Thursday, November 8, 2007

SMU presents volunteer fair

By Ellen Jordan
Cardinal Staff

On Tuesday, Nov. 6, Saint Mary’s University invited volunteer organizations to inform and recruit students at the annual long term volunteer fair.

Volunteer programs from across the United States were present, including Amate House, Christian Appalachian Project, Christian Brothers, Dominican Workers, Lasallian Volunteers, Mercy Corps, Net Ministries, Passionist International, St. Joseph Workers, and Winona Catholic Worker.

The array of programs gave students the option to determine a program that would best suit their needs and wants. Senior Amy Kalina said, “I really don’t know what my post graduation plans are, but I am glad Saint Mary’s sponsors events like this to help me determine if long-term volunteering is an option that I should consider.”

Rebecca Sallee, assistant director for Campus Ministry, is responsible for recruiting the organizations for the fair. Sallee said she knows the value of volunteering and the benefits students can gain from it. She said, “The reason I am so anxious to recruit programs to visit is because I think Saint Mary’s campus is filled with wonderful students who are offered the chance to serve in the many volunteer programs that are offered throughout the year. This sends a strong message to people.”

A specific program in which SMU graduates have volunteered in the past is Lasallian Volunteers. Seth Whetzel recruits students for the program every semester by attending Mass and making classroom visits.

“Saint Mary’s University is an excellent school to recruit,” said Whetzel. “Currently we have ten graduates from the university in the program. Each year about 20 percent of the volunteers are from the [SMU] Winona campus.”

According to Sallee, the SMU community and the Lasallian values it places on service often helps to inspire students to make a difference.

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