Friday, February 1, 2013

Movie Review: Tarentino strikes gold with ‘Django’

By Brian L. Thomas
Cardinal Staff

Much of America’s past dating back to the 19th century has left some deep wounds in the hearts of many citizens. When addressing the sensitive and controversial issue of slavery in America, most would rather avoid the topic in fear of being offensive or politically incorrect. 

Director Quentin Tarentino (Pulp Fiction) overcomes this fear for all American moviegoers by tackling the issue of slavery in America with his latest film, Django Unchained, starring Jamie Foxx, Christopher Waltz and Leonardo Dicaprio. 

Django, the main character, is played by Foxx with incredible intensity and bravado. After being freed from slavery, he joins Dr. Schultz (played by Waltz) on a fantastical and heroic adventure of bounty hunting. Written and produced by Tarentino, the film does not make an attempt to skirt around the cultural problems of the time period as both Django and Dr. Schultz encounter the viscous racism of the 19th century South. 

What truly contibutes to the film’s success is Tarentino’s ability to humor audiences with ironic and often sarcastic situations. He does not attempt to dumb down the cultural and ethical issues of slavery. In fact, he does the exact opposite, which permits audiences to see the clear absurdity and feel comfortable. 

With explosive performances from Foxx, Waltz and Dicaprio, Django Unchained just might be the best movie of the year. 

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