Friday, December 5, 2008

WHINSEC needs to be closed

By Robby McGuire
Cardinal Staff

Thousands of years ago, primitive man would resort to violence because he had no other tool. In nature, two bucks may fight over a prospective mate because they have no other means by which to solve the dispute. I’m here to argue that we as human beings have evolved past this. We currently have the tools and means necessary to move toward global peace. The problem, I fear, is that no country is willing to take the first step.

America is the world’s lone superpower and, like it or not, we hold the power to set a positive influence on the rest of the world. Yet, we are refusing to move forward. Instead, we continue to build and exercise our military power. Through WHINSEC, we are even attempting to build the military of countries nearby. It is simply hypocritical to promote peace while we stand by the sword.

WHINSEC is teaching democracy in a militarized setting. Its purpose is: “To promote democratic values and enhance hemispheric security.” This is truly a noble cause, but teaching democracy inside a fort is akin to learning about engines from a used car salesman.

Democracy is about the power of the voice, not the power of the rifle. It simply cannot be taught side by side with a semi-automatic machine gun as it is done at WHINSEC. Guns promote feelings of fear and strike terror into the heart. A gun can serve no purpose other than to intimidate, injure and kill the mind, body and spirit of a being. Democracy thrives on hope, peace and an absence of fear.

We must put down our guns. We must alleviate the fear. We must close WHINSEC. We must use the power of our voices to bring the world together. We cannot afford to tear the world apart with fear and violence any longer.

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