Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ten ways to save energy

By Robby McGuire
Cardinal Staff

Although Energy Challenge Month is almost over, everyone should still think about ways they can continue to conserve energy. Here are a few small ways to “go green.”

1. Turn off the lights!

Lighting accounts for five to 10 percent of national energy use. Turn them off when you can use natural sunlight, if you are leaving the room or simply don’t need them on. Brighten the future, keep things dark.

2. Turn off your electronics when they aren’t in use.

Approximately 75 percent of electricity is consumed by a device while the device is not in direct use. Shut off your laptop at night or while you go to class. Don’t have the TV on unless it is being watched. Shut off your stereo if you leave the room, and unplug your fridge if it is empty.

3. Switch off the faucet.

Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth or shave. This simple technique can save up to five gallons of water a day. Ten, if you are Sasquatch.


4. Use a re-usable water bottle.

An estimated 1.5 million barrels of oil are used each year to make plastic water bottles. Seventy-seven percent of these bottles end up in landfills. Many of these plastic bottles also leak harmful chemicals into their beverage. Drink up to save energy, just do it through a water bottle purchased in the school book store.

5. Make sure your thermostat is turned off.

With spring coming, the need for heating in your rooms is dwindling. Try opening the blinds and letting the sunlight warm your room a bit. Most Eskimos go their entire lives without touching a thermostat.

6. Take advantage of your laptop’s power modes.

Most recent laptops have battery modes, including a power-saving mode. If you are simply checking your email, or writing a paper, try the power-saving mode. Though your paper may require intense brain power, it does not require intense battery power.

7. Try walking.

Spring has sprung, and the weather is making a turn for the better. Take advantage of the rise in temperature and walk to your destination. Instead of driving to the bowling alley, Ground Round or Hy-Vee, get some exercise, use the opportunity to chat with friends and burn off that extra slice of cake.

8. Do things together.

Rather than having four separate TV’s on watching Scrubs or CSI, organize a group to watch together. Bonus if your crush enjoys the show.

9. Recycle.

It takes up to 95 percent less energy to re-create an aluminum can from recycled aluminum. Rather than tossing away your recyclables, trek to your residence hall’s recycling area. Grab your roommate’s recyclables as well.

10. Do not take more than you need for meals.

Yes, it can be a hassle to walk all the way from your seat back to the lunch or dinner line. Regardless, excess food is excess waste. The more food we take, the sooner Chartwells Dining Service needs to re-order. The more frequently they re-order, the more electricity is wasted in the process of getting new food to campus. While two burgers and four slices of pizza may have seemed like a good idea at the time, it may not all fit in your stomach.

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