Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Staff Spotlight: Phillip Hull

News Editor

The beginning of Phillip Hull’s career as the director of Study Abroad and as a Career Services associate has been focused on transitioning from a public to private university atmosphere and applying his previous study abroad experience to the Saint Mary’s University program.

“The first six months have been becoming familiar with the ebb-and-flow of the university,” said Hull. “I still feel like
I am in a learning phase.” Hull previously worked in the Study Abroad Office at Emporia State University in Kansas and taught in the English Department there before assuming his current position at SMU in April. Though he never studied abroad in college, Hull has taught in study abroad programs four times and has used that experience in his work with study abroad programs. Based on observations from the teaching and research he has conducted, Hull said study abroad “really does change students and how they view education, examine the world around them and tackle problems.”

Hull also said students who study abroad gain confidence to test out new ideas in the classroom from the small experiences, such as having to navigate through a train station in a foreign language. Studying abroad also allows students to gain different perspectives and recognize that the rest of the world does not think the way people in the United States do, Hull said.

As the new director, Hull has been responsible for advising students about study abroad programs, conducting study abroad orientation for students, updating the website and manuals, marketing and budgeting. As a Career Services associate, Hull will also teach a career exploration class for first and second year students.

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