Monday, May 9, 2011

Ethens strengthen bond at SMU

By Andrea Allis
Copy Editor

While many Saint Mary’s University students are close with their siblings, very few can say that going away to college has made them even closer; Hilary and Dylan Ethen, however, have seen SMU bring them together.

For Hilary, a senior, this is the first year she’s spent at SMU with Dylan, a freshman, and she had nothing but good things to say about the experience.

“My favorite part about having my brother here at SMU is being able to share the college experience with him. It’s a lot of fun to play on the same sports team, go to the same events and have a lot of the same friends,” said Hilary.

Dylan said it was comforting to know that Hilary would be at school with him. Dylan said, “I knew I already had some friends here before my first day on campus.”

Their time here has only strengthened their relationship. “I feel like we’ve grown a lot closer and developed a pretty special bond,” Dylan said. “It’s nice to know that we’re always here for each other.”

Hilary and Dylan said they run into each other fairly often around campus: on the way to class, in the cafeteria, in the plaza. But they also try to set aside time to hang out. “We plan a lunch or dinner every so often, and occasionally we’ll go to a game or event on campus together,” said Hilary.

It’s clear that they both enjoy having each other around. But Dylan’s least favorite part of sharing campus with his big sister? “That everyone knows how much cooler she is than me.”

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