Colleges Against Cancer, Relay for Life is a 12-hour walk to raise cancer awareness, celebrate people who have battled or are battling cancer, remember those lost to cancer and fight back against the disease. Teams comprised of students, faculty and staff will join together to raise funds for the American Cancer Society and will spend the night walking around SMU’s indoor track to represent the 24-hour fight that is cancer.

“Most people know someone who is affected by cancer,” said Kristina Empanger, co-president of Colleges Against Cancer and Relay committee co-chair. “People should recognize how severe this disease is.”

This year’s Relay theme, based on the American Cancer Society’s slogan, is “Imagine a World with More Birthdays. I’m Making it Happen.” Activities planned throughout the night center around birthday-party themed games such as musical chairs, a piñata and pin the tail on the donkey. The night will also feature performances by a student band and the SMU Dance Team, along with a silent auction and bingo.

Currently, 26 teams are signed up, and over $5,500 has been raised. Last year, the event brought in more than $20,000 and 250 people.

“You relay for the people you love, or even for those you don’t know,” said Empanger. “It’s just a great time to come together and support each other.”

Students, faculty, staff and the surrounding SMU community are encouraged to attend Relay for Life and are welcome to stay for as much or as little time as their schedules allow, said Empanger. To view SMU’s Relay for Life progress, go to If you would like to be recognized as a survivor or for more information, contact Kristina Empanger at, Kaitlin Wermerskirchen at or Alison Hill at

T.E.C. retreats help students grow in faith and community

By Santiago J. Escobar
Cardinal Staff

“An eye opening experience,” “An opportunity to examine and grow in your faith” and “Becoming part of a bigger community” are some of the reactions heard from students around Saint Mary’s University who have been part of a Together Encountering Christ (T.E.C.) retreat.

SMU will host its 64th annual T.E.C. retreat from Friday, April 1 to Sunday, April 3. T.E.C. is a three-day weekend retreat based on the Paschal Mystery: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Volunteers who have previously gone on a T.E.C. retreat organize the weekend. Lynn Streefland, assistant director of campus ministry, calls T.E.C. “a transforming experience for all. No matter where we are in our faith journey, the T.E.C. weekend provides conversations and reflections that help you grow in a special way.”

Every T.E.C. experience is unique, and all participants experience the message of the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ through participation in music, discussions, talks, prayer, scripture, liturgy and celebration. Each of the three days of the retreat also has a central theme. "Die Day", the first day, has participants reflect on many different aspects of their lives, focusing on better relationships with God, the self and others. On "Rise Day", or the second day, participants celebrate the presence of God's love in their lives. "Go Day" is the third day, on which participants recognize and prepare to carry forth the message of Jesus Christ.

To take part in T.E.C., students must fill out an application from the Office of Campus Ministry, located in the basement of the Michael H. Toner Student Center. Applications can also be found on the bulletin board on the first floor of Saint Mary’s Hall. The application due date is March 17. For more information, contact Lynn Streefland at ex. 7329 or

Business Office raises funds for 'Feed My Starving Children'

By Andrea Allis
Copy Editor

The Saint Mary’s University Business Office has entered as a team for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a charity event that will take place in Winona on March 26, according to Cindy Marek, vice president for financial affairs.

According to its website, FMSC is a Christian non-profit organization based in Minnesota that puts on events to raise money for meals for children all over the world who suffer from hunger. FMSC has “partnerships with major global distribution nonprofits and imbedded missionaries” which helps it achieve widespread distribution of meals to those in need.

Each team in an FMSC event may consist of up to 20 members and must raise $750 by a deadline. On that day, volunteers pack meals to be sent to children in need. “We’re really excited for the big day,” said Marek.

In order to raise funds for the event, the Business Office has been working together to hand-make greeting cards to sell to the SMU community. Their first venture was Valentine’s Day cards. “The response was above and beyond what we expected,” said Marek. “We raised close to $400.”

They have made many greeting cards for other occasions that are currently for sale at the Business Office windows in the basement of Saint Mary’s Hall. Jars for donations are also placed in the windows.

