Friday, February 22, 2013

Opportunities await at Campus Safety

By Alexi Lund
Feature Editor

Some students apply to work-study jobs to have a part-time job while others have hopes of getting experience in their field of study. Saint Mary’s Campus Safety presents both opportunities for students.

“I applied to Campus Safety to gain more experience in the criminal justice field,” said senior Anna Ramboldt. “Some of the supervisors had been in the law enforcement profession before. I believed I could gain knowledge from them as well.”

Like many new jobs, new skills are learned and developed. While working at campus safety, students learn how to monitor surveillance cameras, use radio communication and respond to different scenarios. 

“I also learned how to interact with different people and how to respond to the ‘not-so-friendly’ ones,” said Ramboldt. “Having the ability to adapt to certain people and situations is important in such a field. All of this has helped prepare me for a career in law enforcement.”

Not all of Campus Safety’s student-workers are criminal justice majors. 

“I’m not a criminal justice major, so it doesn’t have much practicality for my future, but it did teach me a lot about Saint Mary’s,” said junior Regina Barbosa. “I now know about tunnels under Page Theatre and Saint Mary’s Hall, about what time buildings are typically open and about the staff who work here.”

Both students had many reasons for why they enjoy working for Campus Safety. Ramboldt said she “enjoys working with the people I have on my shift and the independence we receive as workers.” 

Both Barbosa and Ramboldt like having the ability to do homework while waiting for calls or going out on duty. 

“It doesn’t always happen if it’s a busy night, but most of the time I’m able to get three hours of homework accomplished,” said Barbosa.

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