Thursday, November 8, 2007

Recent smoking ban: a smoker's response

By Sean O’Brien
News Editor

Hello, my name is Sean O’Brien, and I am a cigarette smoker. These days, this kind of statement will get you an assortment of questions ranging from, “Why would you ever do something like that?” to “Do you know what is in those things?” I agree, after all the research that has been conducted over the years, that these questions are warranted. I would never argue with someone, nor would any smoker I know, about the health risks associated with smoking. While I wouldn’t argue its health risks, I will, however, argue against all those who seem to ‘have it in’ for all smokers everywhere.

The apparent attitude in America is one that ostracizes and guilt trips smokers for the sins of the cigarette companies. It seems that because I smoke, I have obviously been a part of giving every person lung cancer that has ever been diagnosed with it, and I personally went to schools and yelled for every school child to immediately pick up smoking. Enter the smoking ban. Now, as a smoker, I am being punished for all those crimes by not being able to enjoy my perfectly legal product when I’m inside.

Personally, I agree that those who work in the food service industries shouldn’t have to be exposed to that kind of secondhand smoke to earn a living. I agree that the smell of cigarettes is not exactly pleasant, and I agree that there needed to be a step taken.

What I don’t agree with is that I am personally somehow responsible for any of that considering we live in a country that pours pollutants in to the air in amazing amounts, and overall treats its environment like crap. As a smoker, I am sick of people looking at me with various emotions from contempt to disgust; if you have a problem, take it up with the cigarette companies. Instead of doing that, though, cigarettes are banned, smokers are unhappy, and bar owners everywhere are seeing their regular crowds dwindle away slowly.

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