Marek said she heard about Feed My Starving Children through an email from the Winona Rotary stating that FMSC was planning an event in Winona. “We were looking for a team-building experience for the office, and I thought this would be perfect,” said Marek. “Everyone [in the Business Office] is very enthusiastic about doing it; I didn’t have to sell the idea at all.”

Kabara Institute sponsors business competitions

By Emma Stenzel
Cardinal Staff

Saint Mary’s University students have the opportunity to create and present business plans and compete for cash prizes in this semester’s Business Plan Competition and Elevator Pitch Competition, both sponsored by the Kabara Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies.

The Fourth Annual Business Plan Competition will allow students to develop a business plan for a business they would like to start. The plan must include an executive summary, concept statement, preliminary marketing plan, discussion of operating considerations, anticipated startup costs and references for sources used.

Undergraduate students of all majors are encouraged to participate and may compete as an individual or as a team of two students. Business majors and non-business majors compete in separate divisions.

Submissions for the Business Plan Competition are due Tuesday, March 15, to Teresa Speck, business professor ( Judges will consider the creativity of the business plans, the feasibility of the proposed project and the comprehensiveness of the plans. The Kabara Institute will award the winners with cash prizes.

“The Business Plan Competition allows students of every major to use their creativity and put their ideas down on paper,” said Speck. “They build the skills that help them become good employees.”

The Elevator Pitch Competition was held on Thursday, Feb. 3, where students created an idea for a new business or event and had only 90 seconds (the length of a typical elevator ride) to convince a panel of judges to invest in their business plan. A panel of judges, comprised of business faculty members, considered the feasibility and creativity of each idea and the enthusiasm and professionalism of the presentation.

Top prizes were awarded to Joe Richards, philosophy and marketing major; Becca Sandager, electronic publishing major; and Brian Dillon, accounting major. The Kabara Institute awarded a total of $500 to the Elevator Pitch contestants.

Trevor Hall, the director of the Kabara Institute, believes that the Elevator Pitch can help students of any major develop the skills and abilities to succeed after college.

“Students ask themselves, ‘How do I find a job? How do I network?’” said Hall. “With the Elevator Pitch Competition, they get to meet people and speak to people with conviction and strength. They learn how to make people want to hire them.”

The Kabara Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies was established by Dr. Jon Kabara, ’48, and his wife Betty in 2005. The institute aims to instill a passion for entrepreneurship in students, regardless of their major field of study and to provide opportunities for students to experience entrepreneurship first-hand.

“We want the Kabara Institute to be a resource for all students to explore the idea of being an entrepreneur,” said Hall. “No matter what your major is, entrepreneurial and innovative thinking benefits everyone.”

For more information about the Kabara Institute, the Business Plan Competition or the Elevator Pitch Competition, contact Teresa Speck ( or Trevor Hall (

RA or DJ? Sinn does both

By Lauren Rothering
Editor in Chief

Strobe lights, dancing boys in boxers and Hannah Montana posters are probably not common sights in most all-male, freshman dorms. But for Benilde resident assistant (RA) Riley Sinn, they mean just another day on the job.

This is Sinn’s first year as an RA, having been in Benidle since August 2010. As an RA, Sinn encounters many different situations on a daily basis, many times unexpected and unusual.

“I think the weirdest thing that has happened to me is opening my door to two of my residents dancing in their boxers holding a heart in front of them then asking if I would be their Valentine,” said Sinn.

The unexpected does not stop in the hallway, though. First-time visitors to Sinn’s room are often taken aback by his decorations.

“The first thing most people notice when they come in is my Hannah Montana Rock Sensation banner,” said Sinn. “I have 8 different club lights in my room, strobe lights, lasers, color wheels, a siren and more. A lot of the lights go to the beat of the music, and are all hooked up to a control panel on my desk. My room also has surround-sound speakers, and plenty of fans to keep it nice and cool during dance parties. If I can, I would love the chance to throw a dance at this school.”

However, being an RA is not all about dancing and DJ’s. As an RA in Benilde, Sinn is part of the larger Benilde, Gilmore Creek and St. Yon’s staff. Sinn, along with his seven other staff members, does programming and duty rounds in all three buildings. Each building holds different genders and grade levels and has their own unique character, said Sinn.

