By Ena Moats
Cardinal Staff
The Lillian Davis Hogan Art Gallery, located on the lower level of the Toner Center, now hosts a wide variety pieces created by Saint Mary’s own faculty including Preston Lawing, Matt Winkler, Rob McColl, Roderick Robertson, Lisa Truax, and Tony Calabrese.
Each artist has a collection of pieces displayed, some of which are cohesive and others of varying themes and mediums. Lisa Truax commented, “The faculty show gives the opportunity to try different things and see how they’re going.” Truax has several sculptures in the show made from different materials, including pottery from clay found in her own backyard. All of her work, however, has a common idea of the contrast between nature and human development as explained in her artist’s statement.
The statements of each participant, which can be found in a folder beside the guest book at the front of the gallery, offer a new lens from which to view the art: the unique perspectives coming of the artists themselves. A line from Rob McColl’s, “Past, present, future: all jockeying for attention with the gaze outward from the vortex,” gives insight into what his work is all about. His painting, Annunciation: Kitchen 1990, and his mixed media piece, Annunciation 2014, created twenty four years apart, were contrived from this same idea of emergence.
Also in the gallery, the community can find iPhone photography snapshots by Rod Robertson, unaltered macro photography by Tony Calabrese, location-inspired compositions by Matt Winkler, and oil paintings based on a study abroad trip to Florence, Italy by Preston Lawing.
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