Friday, December 11, 2009

Student responds to Chartwells editorial

Cardinal Staff

In response to the opinion article printed last issue, I have my own opinion to put forth. I understand some students’ frustrations with changing menus and policies, as it can disrupt that which is just fine for those individuals.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Well, unfortunately in the food service arena, it turns out that it is quite difficult to please every single person. In fact, it is impossible. Trust me. I have almost four years experience in the food industry (aside from my current work with Chartwells). With this in mind, I am sorry that not everyone gets what they want all the time, but sometimes
that’s just the way it is.

Further, I personally believe that the food quality and service has not deteriorated in the past few years. Admittedly, this is my third year here at Saint Mary’s University, not my fourth. I too am a senior, however. This means I transferred in from another institute for higher education with its own food service enterprise.

Not only do I feel that the food quality and service have improved with Chartwells, I feel that it is immensely better than the school I previously attended. I am not the only one who thinks this way either. Maybe all of my friends are weird, but nearly everyone I have talked to agrees with me on this. Food at Chartwells has improved and is the best it has been in three years.

Finally, I personally have seen that there is a common cultural attitude of entitlement among SMU students regarding many things like food service. Hey, I know that we are spending a lot of money to be here and we pay for quality food. Trust me, I get that. However, an overwhelming majority of students here have not had the same life experiences that I have been blessed with.

Now, I am not saying that I am better or smarter for my years outside of college, but I do have a different perspective — one that I hope is more realistic. Frankly, life outside of “Saint Mary’s Resort” can be tough, and for the price we really pay for food, the quality and service and health options are unbeatable. Basically, all I am saying is that we are not appreciative enough of the many ways that we have been blessed by Almighty God, and that we should take some time to reflect on what we do have rather than what we do not.

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