“Benilde is, well, interesting and you never know what will happen. Gilmore always has someone in the lounge watching a movie or playing games. Then there is Yon’s which is a ghost town, and you normally see only about two or three people while you’re there,” said Sinn.

Though there are many parts of the job that Sinn enjoys, he also acknowledges a certain amount of sacrifice that comes with the position.

“My least favorite part of the job has to be that I lose my identity a lot, and people see me as an RA, not as Riley. No one really knows you, they just know you as an RA,” said Sinn.

Despite all the unusual, weird and challenging parts of being an RA, Sinn, like many RA’s, does find a sense of personal fulfillment in his work.

“I became an RA because I wanted to meet more people and get experience with working with college kids. Also it is a really rewarding job; I like helping people a lot,” said Sinn.

Resident assistants build community in halls

Jenna Capelle
Feature Editor

Junior theology major Ellen Bina is the resident assistant for the women in Vlazny Hall. Bina enjoys getting to know her residents’ needs and helping them individually. She likes to be a resource and to be available for students when they have decisions to make, big or small.

“As a resident assistant, I feel that I am a link between the university and student body,” said Bina.

Bina returned as a resident assistant for a second year because she had a great experience last year. Apart from her resident assistant responsibilities, she is an intern with Saint Mary’s Press. She also leads retreats with the leadership program for the Office of Campus Ministry.

“Whatever personality or dynamic you are, Residence Life needs you,” said Bina. “There’s a niche for every type of person.”

Jackie Jones is a sophomore double majoring in human services and psychology. As a resident assistant in Saint Edward’s Hall, Jones has developed great friendships with her fellow Resident Life staff and the residents in her building.

“It’s not always easy telling people what they don’t want to hear. I’m not the most assertive person but I’ve learned how to show authority when dealing with documenting residents,” said Jones.

In addition to being a resident assistant, Jones is a member of the Psychology Club, Ballroom Dance, and volunteers at the Humane Society of Winona.

Matt Tessmer, sophomore outfield player for the SMU baseball team, is a resident assistant in Saint Edward’s Hall. He’s a secondary education major with an emphasis in math. Tessmer’s responsibilities are to assist residents when they have questions and watch over the building when he’s on duty once per week and on the weekends.

The commitment of being a resident assistant has helped Tessmer manage his time better with classes and baseball practice. He decided to become a resident assistant because he thought it looked like a great opportunity to learn from a variety of people.

“The focus of Residence Life is community building,” said Bina.

To ensure this, resident assistants host programs for their residents to meet up and take a break from homework. The Residence Life staff for Saint Edward’s and Vlazny hosted a Super Bowl program for the residents, said Tessmer.

The programs have varied between different activities such as baking cookies, volunteering together and tours of sophomore dorms. Some programs are planned well in advanced and others are spontaneous, catering to what the residents want, said Jones.

For information about becoming a resident assistant in the future, visit the Residence Life Office in the basement of the Michael H. Toner Student Center.

Resident assistants are regular students, too

By Sarah McDonough
Co-Managing and Advertising editor

Junior Amanda Van Leeuwe may seem like your typical Resident Assistant – involved on campus and friendly to new faces, but there is much more about this Education major then meets the eye.

For starters, Van Leeuwe grew up on a farm and continues to work on her family’s corn and soy bean crops when she goes home for breaks. The time commitment and dedication that go along with the stamina to farm has taught Van Leeuwe many lessons.

“I learned an appreciation for people; on a farm you depend on a lot of people,” said Van Leeuwe.

One element of her job as a first floor RA for the all-female dorm, Skemp, is that she enjoys the opportunity to meet new people.

“I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet [the residents] otherwise, which is a sad thing because there are a lot of really cool people here.”

Third floor Skemp resident, Gabriela Limonciello, had the same reaction regarding fellow residents.

“It’s nice living in an all girls dorm because we all go through the same stuff and you end up living next to your close friends,” said Limonciello. “It’s like a sorority here.”

Besides hanging out with friends, Van Leeuwe spends her time preparing to be a teacher by helping tutor fellow SMU students in the area of math and government. She also helps in the basement of the McHenry Library for the 1st through 6th grade Literacy Clinic that takes place there during the week.

“I like to help people and always loved school and learning. I want to help people enjoy school and with teaching you can influence so many lives that you couldn’t with any other job.”

'Day at the Capitol' important for all students

By Kevin Halpin
Guest Writer

Thousands of college students from Minnesota lost a key part of their financial aid packages this year. Higher than expected demand meant that the need-based aid the state of Minnesota provides through the State Grant program had to be rationed. Rationing meant that many lost grants — and the remainder of grants shrunk.

Saint Mary’s isn’t the only university where students felt the impact. State Grant awards help one out of four Minnesota college students, whether they go to public or private institutions, whether they are earning a two-year or a four-year degree.

We need to prevent that kind of rationing next year. The budget that the Minnesota Legislature and Gov. Mark Dayton finalize this spring should fully fund the State Grant program; that way we can avoid a repeat of this year’s rationing and cuts. It would require $14 million more for next year, up from $145 million.

Yes, Minnesota faces a massive budget deficit, one that some combination of cuts to many programs and new revenues will have to address. Yet our request for additional State Grant funding still makes sense. Despite all the economic turmoil, Minnesota needs to keep making longer-term investments, ones that will sustain the region for the long haul. And investing in future college graduates — graduates who will be able to help drive this economy forward — is just the kind of investment we need to make.

The importance of having a college degree is only going to grow. And as the share of our state’s high schoolers who come from lower-income families increases, the State Grant program helps keep open the doors to opportunity. But the State Grant pays returns that go far beyond the families of the recipients; sustaining the state’s supply of college graduates is good for the whole state.

On March 31, Saint Mary’s will be participating the annual “Day at the Capitol”. This event provides students an invaluable opportunity to meet face-to-face with legislators to share stories about the importance of keeping college affordable.

If you’re interested in this issue, visit That’s the website of the Minnesota Private College Council, which includes Saint Mary’s. You can find out more there about the State Grant program, what is going on in St. Paul and how you can get involved, including by coming to the Capitol to meet with your legislators. E-mail for more information about attending this year’s Day at the Capitol event.

Outstanding Senior Candidates of 2011

Hilary Ethen

Major: K-8 Elementary Education with a Math concentration
SMU Activities: OMN, S.O.U.L, T.E.C., ASCD, Residence Life, Relay for Life, Mass Choir, KDP, Intramurals, Women’s Tennis, SMU Volunteer Services, Student Leadership Program Team, Students for Life, ITA Literacy Clinic, Lasallian Collegians, Habitat for Humanity, Ambassadors & Outdoor Club
Advice for underclassman: “As cliché as it sounds, ‘make every second count.’ Enjoy the bluffs, the people, and yes, even the caf food because before you know it, they’ll become distant memories to relish in for years to come!”

Jennifer Koezly

Majors: Chemistry, Engineering Physics
SMU Activities: Senior Class officer, Women’s Lacrosse Club, Physics and Astronomy Club, Chemistry Club, Academic Skills Center Tutor, T.E.C. Retreat leader, S.O.U.L.
Advice for underclassmen: “College is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I would encourage all students to fully engage in their academic endeavors, become involved with campus organizations, and share life with their fellow classmates. Realize what a gift this time is– it goes by so fast!”

Ali Kremer

Majors: Public Relations, Sociology
SMU Activities: Student Senate, Students for Life, New Student Orientation leader, various Campus Ministry activities (Outreach Retreats, T.E.C. retreats, volunteering at St. Anne’s Nursing Home, liturgical ministries, etc), Phonathon, Alumni and Development Office student worker, Senior Class Gift Committee
Advice for underclassman: “Give your entire being to what you do during your time here and don't be afraid to passionately lay your life down in service of others. Most importantly, never cease to fight for all that is true, good and beautiful.”

Sami Traxler

Major: Public Relations
SMU Activities: SAC president, Student Senate, Volunteer Mentors, Taylor Richmond Benefit Dance Committee, SMU Admissions Ambassador, Phonothon, T.E.C.
Advice for underclassman: “Climb to the rock, go sledding in the bluffs, try-out for Blue Angel or Gaslight, join SAC and don't stress out so much that you miss how fun college can be!”

Libby Perkins

Major: Human Services
SMU Activities: Captain of Women’s Lacrosse Club, facilitator for Peace and Justice Club, Volunteer Mentor-Volunteer Services, Senior Class Gift Committee, Choir
Advice for underclassman: “Take advantage of all the opportunities for involvement that Saint Mary’s gives you. By getting involved I have been able to grow individually in many aspects of my life- spiritually, socially, and academically. More importantly the relationships that I have built with students, professors and staff have enabled me to discover a better sense of who I am, what I believe in and how I can transform and empower others to believe the same.”

Santiago Escobar

Major: Sport Management, International Business, Spanish
SMU Activities: Resident Assistant, Admissions Ambassador, Liturgical Choir, T.E.C., S.O.U.L., Habitat for Humanity, Cardinal Newspaper, TRBD Committee, SMU Centennial Celebration Committee, SAC, Academic Skills Center tutor, Ultimate Frisbee, fencing, Intramurals, Knights of Columbus, ICAA
Advice for underclassman: “Take advantage of all the activities and opportunities that are offered around campus. Then, learn to have the right balance between them while focusing on academics.”

Lukas Holland

Major: Social Science
SMU Activities: Men’s Basketball, Flood Relief volunteer, SMU Kids Day volunteer, Cardinal Athletic Council, Little Cardinals Basketball Camp, Presidential focus group for campus improvement, Blue Angel participant, Battle of the Bands participant
Advice for underclassmen: “Step out of your comfort zone every once in a while to experience something new. It will be those moments (and the people you experience them with) that will make your time in college memorable, so don’t hesitate to venture off from what you’re accustomed to.”

Benton Kodet

Major: English Education
SMU Activities: Cross Country, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Resident Assistant, Intramurals
Advice for underclassmen: “Get yourself out there. Your education is the most important part of college, but you need to get yourself involved with other things to experience the true college experience.”

Sean Ohl

Major: Biology - Pre Med
SMU Activities: Resident Assistant (3 years), president of the Tri-Beta National Biological Honors Society Gamma Epsilon Chapter, Varsity Baseball Team (07-08)
Advice for underclassmen: “Use your time at SMU to try new things, make great memories and put yourself out there, but never forget that graduation is a short four years away. Make sure you use your time at SMU to organize and prepare for the future, involving yourself in as many internships and real-world experiences as you can find.”

Dan Streefland

Major: Theology
SMU Activities: Intramurals, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Volunteer Mentor (3 years), Liturgical Choir, Ropes Course facilitator, Student Senate (2 years), Class Officer (2 years), Senior Class Gift Committee
Advice for underclassman: “Get to know your professors and the staff on a personal level; their knowledge of life is as valuable as the knowledge they teach from a textbook. Allow yourself to be frustrated by the intensity of submersing into your studies; knowledge is your friend.”

Ryan Wockenfus

Major: Elementary Education
SMU Activities: Men's Varsity Basketball, Men's Varsity Track and Field, KSMR programming director
Advice for underclassman: “College provides so many opportunities in a variety of areas. Take full advantage of these opportunities and make your time at Saint Mary's the greatest of your life. Ask questions, be active, and most importantly, enjoy yourself!”

Fireside 2011 lights up the stage

By Alexa Wallick
Cardinal Staff

Students, faculty, and family members gathered around candle-lit tables Feb 11-12 while enjoying refreshments and pie as they watched Saint Mary’s University students put on a coffee-house style performance.

Fireside, sponsored by the sisters of Sigma Alpha Iota, annually plays to a full audience in the Common Room in Saint Mary’s Hall. The show consisted of 19 acts, each performer putting their own twist on songs such as “Your Love is my Drug” by Ke$ha and even “Quit Playing Games with My Heart” by the Backstreet Boys. Katie Keck and Chad Divine, the emcees for the show, were not only hilarious, but also had a few musical acts up their sleeves.

The show was run and performed entirely by students. The show is a great fundraiser for the female fraternity and is a visible demonstration of the hard work and effort singers, performers and musicians put into the show.

Chamber singers to perform in Rome over spring break

By Trisha Stachowski
Cardinal Staff

The Saint Mary’s University Chamber Singers will be touring in Rome, Italy March 5-14 during spring break.

Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choirs, Patrick O’Shea, explained that the Chamber Singers go on an international tour every other year. According to O’Shea, “the students expressed an interest in Rome and the Christian Brothers have an institution in Rome, so there is a connection to [SMU].” While in Rome, the students will have an opportunity to sightsee both individually and as a group when they are not busy performing, stated O’Shea. The Chamber Singers will perform one complete concert and three liturgies while in Rome.

Previously, the Chamber Singers have traveled to Paris, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Colorado, Saint Louis and New England, said O’Shea. The Chamber Singers try to work in local performances prior to departing on their international tours. O’Shea explained that the Chamber Singers have performed in Chicago as well as the Twin Cities on the day prior to their departure.

The Chamber Singers will be performing the same set list when they return to the U.S. The free concert will be held Thursday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels.

In addition, the Chamber Singers will be releasing a CD soon. The CD will feature all of the music that was to be performed at the “Lessons and Carols” concert, that was cancelled due to a snowstorm.

First 'International Week' held

By Jessica LaCanne
Arts and Entertainment Editor

In order to celebrate international students and students who have had international experiences, Saint Mary’s University held its first International Week from Feb. 14-19.

Although there was an international showcase last year, 2011 was the first year to celebrate for an entire week, said Laura Schmidt, director of Student Activities. According to Schmidt, International Week included faculty discussions, international dance lessons, a yoga session, viewing of the film “Babies,” a fair and the showcase.

Discussion topics included global warming, Palestine, and unrest in the Sudan, said Schmidt. The Ballroom Dance Club provided lessons and the Yoga Club sponsored a yoga session. “Babies” told the story of four babies, one from Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco and Tokyo, said Schmidt.

The International Fair, held in the cafeteria, displayed items and photos from international students’ home country. Students who studied abroad could also highlight their experience through photos or souvenirs, Schmidt said.

Beginning in November, both students and faculty helped organize International Week. “Faculty included Chris Kendall, Bob Fisher, Brit Wagner, Lance Thompson, and myself,” said Schmidt. Students who helped include Yiyun Wang, Long Chen and Jessica Alcazar.

“I think this year was a good start,” said Schmidt. “I'm hoping next year that students will understand the importance of International Week and the countless opportunities there are to discover all things international during this week.”

SMU duo leaves basketball program with memories on and off the court

By Alex Conover
Sports Editor

Saint Mary’s University men’s basketball top ten scorers of all time welcomed two new members in 2011.

After playing their last games as Cardinals, SMU added Will Wright and Lukas Holland to that elite club. The seniors will graduate sitting at the fourth and ninth spots, respectively.

The duo’s scoring statistics are incredible; Will maintained a 17.7 scoring average throughout his career, and Lukas is No. 1 all time in 3-point shots made (141). From a purely scoring standpoint, they could be each considered one of the best that the program has seen since Donald Jordan graduated in 1996.

Statistics aside, anyone associated with SMU basketball will tell you that their careers were marked more by the relationships that they built rather than how many points they scored.

“What’s very important is that they are glad they came to SMU and that they made good friends,” said SMU coach Todd Landrum. “They will be good alumni, and they will continue to care about SMU.”

Both players — who have remained great friends since living in the same freshman wing at Benilde Hall — agreed that the best thing about playing at SMU was the people around them.

“The people I met had to be the best part,” said Holland. “Every day at practice and every road trip was a new experience. They made my time here what it was.”

Wright echoed similar feelings about his teammates.

“I loved the team in general,” said Wright. “It was great how close we were as a team — especially the six seniors who came in together.”

Holland’s top memory from playing at SMU was last year’s historic win at home over Gustavus Adolphus College — a team that the Cardinals had not beaten in nearly 20 years.

Wright mentioned this year’s holiday tournament as his favorite moment, as he made a buzzer-beater to beat Illinois College in the championship game.

After college, the two seniors plan to go on very different paths.

“I have been talking with my coaches about some opportunities to play basketball overseas,” said Wright. “That’s my plan right now. My long-term plan is to use my major in accounting to find a career.”

Holland, who has emerged as a musical talent this year in campus events like Blue Angel and Battle of the Bands, is going to take his talents to the west coast.

“I’m moving out to Los Angeles,” said Holland. “I’ll live with my brother out there and look for a job. I want to live a fun life while I can.”

When asked about what the future may hold for these two, their coach was optimistic that they can excel at many things besides basketball.

“Basketball was just one of the things that they liked to do,” said coach Landrum. “They are both very well-rounded. They see the big picture.”

Braving the cold: cross-country skiing

By Nick Bravos
Cardinal Staff

Minnesota winters do not hinder cross-country skiers—in fact, they’re probably the only ones who do not want an early spring.

The trail system in the bluffs has been described as one of the finest in the Midwest, and on Jan. 30, SMU hosted 100 participants in the seventh annual 10K cross-country ski race. Not only do the trails bring together skiers of all ages, styles and talents, but they are also a hot spot in the warmer months for hiking and running.

Since the mid-1970s, skiers in Brother John Grover’s month-long classical skiing class have cruised the trails in the bluffs.

For the past 40 years, Grover has found his passion in cross-country skiing, and can be seen powering out the trails. “I go every day when I can; there’s no better exercise,” said Grover.

SMU’s Environmental Awareness Center (EAC) holds an arsenal of outdoor equipment such as skis, ski boots, tents, sleeping bags, canoes, kayaks, and snowshoes that are free to rent with a student ID. “There have been times where the ski equipment is almost completely checked out,” Grover said.

Most of the equipment in the EAC is donated from within the community, and the money Grover makes from his class goes towards new equipment. “So, really, I don’t get paid for the class, it’s just a hobby,” said Grover.

Every year, 7,000-8,500 other skiing enthusiasts from all across the nation gather in Wisconsin for the American Birkebeiner. “The Birkie” is North America’s largest cross-country ski marathon stretching from Cable to Hayward, Wis.; it spans 50K (31 miles) for skaters, and 54K (34 miles) for classical skiers.

“There are fewer than 30 of us who have completed the 54K Birkie more than 32 times,” Grover said. Veterans like Grover “get to wear a special golden bib during the race.”

Beginning in 1976, Brother Jerome Rademacher carved out and groomed the trails in the bluffs known as Yon’s Valley into the “35-year work in progress it is today,” Grover said, “around 16K.”

Two years ago, Rademacher’s battle with supranuclear palsy became severe, causing him to now reside at St. Anne Extended Healthcare. In Rademacher’s absence, Winona’s Nordic Ski Club has stepped in to help take care of grooming.

Before Rademacher took his leave for health reasons, skiers could see him doing what he loves: grooming the trails with his tractor and skiing. SMU has its own grooming tractor, or Piston Bully, that runs up and through the bluffs with a sled behind it to manipulate and compact the snow. “We also have two snowmobiles with different sleds that compacts and creates grooves,” Grover said.

Women's hockey misses playoffs

By Julianne Bartosz
Cardinal Staff

The final puck has dropped for the Saint Mary’s University women’s hockey team, as their 4-2 loss on Feb. 26 against St. Olaf will keep them out of the playoffs.

Throughout the season, it was hard to tell who would earn their berth for the post-season conference tournament. The standings remained close, coming down to the final series of the season. For the second year in a row, SMU’s playoff chances relied on their final conference competition against St. Olaf.

Last year, St. Olaf barely squeezed into the playoff season, only to knock SMU out. This year, the Cardinals were ready for action in hopes of a successful season.

The Cardinals, coached by Terry Mannor, returned with their core players from last season. Adding to that, the 26-player roster consisted of 16 new players, all freshmen. The young talent of the team stepped up for the challenges that the Cardinals faced. In fact, freshman Haley Coolsaet led the Cardinals in goals this season. Not far behind her were returning players junior Nicole Olson and sophomore Erin Stenseth.

To balance the Cardinals’ offense, SMU’s goalies were key to the success that SMU came away with this season. Sophomore Kaye Collier returned to the ice alongside freshman Sarah Gustafson. Collier’s big saves throughout the season ranked her among the MIAC’s top goalies in regards to average goals against, save percentage and win percentage. Also, Gustafson led the MIAC as the No. 1 goalie with save percentage for a good portion of the season.

Despite their loss, the Cardinals will continue to build off of every season and keep Cardinal pride alive at SMU.